Xilinx V4 LVDS


Having trouble with some LVDS signals coming from a Camera Link interface. I expect to see from steady signals coming from this line camera. DVAL=1. But it's not there. And the LVAL, line valid, only comes on for maybe one clock, and I expect it to come on for 2K clocks.

I am using IBUFDS as inputs. The UCF file loc the pins but that is all. Do I need something more to drop the 100 ohm termination resitance?

Brad Smallridge aivision.com

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Brad Smallridge
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I know on Altera parts you have to tell the tool to turn on the on-chip termination resistors: it may be the same with Xilinx. Also, I know on V2PRO parts the banks running differenital I/O must be operated with a 2.5V VCCIO.

Also, I would look at the inputs at the connector to make sure that they are acting as expected. If you don't have a differential probe you can get a reasonable look with a single ended one. This is just to make sure that you're not chasing the wrong problem.

I've done many designs with Camera Link so let me know if you need anything else.

Let us know what you find.

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Hi Brad Are you sure you're decoding Camera Link correctly? Both Channel Link and Camera Link mangle the bit order on the stream, so make sure you'r looking at the correct bit.


Brad Smallridge wrote:

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Hi Rob,

Thanks for the moral support.

There is a jumper to make these bank 7 inputs 2.5V instead of 3.3V which I switched. No effect.

I ran the inputs into a second camera jack available on my daughter board, to see if I had some solder problems on the first jack. That resulted in the same issues.

My scope is old so I am just looking at the tiniest wiggles but again they seem to be OK. In fact I can see the LVAL in the original signal making it wiggle higher than the rest of the signal.

Are you using IDELAY to control the timing?


Reply to
Brad Smallridge

I hope so. I have a counter and a mux routing all the signals in turn to an LED that I scope. There is nothing that indicates to me that a DVAL=1 or an LVAL exist on the X2 stream. I have checked the operation of the camera with another board that has National LVDS chips and the camera seems to be operating OK in base configuration, 12 bit, one tap mode.

Channel X0 Bit 0 ChanLink 0 CamLink 0 Bit 1 ChanLink 1 CamLink 1 Bit 2 ChanLink 2 CamLink 2 Bit 3 ChanLink 3 CamLink 3 Bit 4 ChanLink 4 CamLink 4 Bit 5 ChanLink 6 CamLink 5 Bit 6 ChanLink 7 CamLink 8

Channel X1 Bit 0 ChanLink 8 CamLink 9 Bit 1 ChanLink 9 CamLink 10 Bit 2 ChanLink 12 CamLink 11 Bit 3 ChanLink 13 Bit 4 ChanLink 14 Bit 5 ChanLink 15 Bit 6 ChanLink 18

Channel X2 Bit 0 ChanLink 19 Bit 1 ChanLink 20 Bit 2 ChanLink 21 Bit 3 ChanLink 22 Bit 4 ChanLink 24 CamLink LVAL Bit 5 ChanLink 25 Bit 6 ChanLink 26 CamLink DVAL

Channel X3 Bit 0 ChanLink 27 CamLink 6 Bit 1 ChanLink 5 CamLink 7 Bit 2 ChanLink 10 Bit 3 ChanLink 11 Bit 4 ChanLink 16 Bit 5 ChanLink 17 Bit 6 ChanLink 23

By adding about 50 delay taps to the 140_280 dcm and 4 clock cycles to the xclk clkdiv signal, I have been able to get a video looking signal, simultaneously, into all the camlink data positions, except the DVAL and LVAL. I must admit however that the first and second bits look very similar on the scope as if they were the same value. All the unmarked signals are zero.

