Toshiba 2104RE Vertical Instability

Vertical rolling only while watching broadcast. Played a DVD thru external input and it was stable. Any tips greatly apreciated. Thanks

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rogersk8ter ha escrito:

check the tuner's 33v and if need be replace any caps on that line.


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The Tuner is Toshiba TERD1-068A(found nothing in the internet). 33v ? U mean BM pin? I measured as 12v.

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Here is an update. I substitute the Tuner's IF signal from another good tuner but the result is the same--vertical rolling. Guess Im close but still not on it yet. Help appreciated.

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Is there a coupling capacitor in the video path? If there is, it is probably gone down in capacitance, and is rolling off the low frequency response.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
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Michael A. Terrell

Right Micheal, there is 1 or 2 i guess. need to check again. I only take note of the electrolytic caps. Thanks.

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