Benchmark your box

You can run several instances of this and watch them all crunch.

This is a Linux app BTW. So try it in the Linux Windows now lets you have too!

So, set a command prompt to as big an x,y size you can get. Then set the font to a very, very tiny font you can barely see.

Then run this bash script in each prompt. It produces a mandelbrot using bash script. Pretty cool. Be cool to see one that does use more precision. But this one is pretty tight for a character based output! Do not forget to unmunge the lines wrapped by my Usenet client.


#!/bin/bash -i # Draws a mandelbrot set. # Author: Benjamin Staffin # # Simulates floating point by using big integers. Flagrantly uses two integers # instead of complex numbers. I couldn't be arsed to calculate infinity limits # of logarithmic functions in bash, so this just uses escape time values for # colors. # # Algorithm reference:

formatting link
# Colors:
formatting link

L=128 # Iteration limit. Even on a 238x61 terminal, 99 is plenty. P=100000000 Q=$(( P/100 )) X=$(( Q*320 / ($COLUMNS-1) )) Y=$(( Q*210 / $LINES )) y=$(( Q*-105 )) v=$(( Q*-220 )) x=$v

# "pixel" 0,0 is the top-left corner of our character grid.

# Outer loop: lines (y values) while (( y7 )); then (( k=1, j-= 8 )); else k=0; fi

# ANSI SGR color codes start at 30, hence j+30 here: printf "\E[$k;$((j+30))m#"

(( x+=X )) # okay, next... done printf '\E[0m'

(( x=v, y+=Y )) # On to the next line! done

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