I have put some of the code below. This is work in progress because I have begun to play around by fixed IDELAY to the X0 ISERDES. I don't know what is better, to delay the signals coming into the ISERDESs or delay the clkdiv strobe.

reset1 cam1_in(6), -- 40 MHz clkin_p_in => cam1_in(7), -- Differential pair rst_in => reset1, clkfx_out => cam1_clk7xdiv2, -- 140MHz clkin_ibufgds_out => open, clk0_out => cam1_xclk_0, -- 40 MHz locked_out => cam1_lock7xdiv2 );

reset_delay_SRL16 : SRL16 generic map ( INIT => X"0000") port map ( Q => reset2, A0 => '1', -- 16 clock delays A1 => '1', A2 => '1', A3 => '1', CLK => cam1_clk7xdiv2, D => cam1_lock7xdiv2 );

reset3 cam1_clk7xdiv2, -- 140 MHz rst_in => reset3, -- from SRL16 clk0_out => open, clk2x_out => cam1_clk7x, -- 280 MHz locked_out => cam1_lock7x );

xclk_delay_process: process(cam1_clk7x) begin if( cam1_clk7x'event and cam1_clk7x='1' ) then cam1_xclk_1 cam1_clk7x, -- 1-bit reference clock input RST => reset3 ); -- 1-bit reset input

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Camera Link Deserializers -- -- Each of the four serial streams X0 X1 X2 and X3 -- have a pair of differential inputs _n and _p -- attached to the gpio_exp_hdr2 (General Purpose Input Output Header 2 ) -- that must be reconciled with an IBUFDS (Input BUFfer Differential Swing) -- The resulting signal is fed to a pair of Master and Slave -- ISERDES (Input SERializer DESerializer).

cam1_x0_ibufd_inst : IBUFDS port map ( O => cam1_x0, I => cam1_in(1), IB => cam1_in(0) );

x0_iserdes_master : ISERDES generic map ( BITSLIP_ENABLE => FALSE, -- TRUE FALSE DATA_RATE => "SDR", -- DDR SDR DATA_WIDTH => 7, -- DDR 4,6,8,10 SDR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 INIT_Q1 => '0', INIT_Q2 => '0', INIT_Q3 => '0', INIT_Q4 => '0', INTERFACE_TYPE => "MEMORY", -- model - "MEMORY" or "NETWORKING"

-- IOBDELAY => "NONE", -- delay chain "NONE","IBUF","IFD","BOTH"


-- IOBDELAY_VALUE => 0, -- initial tap delay 0 to 63 IOBDELAY => "BOTH", -- delay chain "NONE","IBUF","IFD","BOTH" IOBDELAY_TYPE => "FIXED", -- tap delay "DEFAULT", "FIXED","VARIABLE" IOBDELAY_VALUE => 61, -- initial tap delay 0 to 63 NUM_CE => 1, -- clock enables 1,2 SERDES_MODE => "MASTER", -- "MASTER" or "SLAVE" SRVAL_Q1 => '0', SRVAL_Q2 => '0', SRVAL_Q3 => '0', SRVAL_Q4 => '0') port map ( O => open, Q1 => cam1_x0_bit(0), Q2 => cam1_x0_bit(1), Q3 => cam1_x0_bit(2), Q4 => cam1_x0_bit(3), Q5 => cam1_x0_bit(4), Q6 => cam1_x0_bit(5), SHIFTOUT1 => cam1_x0_shift1, SHIFTOUT2 => cam1_x0_shift2, BITSLIP => '0', CE1 => '1', CE2 => '1', CLK => cam1_clk7x, CLKDIV => cam1_xclk, D => cam1_x0, DLYCE => '0', DLYINC => '0', DLYRST => '0', OCLK => cam1_clk7x, REV => '0', SHIFTIN1 => '0', SHIFTIN2 => '0', SR => reset3 );

x0_iserdes_slave : ISERDES generic map ( BITSLIP_ENABLE => FALSE, -- TRUE FALSE DATA_RATE => "SDR", -- "DDR" "SDR" DATA_WIDTH => 7, -- DDR 4,6,8,10 SDR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 INIT_Q1 => '0', INIT_Q2 => '0', INIT_Q3 => '0', INIT_Q4 => '0', INTERFACE_TYPE => "MEMORY", -- model - "MEMORY" or "NETWORKING"

