DreamPC 2006 ready for it's grave...

Ok, when I removed bandage the blooding seemed to have stopped, but if I stress it it will probably bleed again.

The new bandage a bit tight, maybe too tight, but gonna let it be for now.. hurts a bit, but ok.

There little bit more loose, hurt is bad, no hurt is good ;) :)

Ok now I go secure that dangerous razor... and then on with the cable show ! ;)

Bye, Sky-dry-blood.

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Skybuck Flying
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I was even searching in the wrong box, but I thought I just start somewhere and see, then I knew it was other box, but anyway good thing I searched that first box, there were 3 of these dangerous razor sharp motherboard i/o brackets in there... I have placed them all 3 in the cabinet so it's out of harms way lol...

and I also find the two nice av cables which will probably reach to my receiver, maybe even without moving monitor, now opening monitor side panel ! ;) :)

Wow I just heard a strange noise... hmm must be windows, and also a windows beep oh well.

Bye, Skybuck.

Reply to
Skybuck Flying

Ok, that black extension cord cable/thingy is not the correct cable.

The correct cable is the shorter black cables with the yellow connectors.

It's a bit short so monitor will have to move, from now on I keep it in the little table with receiver on top/next to PC so I can easily find it and use it ;)

Bye, Skybuck.

Reply to
Skybuck Flying

Wow I just noticed something when I was in my spare parts room.

There is an electrical cable running from the power wall socket to the heating.

This is a "ground" wire connected to the heating done by a precious owner or perhaps the cooperation.

This is probably forbidden by now, and is probably ineffective or maybe it's still effective, but it also looks a bit dangerous.

I definetly don't want heating to get electrified or so... for now it's probably ok since I don't use that power socket but I was thinking about maybe getting a network storage device...

But now that I see that flaky power socket I am a bit scared about that, so not gonna do that for now :( but I might still look into what I might have bought or so...

Gjez what a surprise again ;)

At least the kitchen seems to have one grounded power wall socket, but now I am starting to wonder if it's really grounded or just a fake, maybe it's even a fake and that could be dangerous, especially since the fridge is also kinda flaky/shacky/always running so this could lead to perhaps a defective fridge and dangerous electrical situation, so gotta try and get somebody to look at that gjez !

For now on with the show ! ;)

Bye, Skybuck.

Reply to
Skybuck Flying


I just did the audessey auto-setup test and it was kinda interesting to see it detect the range/meters to speakers, one speaker behind some stuff.

But the weird/odd thing is the receiver changed the assignments of the speakers, which confuses windows/creative labs software/thx software which is kinda strange but ok.

I guess I have no choice but to follow the receiver's assignment somehow ?!?

But how do I know which speaker is where ?

This is a really strange situation... I guess I will have to use thx assignment sound and listen very carefully where sound is coming from.

If this is not done correctly then I guess the audessey auto-setup is kinda useless and the wrong settings would be used per speaker.

Pretty amazing how complex these audio guys have made all of this, but there is probably a reason for it...

Well now I go try and re-configure the software setup so it uses the correct speakers, gjez.. ;) :)

Bye, Skybuck.

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Skybuck Flying

That is not very usefull, first of all the noise sound is hard to distinguish where it's coming from and second of all it just doesn't make much sense it completely screws up the assignments it's just weird.

My conclusion can only be that for PC's + Receivers the audessey auto setup is probably useless and miss configures the equalizer and assignments unless I could somehow figure it out, but it's way too much work and confusing and just plain weird.

So instead I am going to play it safe and set everything to defaults or so... because otherwise it's just weird.

To bad that THX software and receiver cannot work together to come to an agreement.

Bye, Skybuck.

Reply to
Skybuck Flying

However, maybe then again it might not matter for the receiver.

The receiver will probably use it's own equalizer settings and distance settings to produce the correct sound from the speakers.

So ultimately how windows/creative configures it doesn't matter for the receiver.

They independant systems... I just have to setup the software side to use correct speakers and thus the audessey auto setup/test should be usefull.

However receiver slightly in front of right speaker which will be moved, and my foot was also slightly in front of rear left speaker.

I could feel the pounding on my feet which was kinda funny/amazing, probably doesn't influence it that much or maybe it will but I am not going to re-do...

I also tried second position hearing setup but cancelled it, because there is no second position, hopefully those variables weren't set during the receiver's calculation ;)

I do hope those guys who programmed it where smart enough to zero out those variables when I cancelled it, I bet they did ;)

So so far it looks good, now just have to reconfigure speaker assignment which should be easy, though maybe not...

The receiver really pulled a number on me here since now the labels on the connectors might not make sense anymore... or maybe it will I don't know...

It's still pretty damn strange...

But hopefully it gonna work out ! ;)

Bye, Skybuck.

Reply to
Skybuck Flying

Ok re-assigning the speakers was easy, I learned that last time I messed with this.

Just go around and click in circle no matter where sound is coming from, and swap woofer with left speaker and done.

So now everything should be setup properly.

Now time for some music to see if I notice anything different.. well it's interesting it does sound a bit different but that's ofcourse because the speaker configuration is now correct.

It does sound a bit cooler than last time so I guess the auddesy auto setup that help a little bit to get the max out of it ! ;)

Ok now time for cleaning up and go enjoy some more music ! ;)

However I do wonder if the zooming/humming of the PC might have some influence on it, maybe some day I should do a re-callibration with the PC off, and just on screen display menu ! ;)

But I will save that experience for the feature ! ;) Gotta think little bit of neighbours too ;) That testing does produce some shock waves slightly ! ;) :)

And I don't wanna turn off my computer at this very moment ! ;)

I think the audessey test might compensate for the buzzing sound of PC since it's very weak or maybe not...

