TV set locks up

Environment: Cable TV with Charter Communications using the digital MOXI Box

Hi group:

I was watching cable TV this evening with my wife when all of a sudden during a show, the sound went out.

In fact, all control over the late model 32" Panasonic TV went out. The volume and mute buttons on the MOXI remote control were unenabled. All the buttons on the TV's own remote control along with the buttons on the front of the TV were also unenabled.

(Note: The MOXI is a digital recorder (using a hard drive) that's similar to the TIVO box and is offered by cable TV providers to their customers.)

I assumed that this was a TV problem and had nothing to do with the MOXI box.

My wife thought otherwise.....bless her heart! :-)

So, I telephoned the Charter Support (on a Sunday night around 10:15 pm) and the support person had me unplug both the MOXI box and the TV from the power source.

Then I waited about one minute before plugging both plugs in whereupon the MOXI box started its process of rebooting. I also turned on the TV with the power button on the front of the set.

After the MOXI box completed its rebooting, the TV set worked normally....sound could be controlled by both remotes and the controls on the TV remote along with the controls on the front of the TV all were working normally.

The Charter person believes that the TV and/or the MOXI somehow "locked up" and the procedures I followed cleared this lockup.

I've never experienced a problem like this before.

If you have some comments about this problem or if you have also experienced this yourself, please post them under this subject thread.

I look forward to reading your postings.

Regards, Al Gershen Grants Pass, OR

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Al Gershen: Standard stuff...... remember the very first Apple, Tandy, etc computers??? Recycling power and re-booting almost always solved their all too frequent lock-up problems. If this just happens very occasionally there is not much that can be done..... on the other hand if you have to disconnect power and re-boot frequently than something needs to be fixed.

-- Best Regards, Daniel Sofie Electronics Supply & Repair

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