Bloomberg Carbon Clock

Marginal water availability usually means that it isn't available for long enough to kill the plant. Higher CO2 levels won't make a useful difference.

Until you think about the way that marginal water supplies actually kill plants.

I'm afraid that it's your "constant environment" model that needs revision. CO2 levels are pretty much uniform, world wide. Water availability is all over the place.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman
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John Larkin appears to have been frightened by a greenie when young and imp ressionable (though he still seems to be more easily impressed than is good for him). By and large environment-friendly campaigners aren't looking for a human-free world. One can see the charm of a John-Larkin-free environmen t, but getting rid of ignorant humans is a matter for education, rather tha n eradication - one wants to make them less ignorant - or less polluting - rather than dead.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

Since most of the methane comes from the front end of the bovine digestive system, it's more belches than farts.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

There's a strong correlation between crabby, catty, insulting downer people and believing in the horrors of AGW. Gloomy angry leftists

*want* terrible things to happen, so they glom onto unprovable disaster scenarios ands talk about crazy models as "science."

They want to be frightened and angry and bummed out; and are, and deserve it.

I think I finally got The Circuit to work beautifully after, well, decades of iterations. Why moan about CO2 when electronics is such fun?


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
picosecond timing   precision measurement  

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com
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John Larkin

So why do you post about it so much?


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Recycling denialist propaganda - that anybody with more brains than Joey He y ought to recognise as lying propaganda - tends to bring out the crabby in people who are otherwise perfectly aimiable.

People who re-post lying propaganda is it was to be taken seriously are ins ulting the intelligence of the rest of the group, and tend to experience fa ctual and objective comments about their intelligence (or lack of it) as in sults, but if you took to taking a dump in the middle of a shared space, wo uld you expect approving comment?

It's a bit late to tell you to grow up, but you are well on your way to ear ning a John-out-of-touch-with-reality-Larkin label.

This may sound grumpy, but it's kindly meant. If you refrain from obvious s tupidities, people may insult you less often.

As opposed to gloomy rightist like Trump, who glom onto the bad acts of occ asional Muslims, and want to ban all of them from the US? Logically, he oug ht also to glom onto all the bad acts of the born-again-christians in the U S and throw them out as well, probably starting with Ben Carson who seems t o be almost as attractive to the irrational right, if James Arthur is is a representative sample.

Sadly, the unfortunate consequences of unrestrained anthropogenic global ar e about as provable as any prediction can be, only marginally less reliable than the sun rising in the east every morning. We know that you can't unde rstand climate models - can't even distinguish between them and weather mod els - but that makes you ignorant, rather than the models crazy.

Incidentally, the models don't constitute the science involved - they exist to illustrate it, and let people see where current trends are likely to en d up.

You don't like the consequences so you prefer to disbelieve the science - w hich you can't comprehend - and latch onto the comforting fables brought to you by the fossil carbon extraction industry, which has a large financial interest in fooling that part of the population who are dumb enough to fall for their rather poorly concocted lies.

The lies are the best money can buy, but they are still pretty poor, becaus e the tale they are telling isn't actually all that convincing. 290 of the world's top 300 climate scientists are in a secret conspiracy to lie about the reality of climate change? That's the kind of conspiracy theory that gi ves conspiracy theories a bad name, but it's also the kind of nonsense that the denialists end up having to peddle.

Bill Sloman, Sydney 
> They want to be frightened and angry and bummed out; and are, and 
> deserve it. 
> I think I finally got The Circuit to work beautifully after, well, 
> decades of iterations. Why moan about CO2 when electronics is such 
> fun? 
> --  
> John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
> picosecond timing   precision measurement  
> jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com 
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Bill Sloman

I would not bet on it.


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Dan isn't one of my fans, much to my relief. Right-wing nitwits do have a lot of silly ideas, one of the sillier ones being that their demented delusions are worth posting.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

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