John Glenn R.I.P.

...Jim Thompson

-- | James E.Thompson | mens | | Analog Innovations | et | | Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus | | STV, Queen Creek, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | | | Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat | | E-mail Icon at

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| 1962 |

Reply to
Jim Thompson
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A Democrat dies and Jim celebrates... no surprises there. >:-)

In other news about ex-astronauts: doctors at a public hospital in New Zealand successfully treat Buzz Aldrin.

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Jasen Betts

You forgot to mention the doctor's name: David Bowie :)

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Reply to
Tom Gardner

Aldrin is a complete and unmitigated nutcase:

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Why he didn't just ask the ETs to beam him up for a healing beam treatment I'll never know...maybe he was on wrong frequency.

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ent I'll never know...maybe he was on wrong frequency.

Did you READ the article? Not to say that the Telegraph is the best news

source out there - and based on the grammar/spelling, the reporter is likely free-lance and isn't actually paid for his opinions, so it is valid as the Huffington Post ofr journalistic integrity:

(quote) Mr Aldrin, 84, however was reluctant to described the sighting as an extraterrestrial craft, even though he does believe there are other life

forms in space.

?I observed a light out the window that appeared to be moving alo ngside us,? he said. (end quote)

And from a real Reddit interview:

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(quote) ?On Apollo 11 in route to the Moon, I observed a light out t he window that appeared to be moving alongside us. There were many explanations of what that could be, other than another spacecraft from another country or another world - it was either the rocket we had separated from, or the 4 panels that moved away when we extracted the lander from the rocket and we were nose to nose with the two spacecraft.

So in the close vicinity, moving away, were 4 panels. And I feel absolutely convinced that we were looking at the sun reflected off of one of these panels. Which one? I don't know. So technically, the definition could be ?unidentified.?"

He went on to explain that statistically, life is certain to exist elsewhere in the Universe and could very well be in the Milky Way, but he does not believe for a second that what they saw on the way to the moon was alien. (end quote).

You do to do some basic research before posting opinions, eh? You aren't

Donald Drumpf after all...


Reply to
John Robertson

Bloggs is our resident paranoid schizo >:-} ...Jim Thompson

-- | James E.Thompson | mens | | Analog Innovations | et | | Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus | | STV, Queen Creek, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | | | Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat | | E-mail Icon at

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| 1962 |

Ben Stein on Leftist Insanity...

Reply to
Jim Thompson


Jasen, You're a village idiot.

Did you think I was "celebrating" Glenn's death?

What a dollop of scum you are. ...Jim Thompson

-- | James E.Thompson | mens | | Analog Innovations | et | | Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus | | STV, Queen Creek, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | | | Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat | | E-mail Icon at

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| 1962 |

Reply to
Jim Thompson

Not really (hence the evil smiley), but there was no evidence suggesting otherwise.

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Reply to
Jasen Betts

Jim gets it wrong again. Krw fits the diagnosis a lot more closely.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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ent I'll never know...maybe he was on wrong frequency.



Nah- that was just one article- Aldrin has a history of publicly speculatin g wildly about UFOs and spacemen, he's a nutter. And what's an advanced ger iatric doing visiting the south pole anyway?

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Huh??? If you are over 60 you should stay at home??? How old was Glenn when he went *back* into space?


Rick C
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60? You stupid moron, he's 86!
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