Service code voor Philips DVD VCR combo DVP3100

Bestaat er een code om in een setup menu voor de fabrieks instellingen te komen, en kent iemand die ?

bvd !

-- Groeten, - DizTRacT -

Ook een dier heeft het recht, bewust te sterven.

What happens when a saltwater fish is transferred into fresh water? It goes into spasms and dies. Consider, then, a creature whose every sense, capability, and instinct have been shaped by the natural environment, by interaction with sun, wind, clouds, rain; the look of mountains and far horizons, the taste of natural food, contact with the soil. What happens when this creature is transferred to a syn- thetic environment? He becomes neurotic, a victim of hys- terical fads, willful hallucination, sexual perversion. He deals with abstractions rather than facts, and so becomes intellectualized and incompetent. Confronted with a real challenge, he screams, curls into a ball, closes his eyes, be- fouls himself, and waits. He is a pacifist who fears to defend himself.

Voor antwoord per e-mail, eerst het voor de hand liggende deel uit het adres verwijderen !

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