-- IOBDELAY => "NONE", -- delay chain "NONE","IBUF","IFD","BOTH"


-- IOBDELAY_VALUE => 0, -- initial tap delay 0 to 63 IOBDELAY => "BOTH", -- delay chain "NONE","IBUF","IFD","BOTH" IOBDELAY_TYPE => "FIXED", -- tap delay "DEFAULT", "FIXED","VARIABLE" IOBDELAY_VALUE => 61, -- initial tap delay 0 to 63 NUM_CE => 2, -- clock enables 1,2 SERDES_MODE => "SLAVE", -- "MASTER" or "SLAVE" SRVAL_Q1 => '0', SRVAL_Q2 => '0', SRVAL_Q3 => '0', SRVAL_Q4 => '0') port map ( O => open, Q1 => open, Q2 => open, Q3 => cam1_x0_bit(6), Q4 => open, Q5 => open, Q6 => open, SHIFTOUT1 => open, SHIFTOUT2 => open, BITSLIP => '0', CE1 => '1', CE2 => '1', CLK => cam1_clk7x, CLKDIV => cam1_xclk, D => '0', DLYCE => '0', DLYINC => '0', DLYRST => '0', OCLK => cam1_clk7x, REV => '0', SHIFTIN1 => cam1_x0_shift1, SHIFTIN2 => cam1_x0_shift2, SR => reset3 );


cam1_x1_ibufd_inst : IBUFDS port map ( O => cam1_x1, I => cam1_in(3), IB => cam1_in(2) );

x1_iserdes_master : ISERDES generic map ( BITSLIP_ENABLE => FALSE, -- TRUE FALSE DATA_RATE => "SDR", -- DDR SDR DATA_WIDTH => 7, -- DDR 4,6,8,10 SDR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 INIT_Q1 => '0', INIT_Q2 => '0', INIT_Q3 => '0', INIT_Q4 => '0', INTERFACE_TYPE => "MEMORY", -- model - "MEMORY" or "NETWORKING" IOBDELAY => "NONE", -- delay chain "NONE","IBUF","IFD","BOTH" IOBDELAY_TYPE => "DEFAULT", -- tap delay "DEFAULT", "FIXED","VARIABLE" IOBDELAY_VALUE => 0, -- initial tap delay 0 to 63 NUM_CE => 1, -- clock enables 1,2 SERDES_MODE => "MASTER", -- "MASTER" or "SLAVE" SRVAL_Q1 => '0', SRVAL_Q2 => '0', SRVAL_Q3 => '0', SRVAL_Q4 => '0') port map ( O => open, Q1 => cam1_x1_bit(0), Q2 => cam1_x1_bit(1), Q3 => cam1_x1_bit(2), Q4 => cam1_x1_bit(3), Q5 => cam1_x1_bit(4), Q6 => cam1_x1_bit(5), SHIFTOUT1 => cam1_x1_shift1, SHIFTOUT2 => cam1_x1_shift2, BITSLIP => '0', CE1 => '1', CE2 => '1', CLK => cam1_clk7x, CLKDIV => cam1_xclk, D => cam1_x1, DLYCE => '0', DLYINC => '0', DLYRST => '0', OCLK => cam1_clk7x, REV => '0', SHIFTIN1 => '0', SHIFTIN2 => '0', SR => reset3 );

