[OT] Gun vendor shoots woman at gun show

placing your loaded shotgun leaning up against a fence, then climb over the fence, to be surprised the shotgun falls and discharges. "

Throw it over the fence first.

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Oh, I see. 

Since each stupid person whose punishment served the useful purpose 
of causing the suffering they were inflicting on others to cease was 
an individual, the set can't be considered "people".
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John Fields

Tell that to the dummy, Bloggs.

The guy who taught me range etiquette would yell "DOWN RANGE". Didn't take long to learn. The muzzle *always* points downrange, even when the gun is empty.

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You can still point it down. It's not like you're sighting it in, or anything.

Exactly but try to convince a gun-grabber.

If someone wants to keep guns off their property, have them put a sign on their front lawn stating that it's a gun-free zone. Have non gun-owners names put in the paper.

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You're clearly too stupid to understand.

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Well, bad example. However it does tend to cut the recidivism rate.

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You can buy ammo at a show. Apparently some passer-by loaded the weapon-- perhaps as a prank--the dealer surely had no reason to.

He should NEVER have pointed at a customer--that was bad. But a mistake, not a crime.

Obamacare will kill far more, and it's deliberate.

Cheers, James Arthur

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We're still not so sure about that...

Cheers, James Arthur

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The real point is that the main purpose of punishment is to act as a deterrent to others. Decapitating someone because they are a king is not likely to serve as much of a deterrent to other people being kings.


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Sylvia Else

Well, it would certainly make the next in line for the throne ascend 
to that office with a modicum of trepidation, one would think, but 
no matter... 

From your well-reasoned: "But there never has been any useful 
purpose served by punishing people for being stupid.", it would seem 
that the - rather self-serving - point you were trying to make was 
that there never has been any useful purpose served by punishing 
people for being stupid. 

Then, when you're presented with an argument which certainly impugns 
the universal validity of your statement, you counter with the 
rather silly proposition that your point was indisputable because 
the argument belying your point referred to a single individual. 

Next, you state: "The real point is that the main purpose of 
punishment is to act as a deterrent to others." 

Reductio ad absurdum, then, one would expect the playing field to be 
littered with like goalpost-shifting potholes. 

John Fields
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John Fields

icable words from the Pennsylvania criminal code is just slightly stronger than the unsubstantiated ego-centric announcement "I'd be surprised if he did any time,..." But you can't tell the difference because you're a lame/p ee-brain type, so dumb in fact that you never could develop a working knowl edge of electronics at any level.

You're too stupid to understand anything at all and that's why your so-call ed career as a lackey CAD operator never amounted to anything...useless lit tle low-ender that you are.

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The execution of Louis XVI was a retribution punishment, not a deterrence punishment. Sylvia wouldn't know because the topic was never discussed on Oprah.

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Now _that_ was killer bad! 

Thanks for the laugh, you made my day! 

John Fields
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John Fields

IKWYABWAI is the only argument loser lefties like you have.

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You have nothing to say as usual, you're a useless little lightweight and you're drowning. This is evidenced by your pathetic little parroting...completely brain dead.

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Bombastic, as usual...
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John Fields

Of course, lefties are forced to lie. You've never been an exception, Bloggs.

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Senseless, as usual...

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No. You are really missing the point here: ALWAYS BE AWARE OF WHERE THE GUN IS POINTING!!!


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