OT: "Unpopular speech"

Krw doesn't know the difference between communism (which used to like to claim that it was "socialist") and socialism (which threw out the pro-communists in 1870 for being undemocratic).

The US media doesn't go to any trouble to differentiate the two, so krw does have an excuse.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Not likely, unless government is the one taking that money.

Cute sayings are just something for assholes to use to make some absurd point. Rather like bible-thumpers.

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You really are an idiot. I always knew it but you just proved it.

Of course you're wrong. You're a leftist.

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The US health care system costs half again more per head than the most expe nsive of the competing systems - roughly twice what the NHS costs per head.

The extra money paid out in the US seems to be mainly for extravagant admin istration costs in the private health insurance companies. Medicare seems t o pay out in benefits about 98% of what it takes in, which is typical of go vernment run health benefits schemes. Privately run schemes never do that w ell, though the closely regulated Dutch, German and French insurers do almo st as well.

Communism is just one more mechanism for an oligarchy to run a country for it's own benefit. US capitalism is roughly equally inequitable. The Chinese gini index is 0.469, the US gini index 0.45 and Russia 0.42.

Respectable advanced industrial countries have gini indices around 0.3, and the modern socialist countries that Bernie Sanders thinks the the US ought to emulate get down to 0.25.

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The cute saying makes a non-absurd point - communism, like capitalism, is a mechanism which allows an elite to rip off the rest of the population. Mul tiparty democracy can exert enough control over the elite to keep the depre dations low enough for everybody to do better out of an expanding economy. The US two-party system clearly doesn't.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Krw is a rightist, and doesn't feel any obligation to explain why rickman m ight be wrong. Dismantling a system that insures 20 million people who didn 't have health insurance before it was introduced can reasonably be expecte d to leave that 20 million without healthcare insurance.

If krw's brain had the capacity to generate rational argument one might hav e expected to see one here, but krw is a rightist.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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