Problems with Free RTOS

Hi verybody, I'm trying to compile FreeRTOS for PIC18F devices using SDCC but with n success. I'm testing a simple example I got from somewhere. The cod mainly does nothig but when compiling I get this error: main.c:43: error 78: incompatible types from type 'void generic* ' to type 'void generic* generic* ' The error refers to the first parameter in this function: xTaskCreate( vTestTask, "Hello", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL ); This function is defined: signed portBASE_TYPE xTaskCreate( pdTASK_CODE pvTaskCode, const signe portCHAR * const pcName, unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth, voi

*pvParameters, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, xTaskHandl *pxCreatedTask ); // Defined in task.h and pdTASK_CODE is defined as: typedef void (*pdTASK_CODE)( void * ); / Defined in projdefs.h My task is defined as: static void vTestTask( void *pvParameters ); // Dummy task which doe nothing. What is wrong here? Why are they incompatible? If I make this in the main code before calling the funcion to create task: pdTASK_CODE ptr; ptr = vTestTask; I get no errors at that point, but if I use ptr as first parameter to th function I get the same error as before. I do not understand anything... Thanks in advance
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jelomer a écrit :

This is not a definition but a declaration.

Try to define the task as:

static void vTestTask( void *pvParameters ){} // Dummy task which does nothing.

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In article , jelomer writes

Have you thought about asking for support on the FrreRTOS and SDCC web sites?

\/\/\/\/\ Chris Hills  Staffs  England     /\/\/\/\/
/\/\/ \/\/\
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Chris Hills

Yes - the same question is on the support forum, where I believe it was resolved.

PIC18/SDCC/ is not an official supported combination, although SDCC on Cygnal 8051 is.

Regards, Richard.

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