Dirty Bomb, how bad?

No, but it's pretty much all been said a month and a half ago. This reserection of the thread is just so much more panty-waste lefty sky-is-falling nonsense.

More "it's Bush's fault", eh?

Many of these same experts believe that such an event is managable. It won't be another Chernobyl, which isn't like the sky fell either. Meanwhile your answer to the ones who would pull the trigger is to treat them like misbehaving children.

You want to induce panic? Perhaps you remember "duck and cover"? Maybe you secretly liked it? Maybe we should have a dirty-bomb clock set at

23:59:59 on the toob-nooz every night, just to scare all the kiddies?

Yep, more "it's Bush's fault", as I suspected. It's (you're) getting old Win.

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Come back and tell me about it, AFTER Teddy has fixed the Maynard High School problem.

Did you miss my comment that Joe Wilson makes Inspector Clouseau look like Sherlock Holmes ?:-)

...Jim Thompson

|  James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
|  Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
|  Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
|  Phoenix, Arizona            Voice:(480)460-2350  |             |
|  E-mail Address at Website     Fax:(480)460-2142  |  Brass Rat  |
|       http://www.analog-innovations.com           |    1962     |
I love to cook with wine.      Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Reply to
Jim Thompson

Neither Teddy nor Maynard have anything to do with my life, as you should well know, if you paid attention.

I did, but he got it right, you and your friends got it wrong. It's that simple.

    - Win
Reply to
Winfield Hill

Win Hill, did you really write this? I'd always seen it spelled 'Chernobyl'.

I'm afraid I have to differ with you on this one, although I should probably reread it ... preventative billion ... terrorist dirty boomb... if .. public drills ... perhaps ... society ... perhaps ... damaging ...

Maybe, if we took a look at, "why are there terrorist bombings today, and there weren't any 40 years ago? What changed?" Or, "Why are there terrorist bombings? What's their point? What are they trying to accomplish?"

But no, those are hard questions - people would rather just say, "Oh, THEY are the cause of my problems - kill all of THEM and all of my problems will miraculously go away too.

Good Luck! Rich

Reply to
Rich Grise, Plainclothes Hippi

Nor 'panty-waist' neither.

'keith' is best left filtered.

Thanks, Rich

Reply to
Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

Rusty Runners' brother?

Yah. And I was playing with Bubbles in the bathtub. ;-D

Cheers! Rich

Reply to
Rich, Under the Affluence

The dirty bomb is just one of potentially hundreds of catastrophic scenarios. We already have plenty of naturally occurring dirty bombs in the way of chemical accidents-so the responders are getting plenty of practice. And DHS is already training local emergency services for this event, so what more do you want? There will never be public drills in this country, to do so would admit defeat, our lifestyle is to be carefree and we will not tolerate being told there is danger from an external threat, we will go out and continue to "shop" for "freedom."

Reply to
Fred Bloggs

"reserection"? Feeling randy this morning?

Reply to
Fred Bloggs

Is America safer now that we took out Sadam? Is "fighting a war there so we won't have to fight it on American soil" even logical? Perhaps we should have spent more of those hundreds of billions of bombing Iraq dollars instead on curbing the thousands of illegals crossing our borders yearly - the primary method for a dirty bomb to enter the US

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They don't give any history on this word so it must be named after someone named Randy:

Definition: [adj] feeling great sexual desire; "feeling horny" , feeling a reserection coming on. Synonyms: aroused, horny, ruttish, sexy, turned on(p)

I just noticed he even got "panty-waste" wrong:

Meaning of PANTYWAIST Pronunciation: 'pantee`weyst

Definition: [n] a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive Synonyms: milksop, Milquetoast, pansy, sissy

Reply to
Fred Bloggs

I did not write it. I don't accept Chernobyl as an relevant example.

    - Win
Reply to
Winfield Hill

Naaah! The CIA thinks they're the 4th branch of government, and they're full of liberal weenies.

Watch what happens in court ;-)

...Jim Thompson

|  James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
|  Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
|  Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
|  Phoenix, Arizona            Voice:(480)460-2350  |             |
|  E-mail Address at Website     Fax:(480)460-2142  |  Brass Rat  |
|       http://www.analog-innovations.com           |    1962     |
I love to cook with wine.      Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Reply to
Jim Thompson

Nope, simple mispeeling, as usual. You?

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Only by those who can't stand an argument. Wuss!

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Ok, some did worry about Bin Laden, but Clinton was more worried about blue dresses (or perhaps should have). BTW, a couple of missles fired into dirty sheets doesn't make effective response to an act of war.

No, it wasn't. I'll give you that much. OTOH, it was a *ton* of radioactives, which isn't a real threat in Manhattan either.

Your attitude about a very serious *WAR*. ...now you're going to tell me that Saddam was a kind ol' soul who didn't support terrorism. Sheesh!

Note: no comment.

I will agree here. I do pray we never have to go here (do you rally pray Win?) however, do note that since 9/11 FEMA was sucked into DHS to deal with just this sort of thing (down playing their natural disaster role). Also note who forced the issue, your friends on the left side. George didn't want DHS. BTW, Win. WTF with all the people in Florida crying about being without power for a week or two? ...learning to suck a NO-style teat? Perhaps the folks up here should get a few hundred Billion too (some have been without power for a week). Good grief!

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Niger yellow-cake, perhaps? Maybe you want to look at the Senate report again. ...and what a GWB-friendly crew that was!

formatting link

Now you're going to tell us that Slate is a right-wing publication too.

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You don't think there is plenty of radiological debris in this country to make a mess? Do you believe that we shoudl get rid of all such? Do you think even the "great wall" would be enough to keep the "bad guys" out of a free society?

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I haven't followed this thread so it may have started about this... but yesterday on a TV news program here in Australia I saw a special on the security lapses at the various US universities and the massive amounts of enriched weapons grade material they have in their unguarded nuclear labs. In some cases the reporters just walked in through the open doors straight into the nuclear labs without challenge. Very, very scary indeed...

Dave :)

Reply to
David L. Jones

"weapons grade" material? We had lower-grade material, which was in tubes in a reactor, not exactly accessible to walk-ins.

    - Win
Reply to
Winfield Hill

I won't, they do believe in the principle of equal time. You're going to tell me Christopher Hitchens hasn't been an increasingly- ugly right-wing hatchet man for the last five years? Find any small misstatement or inconsistency, blow it up, make a big deal, and ignore everything else. The UN inspectors had it right, and Wilson had it right, Saddam's nuclear program was dead. Oh, I see, you're one of those who still believes we'll find Iraq's WMD? I was a believer too, for the first 3 months or so after the war. We were lied to again and again and we bought the lies, hook, line and sinker. It's no wonder I'm cynical and angry now about Bush's government. I'm not alone in those feelings. Check the ratings.

    - Win
Reply to
Winfield Hill

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