Re: Repost please: $1/watt solar panals.

DQoiRG9uIFQiIDwtcGFpbnRlci1AbG91dnJlLm9yZz4gd3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZSBuZXdzOnRv V2RuV1ZrR0xib25udlhuWjJkblVWWl91aWRuWjJkQGVhcnRobGluay5jb20uLi4NCj4gV2Fzbid0 ICQxIGEgd2F0dCBpdCB3YXMgJDEuOTggYnV0IGhlcmUgaXQgaXMuDQo+IA0KPiAidmF1Z2huIiA8 dmF1Z2huc2ltb25IQVRFU1NQQU1AZ21haWwuRkFLRS5jb20+IHdyb3RlIGluIG1lc3NhZ2UgDQo+ IG5ld3M6aDk1Zm1yJDdzMiQxQG5ld3MuZXRlcm5hbC1zZXB0ZW1iZXIub3JnLi4uDQo+PiBQdWxs IGluIHlvdXIgc3BhbSBhbnRlbm5hcy4gIEkgaGF2ZSBubyBjb25uZWN0aW9uIHRvIHRoaXMgY29t cGFueSBleGNlcHQgSQ0KPj4gYm91Z2h0IGFuIEVVLTIwMDAgZnJvbSB0aGVtIG9uY2UsIGFuZCBJ IG1heSBidXkgYSBuZXcgUFYgcGFuZWwgZnJvbSB0aGVtDQo+PiB0b21vcnJvdyBpZiB0aG9zZSBw cmljZXMgYXJlIHJlYWwuICBBdCB0aGF0IHByaWNlLCB0aGV5IGhhdmUgdGhlIFNVTi0xMzAgDQo+ PiBhbmQNCj4+IFNVTi0xNTAuIFRoZSBtaW5pbXVtIG51bWJlciBvZiBwYW5lbHMgdGhleSB3aWxs IHNoaXAgaXMgdHdvLiAgSSBob3BlIHRvDQo+PiBkcml2ZSBkb3duIHRoZXJlIHRvbW9ycm93IGFu ZCBwaWNrIHVwIG9uZS4NCj4+DQo+PiBodHRwOi8vc3VuZWxlYy5jb20vDQo+PiBodHRwOi8vc3Vu ZWxlYy5jb20vaW5kZXgucGhwP21haW5fcGFnZT1wcm9kdWN0X2luZm8mY1BhdGg9NSZwcm9kdWN0 c19pZD0zNTcNCj4+DQo+PiBUd28geWVhcnMgYWdvIHdlIHdlcmUgdGFsa2luZyBhYm91dCBhIHNp bGljb24gJiBjYXJib24gc2hvcnRhZ2UgYW5kDQo+PiBpbXBvc3NpYmx5IGdyb3dpbmcgUFYgcHJp Y2VzLiAgSXMgdGhlIFBWIGluZHVzdHJ5IGZhY2luZyBvdmVyIHByb2R1Y3Rpb24NCj4+IG5vdz8g IEhvdyBxdWlja2x5IHRoaW5ncyBjaGFuZ2UuDQo+Pg0KPj4gVmF1Z2huDQo+Pg0KPj4NCj4+DQo+ IA0KPiAtLSANCj4gDQo+IA0KPiBEb24gVGhvbXBzb24NCj4gDQo+IFN0b2xlbiBmcm9tIERhbjog ICJKdXN0IHRoaW5raW5nLCBiZXNpZGVzLCBJIHdhdGNoZWQgMiBkb2dzIG1hdGluZyBvbmNlLA0K PiBhbmQgdGhhdCBtYWtlcyBtZSBhbiBleHBlcnQuICINCj4gDQo+IFRoZXJlIGlzIG5vdGhpbmcg bW9yZSBmcmlnaHRlbmluZyB0aGFuIGFjdGl2ZSBpZ25vcmFuY2UuDQo+IH5Hb2V0aGUNCj4gDQo+ IEl0IGlzIGEgd29ydGh5IHRoaW5nIHRvIGZpZ2h0IGZvciBvbmUncyBmcmVlZG9tOw0KPiBpdCBp cyBhbm90aGVyIHNpZ2h0IGZpbmVyIHRvIGZpZ2h0IGZvciBhbm90aGVyIG1hbidzLg0KPiB+TWFy ayBUd2Fpbg0KPiANCj4gDQo+ICJHb3Jkb24iIDxnb256b0BhbGx0b215c2VsZi5jb20+IHdyb3Rl IGluIG1lc3NhZ2UgDQo+IG5ld3M6WG5zOUNCMDg1RTM5OEJDOGdyZWVkZXJ4cHJ0bmV0QDk0Ljc1 LjI0NC41MS4uLg0KPj5BIGZldyB3ZWVrIGFnbyBzb21lb25lIHBvc3RlZCBhIGxpbmsgdG8gYSBz dXBwbGllciBpbiBGbG9yaWRhIHdobyBoYWQgc29tZQ0KPj4gc29sYXIgcGFuYWxzIGF2YWlsYWJs ZSBhdCAkMS4wMC93YXR0Lg0KPj4NCj4+IENhbiB5b3UgcmVwb3N0IHRoZSBsaW5rLCBJIGNhbid0 IHNlZW0gdG8gZmluZCBpdC4gDQo+DQoNCkJlIGNhcmVmdWwsIHdoZW4geW91IGRlYWwgd2l0aCBB bWVyaWNhbiBkdW1iYXNzZXMsIGV2ZXJ5dGhpbmcgdGhleSBtYWRlIG9yIHJlY29tbWVuZGVkIGlz IG92ZXItcmF0ZWQgb3IgZXhhZ2dlcmF0ZWQuICBGb3IgZXhhbXBsZSwgREVMQ08gUkVNWScgMTQw QSBhbHRlcm5hdG9yIGlzIHJlYWxseSBhIDgwLTkwLWFtcCBhbHRlcm5hdG9yLCBsb29rIGF0IGl0 cyBjb3BwZXIgd2lyZSB0aGlja25lc3MoMC4wOCIgdGhpY2sgc2FtZSBhIEJvc2NoIDgwYW1wIDAu MDgiIHRoaWNrKSAgYW5kIGRvbid0IGJlbGlldmUgd2hhdCB0aGUgbGFiZWwgc2F5cy4gIEFsc28g dGhlaXIgbmV3IENoZXZ5IFZvbHQgMjAwbXBnIGlzIGEgZmFrZSBoeWJyaWQsIHdoYXQgaXQgaXMg YSAzMC00MG1pbGVzIHBlciBjaGFyZ2UgbWlsZWFnZSwgbm90IHBlciB0YW5rLiAgIFRoZSBkdW1i YXNzZXMgaW4gdGhlc2UgZm9ydW1zIGFyZSBzbyBwcm91ZCBvZiB0aGVpciBoeXBlZCBwcm9kdWN0 cywgYW5kIHRoZXkgY29tcGxhaW5lZCBzbyBtdWNoIGFib3V0IHRoZSBDaGluZXNlIHByb2R1Y3Rz LiAgV2hhdCBhIHNoYW1lLi4uDQoNCg0K

