Son's Sony TV dead KV24fv300...

My son's KV24fv300 is 2-3 years old, but the picture has suddenly failed to come on (black screen). The audio, remote, etc. is normal. I can hear a relay click on, then another that then perhaps seems to open.

An led on the front blinks several times then stops.

No smoke or smell.

Opened the back, but unsure where to discharge the coating on the screen, etc., whether necessary to try to d/c the high voltage (red line to tube from flyback) after many days of no power connex. Built discharge devices to do it safely, but need instrux or diagram.

Located info indicating similar symptoms repaired by replacement of an open resistor and an adjacent killed ic, but I'm afraid to grab board and pull it out without discharging caps, hv, tube etc. Not sure what holds board in...appears to just slide from slot (no metal chassis whatever).

I could really use some advice- if this IS the problem, repair will be simple, but I need some discharge advice/diagram info before charging in. I am not capable of or interested in working on a live chassis.

Thank you.

Steve Bienvenu

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