Re: Taking a Stand in the War on General-Purpose Computing

Read the links which confirm what I say, and show you are lying, and calm down,

Reply to
The Natural Philosopher
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I did read them properly, But I cant help you being in denial and not reading them properly yourself.

It is understandable, you having been made a fool of for so many years by the myth of the Liberal Democratic Benevolent EU, but I think you should man up and apologise to yourself, at least.

Reply to
The Natural Philosopher

EU has always strutted and fretted its hour upon the stage, hiding behind the skirts of NATO, telling tales invented by idiots, full of moral indignation and signifying nothing.

I have come to the conclusions that those who want to return to it, are like the plantation slaves of the deep south, who, shorn of their shackles, wept, because now they couldn't handle not being told what to do.

Cradle to the grave socialism, that's what those slaves had.

Reply to
The Natural Philosopher

No you didn't, you're just lying again, quote the parts that say the the EU is an unelected dictatorship.

Reply to
Java Jive

+1, TimS is just another bigoted anti-EU liar.

+1 again, an excellent book.
Reply to
Java Jive

If you're going to attempt to quote Shakespeare, get the quote right

I have come to the conclusion that people like you are just liars who can't accept being proven wrong about something, which is strange, because you've been proven wrong about so many things, so it's not as though you've lacked the opportunity to see the f*ck ups that result from your errant opinions.

Cradle to the grave exploitation by the worst excesses of capitalism, that's what those slaves had.

Reply to
Java Jive

FALSE! "The Parliament is the "first institution" of the European Union (mentioned first in its treaties and having ceremonial precedence over the other EU institutions),[8] and shares equal legislative and budgetary powers with the Council (except on a few issues where the special legislative procedures apply). It likewise has equal control over the EU budget. Ultimately, the European Commission, which serves as the executive branch of the EU, is accountable to Parliament. In particular, Parliament can decide whether or not to approve the European Council's nominee for President of the Commission, and is further tasked with approving (or rejecting) the appointment of the Commission as a whole. It can subsequently force the current Commission to resign by adopting a motion of censure.[6]"

For example, the proposed legislation on USB-C connectors for portable devices was initiated the European Parliament asking the Commission to come up with legislative proposals, exactly contrary to what you claim above.

FALSE! "The European Council (informally EUCO) is a collegiate body that defines the overall political directions and priorities of the European Union. It is composed of the heads of state or government of the EU member states, along with the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy also takes part in its meetings.[1] Established as an informal summit in 1975, the European Council was formalised as an institution in 2009 upon the commencement of the Treaty of Lisbon. [...]"

FALSE! See contrary example above.

As proven above.

Quote the parts that say what you claim above.

Reply to
Java Jive

no, you tell me how anyone in the EU can remove von der leyen or any commissioner by means of a democratic vote.

The USSR had elections too, and called itself a democracy.

But most people would say it was in the end an unelected dictatorship, and only one party ever won, and the people who ran it were all selected by officials from that party.

If you want to live in a neo communist/fascist totalitarian state, f*ck off and move.

I don't and Brexit won. More people in Britain wanted to leave it than wanted to stay.

British democracy is always about how to change the CEO without having to behead him and have a civil war.

EU is all about never being able to change the CEO except by having a civil war, as les gilet jaunes will tell you

Reply to
The Natural Philosopher

That makes you a murderer then

-- “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

—Soren Kierkegaard
Reply to
The Natural Philosopher

Protests in EU countries are always notably violent. The people tend to think that the state knows best, but they also know that having an election in their country rarely solves anything, as the same lists of people get elected every time.

Poor old JJ. He keeps posting links, as if documenting the undemocratic nature of the EU somehow excuses it.

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Where is your *EVIDENCE* that protest within the EU are any more or less violent compared with ours.

I can't help it if you're too stupid to read an understand them. Other who read your lies will see that they are rebutted, that's all that matters.

Reply to
Java Jive

No, but does make you one.

Reply to
Java Jive

Any news programme on the box.

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Yet you can't even find a single link, so we are entitled to assume that this is just the usual bigoted crap.

Reply to
Java Jive

TimS writes:

USA newsies are unlikely to consider nonviolent protests in the EU newsworthy (and EU newsies are unlikely to consider nonviolent protests in the USA newsworthy).

Reply to
John Hasler

I'm not talking about non-violent protests. I'm talking about those such as gilets-jaunes, where there have been some deaths. That they might or might not have been reported in the USA is neither here nor there.

One may note that protests in the US are often violent, too, and for the same fundamental reason: lack of any meaningful political change possible at the ballot box.

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And there are lethal riots in the UK too, so I repeat where is your

*EVIDENCE* that protest within the EU are any more or less violent compared with ours.
Reply to
Java Jive

Ah well, you need to hit an alt-right site like Breitbart to get any news at all that isn't 'onLiberalMessage' and then you have to apply the inverseRedneck™ filter to remove the bias *there*..

