What is your development setup on Linux (or equiv)?

I've spent some 25 years developing software on CP/M, various 80s home computers and finally, DOS and Windows. Now (coinciding, ahem, with the release of Vista...) I think it's way past time that I looked at Linux (and perhaps one of the BSDs) as a development platform.

What I'd like to find out is what folks are using to develop on Linux. In particular, what editors or IDEs are you using? And what else would you tell somebody looking to start developing native and cross-platform embedded software on Linux? Many thanks for any comments.


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Mike Silva
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It depends what you're targeting. Are you just desirous of using Linux as your desktop OS, or are you developing for Linux targets, or what? Is the target big enough to run the compiler directly? What micros are you intending to use?

I am working with several micros at the moment, and here are my setups. All of the software that I'm currently running inside MacOS could be run under Linux if desired:

Cell/BE: PlayStation 3 (60GB edition) is the target. I run the compiler on the target. I export the source directory using nfs and edit the files directly using eclipse running on my main workstation (which, at the moment, is a 2.16GHz MacBook running OSX). I have a telnet window open to the PS3, and I run make in that window. Currently I also run gdb in that window, though it would be more efficient to run it natively on the Mac.

MSP430: This development is currently done on a PC. I use Rowley's CrossWorks. Avail for Linux/Windows.

ARM: This development is currently done on a PC. I use Rowley's CrossWorks. Again avail for Linux/Windows. These are OSless designs.

With MSP430 and ARM I am currently using Windows because I need to run other s/w at the same time, which is not presently available for Linux. But I could do the firmware development under Linux if I wanted to; I have in the past.

AVR: Currently I do this natively in MacOS. I use avrgcc, with eclipse as my editor. Note that Rowley also has an AVR compiler/IDE for Linux/ Windows.

Java (yes I use it in embedded designs): eclipse on MacOS again. Linux would actually be better due to more up-to-date Java support, but the system I have works okay for now.

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I'm in self-improvement mode at the moment, which means that while I'm thinking mostly of 32-bit targets I don't have anything particular in mind, though I do have s small ARM SBC I'd like to play with (too small to run Linux). I'd also like to try cross-developing (on Linux) for some larger SBC (tbd) that is running Linux. Maybe something built around an MPC5** or Coldfire device.

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Mike Silva

I myself do a lot of web development on Linux (a text-only box), and I use Emacs as the editor.

However, when I purchased SlickEdit a while back for my Windows box, I do remember that they have a version for Linux.

That would be very much worth investigating as an editor.

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David T. Ashley              (dta@e3ft.com)
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David T. Ashley

Emacs, make, gcc, and gdb.


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A: Top-posting.
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Petter Gustad

For the chips supported by the GNU tools (GCC, as, ld, gdb, ...):

- GNU tools for compilation and creating the binary images,

- nedit for an editor under X,

- gdb for debugging,

- ddd for running gdb under X.

I tried Eclipse, but, IMHO, it's too heavy. Just plain old GNU make will do the repetitive work as well, though it's not as flashy as some IDE.


Tauno Voipio
tauno voipio (at) iki fi
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Tauno Voipio

jed (in emacs mode), make, gcc, and (occasionally) gdb.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! My mind is a potato
                                  at               field ...
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Grant Edwards

With that in mind, you will want to become familiar with GCC cross compilers.

The CrossGCC mailing list is worth joining if you get into building your own cross compilers.

Dan Kegal's crosstool script is worthy if you start building cross toolchains targeted at Linux based embedded systems.

When building GCC cross toolchains for "bare metal" embedded systems, newlib is nice to know about, and the GCC build machinery makes it fairly easy to build.

I can't help you on editors too much, other than to say vi (a.k.a. vim) is the ultimate text editor ;-)

Linux is an adventure.

Michael N. Moran           (h) 770 516 7918
5009 Old Field Ct.         (c) 678 521 5460
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"So often times it happens, that we live our lives in chains
  and we never even know we have the key."
The Eagles, "Already Gone"

The Beatles were wrong: 1 & 1 & 1 is 1
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Michael N. Moran

I use linux or linux in vmware. Currently fedora core 6 and just having a test with fedora 7 .

Usually command line for compiling + kedit. Vim if I not running x.

Eclipse if I need an ide (is pretty slow even on fast machines) But usually find I'm more productive with command line compiling(and tools) + plain text editor.

Some tools you need to compile yourself from sources others are available prepackaged.

Atmel provides pre-packaged tools for avr32.

Also use a mini mac. Currently just for avr , m68k and arm.

The bsd's and mac are easier to setup than linux due to the ports collections (fink or darwin ports on mac) avr osx package is mac equivalent of winavr.


Reply to
Alex Gibson

JEdit, gcc/binutils, make (for C). Eclipse (for java)

Other resources, maybe:

Linux programming - Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)

Some general sys admin (e.g BASH, setting up networking, etc - search 'Linux howtos', or

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Device Drivers -

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Paul Taylor.

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Paul Taylor

Many thanks to all of you who have replied. I gather that there is a great deal of variety in the tools being used (esp. editors). For some (unjustified, I admit) reason I was not really expecting that.

Anyway, further reports on tool sets being used are certainly welcome. And additional thanks to all who pointed to additional resources as well.


Reply to
Mike Silva

I keep forgetting that CrossWorks works on linux. That's the only commercial toolset that works on linux, I believe?


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I'll be porting my open source EmbeddedGNU IDE to linux as time allows. I'll use the same syntax highlighting editor component used by MonoDevelop. Once of the unique niches I'll be supporting is the use of Java for small target devices - in addition to gcc, of course. NanoVM for the AVR devices has gotten my attention. I'm amazed at what they can do to stick an OOP program into an 8K flash device with 1K or RAM. Surely we can take that a lot further with 128K of flash ...

A good commercial editor for linux is SlickEdit.


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It's the only one I've found for the processors I've used recently (e.g MSP430 and ARM). I currently use gcc for both, but should I ever need a commercial toolchain/debugger Rowley is probably the first place I'd look.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! ... I think I'd
                                  at               better go back to my DESK
                               visi.com            and toy with a few common
                                                   MISAPPREHENSIONS ...
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Grant Edwards

More or less. I'm not specifically aware of any other cross- development toolchain that runs on Linux that is not gcc-based.

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bash, gcc, vi, make, gdb.

bash, gcc cross compiler, vi, make, gdb for your target..


pete@fenelon.com "how many clever men have called the sun a fool?"
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Pete Fenelon

Just to clarify one point, CrossWorks for ARM is gcc based. IIRC, Crossworks for other architectures use Rowley compilers.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! The PILLSBURY DOUGHBOY
                                  at               is CRYING for an END to
                               visi.com            BURT REYNOLDS movies!!
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Grant Edwards

HI-TECH Software's recent compilers (not GCC-based) ship for Linux, MacOSX, and Windows.


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Mark L Pappin

I have to give them credit for charging the same price for Linux and for Windows -- unlike other vendors (e.g. Gimple) who charge 4X for the Linux/Unix version.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I'm reporting for
                                  at               duty as a modern person. I
                               visi.com            want to do the Latin
                                                   Hustle now!
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Grant Edwards

Dammit, you got me all excited. Then I went to htsoft and saw that all they actually offer is PIC and x86. Grrrr.

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