OT: the Optomist and the Pessimist

There was some rich guy who had two sons. One was a total optomist, i.e., no matter what goes wrong, life is still a bowl of cherries, everything's wonderful, lah-di-dah, hooray! you know the type; the other was an incurable pessimist; no matter how great things were he'd always focus on the downside.

Well, this guy decides to see if he can cure these boys of these neuroses, so for Xmas one year he gives the pessimist a roomful of toys, playstations, computers, RC monster trucks, big-screen TVs, and all that crap, and he gives the optomist a roomful of horse shit.

He goes and checks on the boys, and the pessimist has tried all of the toys, is bored, and is sitting and feeling sorry for himself - "Ah, they'll just wear out or break, there's nothing on TV, ..." and so on.

He checks on the optomist in the room full of horse shit, and the kid is gleefully digging in it, as enthusiastically as a dog digging up a bone in the backyard.

The dad says, "Hey, what's up with this?"

And the kid says, "With all this horse shit, there's gotta be a pony under here somewhere!"

Cheers! Rich

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Rich Grise, Plainclothes Hippi
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