Yamaha DVD-S1200 Diag help

Hi All,

I have a fair background in resurrecting VCRs, TVs and computers, but I have never really tried my hand at DVD players.

My friend gave me a DVD player to repair, and I thought I would bring this by you all for some hints, and maybe even a diagnosis.

It is a Yamaha DVD-S1200, which I believe is a relabeled Panasonic RP-91. confirmation of that would be helpful, but it won't solve the issue.

In short the DVD player works normally for about an hour, then inexplicably stops being able to read the DVD. This happens with any DVD, we've tried many of them. It starts as a skipping, then it says it can't read the disk. If I stick another DVD in, it says it isn't a supported type.

One other odd thing? A music CD played once when I put it in after the error. I'm going to try to generate the exact errors, and will report back.

Any suggestions? I'm doing this primarily to learn, partly to not give up on something that cost $900 four years ago.

Any suggestions and guidance will be appreciated.


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Daniel C. Jensen
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The likelihood is the laser pickup is bad. This is extremely common on DVD players, and the symptoms you mention are the classic symptoms of a weak or failing pickup.

Mark Z.

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Mark D. Zacharias

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