x1_iserdes_slave : ISERDES generic map ( BITSLIP_ENABLE => FALSE, -- TRUE FALSE DATA_RATE => "SDR", -- "DDR" "SDR" DATA_WIDTH => 7, -- DDR 4,6,8,10 SDR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 INIT_Q1 => '0', INIT_Q2 => '0', INIT_Q3 => '0', INIT_Q4 => '0', INTERFACE_TYPE => "MEMORY", -- model - "MEMORY" or "NETWORKING" IOBDELAY => "NONE", -- delay chain "NONE","IBUF","IFD","BOTH" IOBDELAY_TYPE => "DEFAULT", -- tap delay "DEFAULT", "FIXED","VARIABLE" IOBDELAY_VALUE => 0, -- initial tap delay 0 to 63 NUM_CE => 2, -- clock enables 1,2 SERDES_MODE => "SLAVE", -- "MASTER" or "SLAVE" SRVAL_Q1 => '0', SRVAL_Q2 => '0', SRVAL_Q3 => '0', SRVAL_Q4 => '0') port map ( O => open, Q1 => open, Q2 => open, Q3 => cam1_x1_bit(6), Q4 => open, Q5 => open, Q6 => open, SHIFTOUT1 => open, SHIFTOUT2 => open, BITSLIP => '0', CE1 => '1', CE2 => '1', CLK => cam1_clk7x, CLKDIV => cam1_xclk, D => '0', DLYCE => '0', DLYINC => '0', DLYRST => '0', OCLK => cam1_clk7x, REV => '0', SHIFTIN1 => cam1_x1_shift1, SHIFTIN2 => cam1_x1_shift2, SR => reset3 );


cam1_x2_ibufd_inst : IBUFDS port map ( O => cam1_x2, I => cam1_in(5), IB => cam1_in(4) );

x2_iserdes_master : ISERDES generic map ( BITSLIP_ENABLE => FALSE, -- TRUE FALSE DATA_RATE => "SDR", -- DDR SDR DATA_WIDTH => 7, -- DDR 4,6,8,10 SDR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 INIT_Q1 => '0', INIT_Q2 => '0', INIT_Q3 => '0', INIT_Q4 => '0', INTERFACE_TYPE => "MEMORY", -- model - "MEMORY" or "NETWORKING" IOBDELAY => "NONE", -- delay chain "NONE","IBUF","IFD","BOTH" IOBDELAY_TYPE => "DEFAULT", -- tap delay "DEFAULT", "FIXED","VARIABLE" IOBDELAY_VALUE => 0, -- initial tap delay 0 to 63 NUM_CE => 1, -- clock enables 1,2 SERDES_MODE => "MASTER", -- "MASTER" or "SLAVE" SRVAL_Q1 => '0', SRVAL_Q2 => '0', SRVAL_Q3 => '0', SRVAL_Q4 => '0') port map ( O => open, Q1 => cam1_x2_bit(0), Q2 => cam1_x2_bit(1), Q3 => cam1_x2_bit(2), Q4 => cam1_x2_bit(3), Q5 => cam1_x2_bit(4), Q6 => cam1_x2_bit(5), SHIFTOUT1 => cam1_x2_shift1, SHIFTOUT2 => cam1_x2_shift2, BITSLIP => '0', CE1 => '1', CE2 => '1', CLK => cam1_clk7x, CLKDIV => cam1_xclk, D => cam1_x2, DLYCE => '0', DLYINC => '0', DLYRST => '0', OCLK => cam1_clk7x, REV => '0', SHIFTIN1 => '0', SHIFTIN2 => '0', SR => reset3 );

x2_iserdes_slave : ISERDES generic map ( BITSLIP_ENABLE => FALSE, -- TRUE FALSE DATA_RATE => "SDR", -- "DDR" "SDR" DATA_WIDTH => 7, -- DDR 4,6,8,10 SDR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 INIT_Q1 => '0', INIT_Q2 => '0', INIT_Q3 => '0', INIT_Q4 => '0', INTERFACE_TYPE => "MEMORY", -- model - "MEMORY" or "NETWORKING" IOBDELAY => "NONE", -- delay chain "NONE","IBUF","IFD","BOTH" IOBDELAY_TYPE => "DEFAULT", -- tap delay "DEFAULT", "FIXED","VARIABLE" IOBDELAY_VALUE => 0, -- initial tap delay 0 to 63 NUM_CE => 2, -- clock enables 1,2 SERDES_MODE => "SLAVE", -- "MASTER" or "SLAVE" SRVAL_Q1 => '0', SRVAL_Q2 => '0', SRVAL_Q3 => '0', SRVAL_Q4 => '0') port map ( O => open, Q1 => open, Q2 => open, Q3 => cam1_x2_bit(6), Q4 => open, Q5 => open, Q6 => open, SHIFTOUT1 => open, SHIFTOUT2 => open, BITSLIP => '0', CE1 => '1', CE2 => '1', CLK => cam1_clk7x, CLKDIV => cam1_xclk, D => '0', DLYCE => '0', DLYINC => '0', DLYRST => '0', OCLK => cam1_clk7x, REV => '0', SHIFTIN1 => cam1_x2_shift1, SHIFTIN2 => cam1_x2_shift2, SR => reset3 );


