Thanks, but I finally had to submit

Was running this box on 98 remember ? Well I had to do it. Put in the XP disk.

I had to get a patch for my incredibly cheap soundcard, which I shouldn't have because I run my main music out the PC, but oh well. Ironically I had bought this total POS because it works well with 98. Then I find it will not work with XP. What the hell, upgrade and now I have no sound ? It got the internet though so I got the patch, all is well.

There is only one problem right now, I can't get on IRC, but that is not the end of the world. Thusfar I have made my changes, some of which are a bit harder to find in XP, and I am less unhappy. MUCH less unhappy.

I have found out a few things, mplayer.exe from 98 will run, and yes you can have multiple instances of it. Also it works the same, you can run a video and replace the audio. I see no provision for that in the normal options menu. I am quite pleased that it will still work that way.

It took a bit of time, but I imported all my cookies and the sendto menu. I also played with the file associations. I am much less unhappy now. This is acceptable.

Now all I really have to do is to check my email and then figure out how to get into my FTP space. Once that is done, ooooooooo wait, I bet I can run AOL out of the old directory. HAHAHAHA

I did malign XP in the past but now I must reconsider, it is working, and working well.

We'll see how it works out tomorrow, and next week. But for now, it is working.

All who tried to help me get my 98 back online, thank you but I have now fallen on the pointy sword of XP. Linux just wasn't cutting it.

Wow, that statement is poetic in a way, or something. (I bet it's or something)

Thing is Linux took too long, it is unfamiliar, I don't have time to learn it. I was pleased that it only took me about 4-5 hours to get this thing customized. But I have done damnear everything as of now, next is email and FTP. Wish me luck, because if I don't have it I will be back (LOL).


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Use VLC media player, as well use MIRC for your irc and cuteFTP for ftp. All M$ products suck, you have no idea how buggy vista is, clearly they have shipped a beta to the public (again).


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Man, wipe the orange powder off your paws.

I have to echo the OP concerning XP ain't bad but it can be a pain occasionally. Still, nothing I can't overcome with a call to a friend.

There is NO reason for Vista, I'll give you +1 on that.

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Nothing to learn in Linux. I installed Kubuntu Linux on this Gateway machine after the XP drive blew up. Took me a couple days to reinstall XP because of the NVidia NForce chipset and waiting on the motherboard manufacture (MSI) to tell me via email where the hell the drivers were for it. Nothing was provided with the PC which was purchased new in August of

06 except a hidden partition on the hard drive to restore the XP install. Funny though how Kubuntu linux found, identified, and installed drivers for everything. And as far as learning Linux goes, there is noting to learn to get you up and running in IRC/FTP/Email etc... The X-Windows GUI and KDE desktop is damn near identical in operation to XP. I use XP for one thing only, that's to make a backup copy of encrypted DVD movies. I can do it in Linux but however the process is too slow for some unknown reason.
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Meat Plow

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