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recommended is over-rated or exaggerated. For example, DELCO REMY' 140A alternator is really a 80-90-amp alternator, look at its copper wire thickness(0.08" thick same a Bosch 80amp 0.08" thick) and don't believe what the label says. Also their new Chevy Volt 200mpg is a fake hybrid, what it is a

30-40miles per charge mileage, not per tank. The dumbasses in these forums are so proud of their hyped products, and they complained so much about the Chinese products. What a shame...

A dollar a watt solar panels would be totally useless, since they would simply be "paint it green" transfer payments of existing hydrocarbon or nuclear energy.

And still remain asoline destroying net energy sinks that are in no manner green, renewable, nor sustainable.

It makes no sense at all to sell a dime's worth of conventional electricity and then use that dime to buy some mythical "renewable" energy.

For net energy, a quarter per peak pv watt is needed.

Even then, it would be many years after a quarter per watt for actual breakeven, owing to all the previously lost energy.

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Many thanks,

Don Lancaster                          voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics   3860 West First Street   Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss:   email:

Please visit my GURU\'s LAIR web site at
Reply to
Don Lancaster

What's the value of fighting for the freedom of a man who doesn't want Freedom but wants Mommy?

Thanks, Rich

Reply to
Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

Don Lancaster wrote in news:

A dollar a watt solar panels would be a freaking godsend to those of us off the grid, hydrocarbon transfer or not.

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With all due respect Don, you are full of it, there's an energy cost tied to production of any product, few of them produce ANY energy,or payback and they degrade from the time of purchase. Nobody knows what the future cost of electricity is, but it's bound to increase greatly.

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Unless we can somehow miraculously heal the country of its paranoia and get a viable nuclear power program going.

Copy the reactors from the submarines and aircraft carriers and use them to power tankers and container ships and cruise ships.

Thanks, Rich

Reply to
Rich Grise

How do you figure this? The price of panels obviously include the price of ALL the energy used in building them. If they have a payback period and last longer than that, they obviously will save energy during their lifetime. Especially since the energy to build them is not nearly the whole price.

Reply to
Bob F

Huh? I usually agree with Don on these things, but here he seems to be confusing energy break even with economic break even. I a perfect world they might be comparable, but I doubt if that is true in the real world.


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breakeven, owing to all the previously lost energy.

confusing energy break even with economic break even. I a

real world.

I think what he wants to say is that energy break even is many years down the road, possibly decades. And fixing and maintaining it might kill the small net energy surplus. And before we get to break even we might have new, much better technology.