cam1_x3_ibufd_inst : IBUFDS port map ( O => cam1_x3, I => cam1_in(9), IB => cam1_in(8) );

x3_iserdes_master : ISERDES generic map ( BITSLIP_ENABLE => FALSE, -- TRUE FALSE DATA_RATE => "SDR", -- DDR SDR DATA_WIDTH => 7, -- DDR 4,6,8,10 SDR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 INIT_Q1 => '0', INIT_Q2 => '0', INIT_Q3 => '0', INIT_Q4 => '0', INTERFACE_TYPE => "MEMORY", -- model - "MEMORY" or "NETWORKING" IOBDELAY => "NONE", -- delay chain "NONE","IBUF","IFD","BOTH" IOBDELAY_TYPE => "DEFAULT", -- tap delay "DEFAULT", "FIXED","VARIABLE" IOBDELAY_VALUE => 0, -- initial tap delay 0 to 63 NUM_CE => 1, -- clock enables 1,2 SERDES_MODE => "MASTER", -- "MASTER" or "SLAVE" SRVAL_Q1 => '0', SRVAL_Q2 => '0', SRVAL_Q3 => '0', SRVAL_Q4 => '0') port map ( O => open, Q1 => cam1_x3_bit(0), Q2 => cam1_x3_bit(1), Q3 => cam1_x3_bit(2), Q4 => cam1_x3_bit(3), Q5 => cam1_x3_bit(4), Q6 => cam1_x3_bit(5), SHIFTOUT1 => cam1_x3_shift1, SHIFTOUT2 => cam1_x3_shift2, BITSLIP => '0', CE1 => '1', CE2 => '1', CLK => cam1_clk7x, CLKDIV => cam1_xclk, D => cam1_x3, DLYCE => '0', DLYINC => '0', DLYRST => '0', OCLK => cam1_clk7x, REV => '0', SHIFTIN1 => '0', SHIFTIN2 => '0', SR => reset3 );

x3_iserdes_slave : ISERDES generic map ( BITSLIP_ENABLE => FALSE, -- TRUE FALSE DATA_RATE => "SDR", -- "DDR" "SDR" DATA_WIDTH => 7, -- DDR 4,6,8,10 SDR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 INIT_Q1 => '0', INIT_Q2 => '0', INIT_Q3 => '0', INIT_Q4 => '0', INTERFACE_TYPE => "MEMORY", -- model - "MEMORY" or "NETWORKING" IOBDELAY => "NONE", -- delay chain "NONE","IBUF","IFD","BOTH" IOBDELAY_TYPE => "DEFAULT", -- tap delay "DEFAULT", "FIXED","VARIABLE" IOBDELAY_VALUE => 0, -- initial tap delay 0 to 63 NUM_CE => 2, -- clock enables 1,2 SERDES_MODE => "SLAVE", -- "MASTER" or "SLAVE" SRVAL_Q1 => '0', SRVAL_Q2 => '0', SRVAL_Q3 => '0', SRVAL_Q4 => '0') port map ( O => open, Q1 => open, Q2 => open, Q3 => cam1_x3_bit(6), Q4 => open, Q5 => open, Q6 => open, SHIFTOUT1 => open, SHIFTOUT2 => open, BITSLIP => '0', CE1 => '1', CE2 => '1', CLK => cam1_clk7x, CLKDIV => cam1_xclk, D => '0', DLYCE => '0', DLYINC => '0', DLYRST => '0', OCLK => cam1_clk7x, REV => '0', SHIFTIN1 => cam1_x3_shift1, SHIFTIN2 => cam1_x3_shift2, SR => reset3 );

cam1_bit( 0)

