Fascism at its finest...

In the first place, 'the government', in the form of the courts, was already involved but, more to the point, 'righties', as you call them, think the Congress has no business in the matter then, or now, whether Republican, Democrat, or the current loony tunes.

And the next time you go around spouting about 'righties' you might want to first check with Barrack Obama, who voted for the "Palm Sunday Compromise," and Jesse Jackson, who went to Florida to support and argue on behalf of the Shindler family.

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Well, they did a little more than that at both the State and Federal level but if one has to 'err' it might be said it's preferable to err on the side of life, although, I'm not sure of even that because, would you like to live as a vegetable?

On the other hand, I know of at least one case where the 'permanent vegetable' recovered. A good friend of mine was feeding him when it happened and his opinion on euthanasia instantly changed.

There are no 'easy answers' but one thing the cluster f*ck around that case should have made clear is that the last thing you want is 'the government' involved, certainly not routinely and, for heaven's sake, not as 'single payer' or the definer of a one size fits all 'standard of care'.

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There the ones who decide what does, or does not, get provided.

Insurance is not healthcare and the topic was "poor or cruel care on the NHS," not 'insurance'.

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45 million are also without employment.

We do not need our president manipulating the current health care system, much less force feeding a "new plan" which he and his little industry back scratcher buddies claim is viable, but that will clearly cost us far too much just in implementation alone.

In other words, you're an idiot if you think our chief should be worrying about that or any other stupid, high cost "plans".

He has to be the most retarded president we have ever had, despite his glorious educational background claims.

Even those are questionable if his actions indicate that all he did at Harvard was attend.

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Did Obama's total retardation rub off on you too, you dumb f*ck? You do not know how to filter a thread so it doesn't show up?

You top-posting fucktard. After all this time in Usenet, you should know how to NOT read any posts or threads that you are not interested in.

Ten years of blatant top posting retardation though, and I can see how a dipshit that blatantly disregards requests by others that he COMPLY with the posting conventions of the group... and you claim to be so Usenet smart!... could totally f*ck it all up. Ding!

Well, smart ass... LEARN how to filter. Piss and moaning, particularly top posted versions rarely garner feelings toward you or your request, that are of the nature you seek.

You are way better keeping it to yourself, and posting your contribution whenever you finally do.

Yes, Jim is an idiot for his political posts. He sees his country being chewed at, and he wants to chew back. He is a chewbackka.

I guess that makes you the little dog that nips at his ankles.

So until you learn some goddamned protocol, you have no authority here, not that you ever did have any, you top posting retard.

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Archimedes' Lever

Righties insisted Congress take up the issue. Fact.

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Ouroboros Rex

Funny, the article says otherwise. lol

No, redefining sad sack, I made a comment about the US health system and you took that up.

In fact, where George Bush had a chance to make law, they can shut your ass right off while your relatives watch in horror.

formatting link

"As Wasserman Schultz said on the House floor, the Texas law lays out procedures for physicians to follow when they think a patient's condition is hopeless, even if family members disagree. Doctors can make a case to their hospital's ethics committee. If the ethics committee agrees, life support can be removed. "

Rightie hero George W. Bush, death panels, 2005. Who'da thunk. =)

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Ouroboros Rex

Neither is the House bill.

But you just told us that no one I vote for is going to make your medical decisions. Are you somehow special, and if you are, what makes you think you have a salient point?

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Ouroboros Rex

Name me a president who has not done so.

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Ouroboros Rex

Obama is going to put you in his 'fishy' list if you don't stop calling him a 'rightie'.

You wouldn't recognize a 'fact' if it hit you in the face.

What they wanted was for the case to be heard in a higher court and the 'subpoena was to keep her alive till it could because dead people don't have standing.

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No it doesn't and even if it did 'the article' doesn't write law in England.

I don't give a flying fig what you 'call it' the article and topic was about "poor or cruel care" and insurance is not "healthcare."

In the first place we aren't talking about Texas law, governors don't "make law', and the ethical problems presented by Terri Schiavo type cases where the patient is, by medical standards, essentially (although, by some, disputably) 'dead' has nothing to do with Obama's stated example of giving a pain pill instead needed treatment to an otherwise perfectly viable patient because he wants to 'control healthcare costs' and the pain pill is cheaper.

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"Fishy list", lol

cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo

Obama agrees with me.

Another pathetic lie.

Tell Pat Mahoney.

Rev. Pat Mahoney was formerly with the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue and is now executive director of the Christian Defense Coalition, "an informal but growing network of conservative, religious and disability organizations who, with the click of a computer mouse, are enlisting hundreds of thousands of people in Bob and Mary Schindler's fight to keep their daughter Terri Schiavo alive."

"The first goal of the campaign, Mahoney said, is to save Terri Schiavo's life. But he and others also hope to roll back the laws and ethical and medical guidelines that have evolved since 1990, when the U.S. Supreme Court recognized artificial sustenance and hydration as medical treatment." Knight Ridder, March 14, 2005.

Tell John Sternberger.

John Stemberger, president of the Orlando, FL,-based Florida Family Policy Council, says that "Food and water is not medical treatment. It's ordinary care, ... Our primary interest is what the law should be, not what the law is, and this will be one of our top priorities: to create new public policy." Bradenton Herald, March 14, 2005

"You wouldn't recognize a fact if it hit you in the face", right? =)

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Ouroboros Rex

A pathetic lie.

and even if it did 'the article' doesn't write law in

HAW HAW HAW HAW You're an idiot.

Then don't respond when I talk about insurance, redefining sad sack.

We are now. Try to keep up.

The article specified that doctors made the decisions in Britain, you began lying about it outright.

Now it turns out the doctors make the decisions in Texas, suddenly you want to shut up.

You are a puling intellectual coward.

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Ouroboros Rex

Being called an idiot by an idiot is no insult.

And 'the article' still doesn't write law in England.

I'll respond any way I please and it pleases me to be on topic.

That you're too brain dead to tell the difference between 'care' and 'insurance' is your problem, not mine.

No, "we" are not.

Under direction of the NHS.

These cutsie little word games the left loves to play, like "I'm not doing it.... (I just make law requiring someone else do it for me)"... "you'll be 'free' to choose whatever you want... (there just won't be any thing else to choose from)... "there are no death panels... "because we'll call it a 'standards commission' instead)... isn't going to fly anymore, fascist.

As a Texan I hate to admit this but Texas is not "the United States." We're just one state and what Texas does is Texas business.

You want to change Texas law then move into the State and work on it but Texas law has not one blessed thing to do with Federal Law nor was the Federal government ever granted powers to do the same things that States do. See the 10'th Amendment.

You do have a copy of the Constitution at hand, don't you?

You're a fascist idiot.

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In which fantasy land do you live where Obama is a 'rightie'?

Hell, you don't even recognize your own words, much less have any concept of opinion and fact.

In what fantasy world do you live where Mahoney and Stemberger serve in Congress?

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Irrelevant because past sins, whether real or perceived, are not an excuse to commit more and even greater sins.

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Serve in Congress? Not to my knowledge. What are you whining about about now, redefining sad sack?

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Ouroboros Rex

Perhaps the dumbest retort you've come up with yet. lol

More pathetic redefinition crap. lol

Nope. Nonbinding guidance. Which makes you a liar. lol

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Ouroboros Rex

I wasn't talking to you, redefining sad sack.

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Ouroboros Rex

The topic was what "the government" did, stupid.

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