Operate on RAM through FPGA


I've formulate my problem in this page. Perhaps can someone tell me, what kind of typical error can made, when operating on RAM through FPGA.

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Someone can help me out!!!

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I am not a FPGA expert, but Why don't you use MIcroblaze?? I have a design with a SDRAM, and I only need to define a pointer (in C), and with it I can read/write on the memory.

I hope this can help you.

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I has the same problem. I wanted to read/write from a DDR memory, so I used the PowerPC which is in the Virtex-II Pro FPGA that I have. You must have the EDK in order to make such a design :(. You can also use the MIG tool provided free by Xilinx, in order to produce a memory controller.

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