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Reply to
Jim Wilkins

Over here we pay around 15c per kWhr for mains electricity. Do the sums.

Dirk - Transcendence UK - A UK political party - Occult Talk Show
Reply to
Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

breakeven, owing to all the previously lost energy.

confusing energy break even with economic break even. I a

real world.


energy surplus.

Who knows, but for a $1.98 a watt it's a good deal if you want to give it a go. I know I could run my home office off a couple of panels (laptop, printer etc.)Even having a couple would keep the lights on in an emergency.

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You should investigate how much diesel goes into producing the uranium to fuel the reactor. Uranium is very plentiful, but the yield is very low. Eventually you make back the energy in producing the fuel, but it's not like the fuel is free. Now if we had reprocessing plants, the math would be more favorable, but reprocessing is very messy.

I used to be pro-nuclear until I read Dr. Helen Caldicot's "Nuclear Power is not the Answer.". One thing I hadn't realized is nuclear plants have to release gas periodically. The amount of radiation released is very small, probably less than that of a coal plant, but it isn't the closed loop system everyone makes it out to be.

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You should investigate how much diesel goes into producing the uranium to fuel the reactor. Uranium is very plentiful, but the yield is very low. Eventually you make back the energy in producing the fuel, but it's not like the fuel is free. Now if we had reprocessing plants, the math would be more favorable, but reprocessing is very messy.

I used to be pro-nuclear until I read Dr. Helen Caldicot's "Nuclear Power is not the Answer.". One thing I hadn't realized is nuclear plants have to release gas periodically. The amount of radiation released is very small, probably less than that of a coal plant, but it isn't the closed loop system everyone makes it out to be.

OMG did you manage to read the whole thing? You might want to read a few other books before you abandon "pro-nuclear"

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In the daytime.


Reply to
Sylvia Else

Check; rename the tech to "New, Clear".

Reply to
Robert Baer




Yes, I read the whole book. Not sure when you went to college, but "in the day" the BSEE required a class in thermodynamics. I got the Babcock and Wilcox indoctrination. I was around for the claim of nuclear power being so cheap they wouldn't meter it. I was also near TMI when the accident occurred.. As time passed, much of the cover-up of the event was declassified. [Shocker: the government lies!] I was went from pro to neutral to probably negative. There is no solution for the nuclear waste. Worse yet, there is plenty of nuclear waste stored at the reactor sites that is not in any containment vessel. They let the rods cool a bit before even considering transferring them offsite, and we now know Yucca Mountain will not be opened.

Get the book and read the other side's opinion. Calecott's book is well documented. It considers the entire "food chain" of nuclear power. I didn't even bring up the power needed to enrich the fuel. It is hard to get a number on this since over the years the centrifuge technology has become more efficient. As you probably know, the uranium for the WWII nukes was enriched at Oakridge due to the availability of cheap coal power.

Basically, nuclear power isn't nearly all that it is cracked up to be. I rather have more wind and solar, plus conservation. Sure, it chops up little birdies, but hey, you need to break some eggs to make an omlet.

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Yes, I read the whole book. Not sure when you went to college, but "in the day" the BSEE required a class in thermodynamics. I got the Babcock and Wilcox indoctrination. I was around for the claim of nuclear power being so cheap they wouldn't meter it. I was also near TMI when the accident occurred.. As time passed, much of the cover-up of the event was declassified. [Shocker: the government lies!] I was went from pro to neutral to probably negative. There is no solution for the nuclear waste. Worse yet, there is plenty of nuclear waste stored at the reactor sites that is not in any containment vessel. They let the rods cool a bit before even considering transferring them offsite, and we now know Yucca Mountain will not be opened.

Get the book and read the other side's opinion. Calecott's book is well documented. It considers the entire "food chain" of nuclear power. I didn't even bring up the power needed to enrich the fuel. It is hard to get a number on this since over the years the centrifuge technology has become more efficient. As you probably know, the uranium for the WWII nukes was enriched at Oakridge due to the availability of cheap coal power.

Basically, nuclear power isn't nearly all that it is cracked up to be. I rather have more wind and solar, plus conservation. Sure, it chops up little birdies, but hey, you need to break some eggs to make an omlet.

Oh I have the book, I just haven't finished reading it. But I do have a "issues" with some of what I have read so far. I also have "the new nuclear danger" and have a few problems with that as well, although I haven't finished writing down the problems I have with it.

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How many times do you need to be told that you have no value?

The movie \'Deliverance\' isn\'t a documentary!
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

breakeven, owing to all the previously lost energy.

confusing energy break even with economic break even. I a

real world.

the road,

energy surplus.

If there is enough sun to power the lights, you don't need them.

The movie \'Deliverance\' isn\'t a documentary!
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

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