Reply to
Brad Smallridge

I have replaced the ISERDES with an inferred serial to parallel converter and so I believe my problem was not with the ISERDES but with the input pin not being able to see a sustained high. Do the differential LVDS inputs need pullups? Below is the new code:

xclk_delay_process: process(cam1_clk7x) begin if( cam1_clk7x'event and cam1_clk7x='1' ) then cam1_xclk_serial_bit(0)

Reply to
Brad Smallridge

My CL work has always been done within Altera parts. I use their PLL and timing constraints to get the timing I need to pick off the data correctly.

One thing that has always helped me in debuging this type of design is to, if possible, turn off the video while still allowing the control signals to go through. Perhaps you have the abilty to generate a test pattern. Setting the test pattern to all 0's will enable you not to confuse the control bits with a video signal. And then I usually pick lsync and tune the timing until it is coming out in the correct position. Do you have the ability to look at the parallel data: perhaps you can send the parallel data to test points?

Have you verified that the termination resistors are getting turned on? Or do you have on-board discrete resistors?

My experience with CL problems has always been FPGA timing. What is your clock speed? I've run with 66MHz clocks (x7 462Mbps) and one must be very careful not to have too much skew between the high speed clock and your input shift registers.


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I've never needed to pull-up LVDS signals that were being driven. I've driven as far as 10feet, too. Remember, the voltage genereated is a result of the current passing through the termination resistor.

Are you saying that the inferred serial to parallel code works and the ISERDES doesn't? Do you have both the negative and the postive signals called out in your designs UCF file?

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Judging by the voltage swings I would say that the termination resistors are not there. That would explain why the steady DVAL does not show up. I have a case put in at Xilinx to find out how to turn them on.

Reply to
Brad Smallridge

You either need to instantiate IBUFDS_LVDS25_DT in your HDL-Code (instead of just IBUFDS) or attach the IOSTANDARD-attribute to your IBUFs, with the value LVDS25_DT. The _DT switches on the differential termination.

See here:

formatting link

cu, Sean

Reply to
Sean Durkin

Sorry, my mistake: it either must be a IBUFDS_LVDS_25_DT in the HDL or the attribute value LVDS_25_DT. The link I posted earlier doesn't mention V4, but it should be the same for that.

And I just read that there's a new attribute "DIFF_TERM" for V4, that should work as well. You'd have to check the Xilinx Constraint Guide in the ISE Documentation for that. I suppose you need to set it to "TRUE" or something.

cu, Sean

Reply to
Sean Durkin

Are you running 8.1?

I still have 7.1 and PACE tells me I have thes LVDS options: LVDS_25 LVDS_25_DCI LVDSEXT_25 LVDSEXT_25_DCI


Reply to
Brad Smallridge

Well after all that what I needed to do was to add some of these to the UCF file:

INST my_xn_ibufd_instantiation DIFF_TERM = TRUE;

That will turn on the differential resistor inside the chip.

What was confusing was how much signal got through without the termination.

That UCF constraint has to be added to IBUFDs only. I tried to add it to a wizard generated dcm with external differential inputs and got an error. I wonder if Xilinx knows about this. But you can run the xclk into an IBUFD, and run that output into an internal single-ended dcm clock input, no problem. Probably cleaner that way because it's broken down into primitives.

Thanks to Rob, Sean, and Avishay for helping me piece the problem together.

Brad Smallridge aivision.com

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Brad Smallridge

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