help troubleshooting an IBM Netvista X40 all in one.. where to start?

an IBM Netvista X40 found its way into my garage recently. A fixer upper sorta project, and frankly this one has me a bit stumped. When power is applied, I can hear the processor fan and the cdrom whirling, and the led near the power button lights when I hit that power button, but I don't get anything at all posting to the screen.

with the screen and everything else being integrated.. I don't even know how to go about troubleshooting this sucker..

any 1.....2......3...... steps to follow? anybody have any experience taking these things apart?

if I had a take apart guide I might be a bit more adventurous about figuring out if the lcd was properly hooked up to the rest of the system and such..

any help with this sucker would be much appreciated. If I can't fix it, I'd like to at least figure out what's busted so that I can part out the rest of the system and throw away a minimal amount of stuff.

thanks in advance, Ethan

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Have you checked the IBM website for a maintenance manual? Normally pretty good on strip down procedures and testing.

-- Adrian

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Adrian C

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