Maybe it's even better to test with PC on, since normally it will be on as well. Maybe the test does and "environment/ambient sampling to see what's that all about" ;)

So for now I am gonna let it be ! ;)

Sounds nice so it's good enough ! ;) :)

Bye, Skybuck :)

Reply to
Skybuck Flying

In my experience, the commonest cause of an audible "tick" in a hard drive during operation, is the drive trying to reset itself after having encountered a damaged or unreadable sector.

If the drive controller is having serious trouble even locating the sector - if its headers have been so badly damaged that the drive cannot find where the sector begins - then the drive controller may retract the arm all the way to the landing zone and perform an internal recalibration, and then try again. This process can repeat over and over, if the drive is still having problems locating the sector.

Certain models of hard drive were notorious for this sort of "click of death" - if you hear it, you know that your drive is dying.

In other words - the ticking isn't *causing* bad sectors - the ticking is probably *caused* *by* bad sectors.

Also, in my experience (and the conversations I've had with engineers at several hard drive manufacturers over the past 12 years) the commonest cause of damage to hard drive isn't vibration or resonance (micro or otherwise) - it's larger shocks or bangs, sufficient to cause "head slap" (where the flying head actually bounces down far enough to hit the spinning platter).

A single head-slap can knock particles loose from the disk surface, and this can create a continual cascade of failure. These particles can land on the surface of the platter (the internal air filter catches some but not all), and if the head hits these particles at a later time this will cause further damage to the platter surface and knock loose *more* crud... and so forth.

Analysing system and hard-drive-related failures is part of what I do for a living (digital video recorders rather than PCs, but the same sorts of drives are used). I've seen quite a few drives develop bad sectors due to head-slap damage (i.e. mis-handling of the equipment, in most cases), and they don't tend to live long after this happens... more and more sectors go bad. It's rare (IME) for drives to ever truly recover from this sort of damage, and it's best to replace them promptly.

If you want your drives to live a long time, treat them gently - do not bang them, and do not move them around while the power is on and the platter is spinning.

Dave Platt                                    AE6EO
Friends of Jade Warrior home page:  http://www.radagast.org/jade-warrior
  I do _not_ wish to receive unsolicited commercial email, and I will
     boycott any company which has the gall to send me such ads!
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Dave Platt

" You're an idiot. "

You're an even bigger idiot then you believe me to be ! ;)

Reply to
Skybuck Flying

" You're an idiot. "

Is that all you can say ? I guess you are flabbergashed by mine nice tracking down of issues !

Just admit it ! ;)

Bye, Skybuck :)

Reply to
Skybuck Flying

Another explanation could be: heavy trucks stopping outside near a traffic light, the whole room vibrates, even my ears vibrate a bit, I can also feel the secured/fastened harddisks vibrate a little bit.

I wonder what that vibration effect would have on unsecured/unfastened harddisks.

It's a rare kind of event though, many trucks go by, but only some of them, perhaps maybe even a single one has just the right frequency and perhaps a heavy motor or weight that creates big vibrations on the building in which I and my PC are at.

Perhaps this could cause some short lived super vibration/resoning. It's somewhat far-fetched but otherwise I cannot imagine my gentle actions to have caused any damage.

Yes I did move the harddisks a little bit while they were on but only to remove the dust filters.

Your claim that harddisks rarely recover goes directly into what I am seeing, my harddisks are still working and recovering, so this seems to confirm your mentioned "rare events".

This is not a typical harddisk damage scenerio that I am facing it was something special/rare I think...

(Though I could be wrong I can remember one instance where I came home and bumped the table and I was like: "oh shit I shouldn't have done that"... but I already tried that kind of bumping I think and didn't do any further damage... hmm bit strange... maybe PC wasn't even on or maybe it was... vague...)

Hopefully it/the rare events/possible vibration hypo won't happen again now that all 24 screws are in ! ;)

Thanks for the reply it was interesting to read and also seems to explain the ticking noise I heard ! ;)

Bye, Skybuck :)

Reply to
Skybuck Flying

Once the Apocalypse happens Skyturd will be the only one left and he will still post 20 posts to usenet talking to himself.

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No. He posts one to the groups (all the wrong groups), and then, upon realizing that no one will read it, much less respond to it (favorably), he then answers his own post about ten times, THEN he begins yacking at others who may or may not have happened into the thread.

He is pathetic.

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The only who is pathetic is you, you do nothing but moan and bitch against everybody.

You probably the most depressed and worthless person on the planet !

My congratulations !

Bye, Skybuck.

At least I am nice enough to say bye to a clueless f*ck like you.

Reply to
Skybuck Flying

Wow it was 1-11-2011

Funny. I totally hurt my back when doing all of this lol.

I need to exercise my back more ! LOL.

I guess the year 2011 wasn't so great after all... it seems to have become the year of "crazy people and crazy events" ! LOL.

And the year not even over yet, I fear of what is to come ! ;) :)

Fortunately most of the pain is now over and at bareble levels ! LOL.

The wooden table did have nice sound to it not sure if it was because of heigher ground or resoning... they new positions are kind nice too though, though in cod5 the center sound seems now a bit weaker, could also have to do with re-callibration of receiver for now I am gonna let it be since enjoying music is nice... I turn on surround sound upmixing or whatever it's called which gives nice surround effect, but it should probably be off again for gaming ;) though on can be nice too ;)

Bye, Skybuck.

Reply to
Skybuck Flying

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