Old Grundig Radio ...

Cheers Ian


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Arfa Daily
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Actually, there doesn't seem to be a lot of 'em - s'true. I have however, been very lucky with mine. He is a proper BDS, and I have been going to him virtually since he graduated. He still has as much enthusiasm for the job now, as he did back then all those years ago. He really does 'live' dentistry. It's not just a job to him. It's his life's passion, and he is superb at it. Over the years, I have pointed many friends and colleagues in his direction, and I can't think of a single one that has ever had a bad word to say about him. I dread the day that he ever retires ...

New Jersey ?? Where did that one come from ... :-)


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Arfa Daily

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Colin Horsley

The old Internet "wisdom" that the 18 year old bi-curious well built blonde California beach bunny, whom you just met in a chat room, and would love to come to your home with her equally good looking girlfriend, if you sent her your credit card number so that they could buy airplane tickets is really a 50 year old bald guy with a beer gut and a 3 day growth of beard, sitting in a basement in New Jersey.

They also inhabit dating sites some of which claim to screen their members.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel gsm@mendelson.com  N3OWJ/4X1GM
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Geoffrey S. Mendelson

Don't forget, He most likely has nothing on and hair all over him!

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The word is 'losing', not 'loosing'. Sorry for being a pedantic f*ck, but it's a pet peeve of mine.

Bugger all?

  . | ,. w ,   "Some people are alive only because
   \|/  \|/     it is illegal to kill them."    Perna condita delenda est
Reply to
Bob Larter

Michael, you are to be congratulated for this. I'm trying to do something similar, as I'm good as mixing & matching old PC parts to make working systems, but it's hard to get them to the people who can use them.

  . | ,. w ,   "Some people are alive only because
   \|/  \|/     it is illegal to kill them."    Perna condita delenda est
Reply to
Bob Larter

No one has that much free time! ;-)

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

Contact Veterans groups, and local agencies that deal with the disabled. Also, your military when released from active duty so they can look for jobs. You can call local schools to find needy families. Give them to nursing homes, or just offer them on Freecycle or Craigs List if there is a local group.

Older computers with limited memory and tiny hard drives will be going to a day care center where they kill a lot of Windows 95 computers. That is better than sending them to the landfill, and they don't need a good modem or network card.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell




This is interesting. I have done some of the same type of thing. I now refuse most of that stuff or direct it to a few recyclers or it piles up. I can't afford the real estate for that kind of storage. I hope no one is offended, just an observation, but people who receive retirement or other benefit, even independently wealthy, tend not to work toward a return on a financial investment because the pressure is off. Although I have helped out at the local church, I find that if I donate too much of my labor, it depletes resources that could have been more useful, such as HIRING Veterans, Handicapped, Unemployed and Homeless.

BTW I would hire someone off the street, face to face before wasting time wading through a million e-mails.

And since when do nursing homes and day care centers need to play with computers when they should be changing diapers and breaking up squabbles and kissing playground boo boos?

Granted though, the Internet is more informative and entertaining than the boob tube.

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What does that have to do with keeping electronics out of a landfill, and giving it to people who couldn't afford to pay anything more than the electric bill to run it? Who is going to pay your 'Veterans, Handicapped, Unemployed and Homeless' to do work that generates no income?

A computer can help the elderly keep their mind sharp by letting them write letters and do other things that keep them from vegetating.

The day care center uses the older computers for preschool age children to teach them to read, and do simple math. The one I have in mind can not run the software they use on NT/XP/linux based systems, due to its age.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

Can anyone else help out with answers to these questions? Don Quixote? Anyone?

Who is going to pay your 'Veterans,

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