In short, we are lied to all the time on any media there is. Everyone has an agenda, everyone needs to get paid, everyone wants to to synchronise with their world view, and see the world through their eyes, and as an amateur philosopher, I understand the Problem Of Induction means, in this context, that no conspiracy theory can be proved to be false. Perhaps the Queen really is a lizard from another planet. Perhaps the Russians really did do it. Perhaps the vaccine actually makes us believe government bullshit. Perhaps we are all living in a VR simulation created by pan dimensional white mice, perhaps God is real and in his place.

The Left runs on all this bullshit, trying to modify the way we see the world from plain common sense to moralising puritans. What is racism? calling a spade a spade? How dare you call me 'white' ? Had a DNA analysis? Its BLM who make distinctions between 'races', not me.

Faugh! a plague on all your houses. Thank Clapton I am an engineer, you cant bullshit machinery. It doesn't matter how much a male plug 'identifies' as female, it still wont plug in another male plug and do anything useful. Which reminds me, the bloody range burner has stopped burning and I need it to cook on. Cya

Reply to
The Natural Philosopher

I'd challenge that. Trump for sure made meaningful changes after being balloted in.

And in fact the policies that he presided over were pretty popular. Its just that he wasn't, and the antics of the Liberal media in essentially cancelling him were very ugly indeed.

(Someone remarked that the Republicans need trump policies without the Donald. I can relate to that).

I think the real issue is that everyone has forgotten what the point of democracy really is, and the Left have deliberately misrepresented it in order to use the ridiculous concept of 'fairness' as a weapon against democracy. Democracy was developed in Britain in its modern form because things got to a head, we killed a profligate king, and then had a moralising god bothering communist style dictator implement what amounted to martial law, that any Liberal would be proud of, banning music. laugher, and anything ungodly for a decade or more. Then he died, thankfully. Ryaltyhad been entirely cancelled, and so had laughter. Well the people in general thought he was worse than a king. so they invited the king back. But they said he was there on sufferance and couldn't do everything he wanted, but had to coexist with parliament. Which was composed of rich people. Who liked a bit of fun, and didn't like being moralised at. Noe there were other rich people who said that this was all very well, they didnt have time to attend parliament, but dammit, they weren't to be ignored either, so they started appoint chums who were of the 'right stuff;' top represent their point of view. And so it carried on until the modern system of votes for all - probably a mistake - was implemented, not to have their views represented, but simply as a brake on totalitarianism.

After the civil war, the consensus was that anything was better than bloody war and terror, and so a gentleman's agreement to abide by majority votes was accepted as civilised and sensible.

All democracy,. British style is, is a way to get rid of the king, without bloodshed. OK hes not a king these days, we allowed the king to stay and not be topped, at the expense of having hos executive power stripped. at lies with the government and the Prime Minster (to the king)

And if he is making a huge mess of things, he can be sacked, by means of various votes within his party, and if the whole party fails to come up with a competent CEO, the whole party gets sacked at the next general election. Britain is a nation of shopkeepers and traders and the way the country is run is the way a public company is run, with votes and shareholders.

The point is democracy is not to 'fairly represent the will of the people' In reality it is a process of sacking and reappointing the executive board of Britain Ltd., It sacrifices 'fairness' for 'effectiveness' The government can do mostly what it likes, up to the point at which it needs to be totally removed.

Governments are necessary, to a point, but they have to be kept in check. Governments are mostly incompetent bumbling fools masquerading as Glorious Leaders. Mostly that's a lot safer than them actually meddling with stuff they don't understand.

Unfortunately they have gotten out of hand worldwide. Its time to kick them in the nuts. By any means possible.

British democracy is a fairly good implement for this. Once enough brits decide that's what they need.

Reply to
The Natural Philosopher

Carefully hidden, I mean are you naive or *WHAT*.

You actually seem to believe stuff in the media, believe politicians and bureaucrats,


Ask yourself, who in journalism, in media, in the annals of governments, in the authorship of wikipedia, in *anything* has any interest whatsoever in letting an innocent pleb like you have access to the truth?

Firstly you wouldn't believe it, and secondly if you did, with your moralising stance you might try and go out and do something about it

Cant have that.

You might to a Great Thunderbox and yell 'why aren't you DOING anything about it?'

SSSH Greta. We are, we are making a f****ng fortune out of electric cars, windmills , grid scale batteries, solar panels, heat pumps, insulation. None of it is actually making the slightest difference to carbon emissions, but that doesn't matter.

It's all about excuses to sell more crap to plebs, to transfer their wealth to our pockets, to make them more dependent on us to crystallize us as the elite who will deliver them from the imaginary problems we have created..and that's why we buy off the academics with grants and cancel the honest ones who show doubt and pay our media chaps to call them 'climate deniers'.

We own the media. We own the politicians, We own the EU. We own the Democrats. We don't own Brexit and we didn't own Trump, but we soon put paid to one and will smash Britain next.

We own the world. And the last thing we want is well informed people in possession of the truth.

If we say it didn't happen, it didn't happen. Records can be altered. Entire events airbrushed out of wikipedias and history itself.

So you just settle down with a nice cup of warm milky Ovaltine and a couple of aspirin and read the Guardian and put on the BBC and settle back into the carefully constructed narrative we have prepared for you, and you will feel much better in the morning.

Of course there are no riots in the EU.

It wouldn't be good for business now, would it?

Reply to
The Natural Philosopher

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