1984 GE television 19", w/remote

My parents just gave me this and believe it or not, it has hardly been used. It has the ability to use a remote control (they are trying to find it), but right now it is "preprogrammed" to the stations they used. I want to reset it so I can pick up the stations here (using the rabbit ears).

The front has buttons for channel up/down, volume up/down. No dials.

Any idea how to reset this thing? I have schematics but no user's manual....

Thanks for any help you may have.

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If it doesn't have a Menu button you'll need the remote.

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Homer J Simpson

Good news - my dad just wrote and said he found the remote and user's guide. Might be able to use this sucker after all.

Thanks very much everyone who has responded. The internet is a wonderful thing.

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If the thing hasn't been used for a while, I'd keep an eye on it when in use to look for symptoms of failing capacitors etc. In any device with those years on it, a bit of maintenance is probably in order. that said, wait till the need arises and leave well enough alone. Just be aware so you catch it in time. Good luck,


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