Marshall AVT275

The front controls board is held to the chassis with standoffs held by push fit ends into holes in the pcb. Then bush nut free pcb mounted pots and push on knobs. Has anyone experienced the board dropping away inside. If the limpet knobs work loose and then a bit of heavy handidness or knocking, the pcb board will pop off.

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Nope, never. I should imagine the standoffs are good at their job.

The knobs normally prevent this and clouting a knobless pot smashes the pot.


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Gareth Magennis


Clouting knobless pots on this would guarantee the board dropping away inside. All that holds the board ,then, is 8 quartered pips into the 8 pcb holes , easy finger force to release . Does make it a doddle to remove the pcb for repair, none of those awkwardly placed triangular catch pieces or screws etc

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I tend to come to conclusions through evidence.

I have seen no evidence so far of what you are proposing actually happening.


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Gareth Magennis







Nothing amiss here either , this pcb not having been dislodged even partially. I've never seen this approach used anywhere else. I could not decide whether it was a neat idea or an accident waiting to happen. Just measured one of these "anchors" , about 5 pounds to dislodge one stand off , so x8 for the whole 15 x 3 inch board, once the knobs were loosened/shifting along the spindles.

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