I'll trade one shrimp on a treadmill for

one border guard or one airport security guard.

But I guess Barry wants to make spending cut as painful as possible.


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When the entire Whitehouse staff & his Secret Sevvice protection should be cut because he created this mess last term, and hasn't done anything but bitch & play golf instead of doing his job.

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Michael A. Terrell

As I see it, if he were a responsible administrator, we should now have on a web page somewhere EXACTLY how he will handle the sequester. It should detail cuts to each department, how many positions or furloughs this cut will involve, and how it will be administered.

Instead of professionalism, we get doom and gloom, and the sense that the word came down from the WH to make the cuts as painful as possible to the american people...

Reply to
Charlie E.


imagine the out cry if he starts to micro manage every department in every states that needs to cut spending

isn't figuring out how to make the budget add up, up to the congress?

It has always been like that, when faced with cuts people pick the most painful thing they can find in the hope that they can get the public all fired up and scare the politicians to cancel the cuts


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The real shame is, in 2012 the US Gov. spent 3.8 trillion dollars. The tax revenue was 2.5 trillion dollars. The overspending was 1.3 trillion dollars.

And they want to cut 85 billion?

And even if they do that cut, they are spending more than in 2012.

It is sick.

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No, it is the EXECUTIVE branch that actually is supposed to do things. All the legislative branch is supposed to do is APPROVE the budget. Now, that may not be what has happened in recent years, but that is more to do with power grabs by the congress, and timidity in the WH...

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Charlie E.

The DoD has already released a list of state-by-state furloughs and amounts . As usual California is on top:

formatting link

This is only the beginning. The honeymoon is over, the U.S. has to streamli ne its government and get the spending control very soon. The cutbacks will be on the increase for the next decade. The era of fake prosperity funded by borrowed money to fund useless people, places and projects are over.

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Not quite. Read the Constitution. ALL spending bills must pass in the House. ...Jim Thompson

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I love to cook with wine.     Sometimes I even put it in the food.
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Jim Thompson

And remember that come October with the new budget year the baseline will automatically increase from 3,800B by 8% and if they "cut" by 85B the 2014 increase will still be over 200B.

Instead of cultural sensitivity training they need to send all the managers to a Dave Ramsey class.

Republic of Texas
Reply to
Joe Chisolm

You don't know what you're talking about. Specifically the Congress authori zes all spending through very specific legislation. It is against the law f or the executive branch to re-program that funding for any purpose other t han specified in the authorization.

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Wait... wait... Our Dear Leader does not have such a webpage?

(Oh the horror)



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What managers? You mean that crowd who wouldn't be trusted to manage the sales counter at a QuickMart?

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ts. As usual California is on top:


Virginia seems to be hammered quite a bit more than CA tho...?

line its government and get the spending control very soon. The cutbacks wi ll be on the increase for the next decade. The era of fake prosperity funde d by borrowed money to fund useless people, places and projects are over.

Where to, then? I hear Australia is doing quite well...

formatting link


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Maybe, but now they're getting the public all fired up about things like lost benefits, lost deductions, and increased taxes across the board. That scares them more than anything else.

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That's the concentration in the Va-Md-DC beltway epicenter of bureaucracy.

Australia will welcome you as permanent resident if you maintain $AUD500K in one of their banks.

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one of their banks.

Maintain, you say? Aww. Ok, fine, we'll just fight it out here.

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benefits, lost deductions, and increased taxes across the board. That scares them more than anything else.

The sequester has nothing to do with "increased taxes", at least yet. Obama is trying...

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counter at a QuickMart?

Yeah, the ones you elected.

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There were years when we had a surplus. Why do you think that was? Do you think it was because we cut spending dramatically? Do you think it was because we raised taxed dramatically?


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Yes, they have to PASS the house, but they don't have to originate there. In a company, you don't have the board of directories create the budget, they just approve it...

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Charlie E.

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