18 volt charger

Wrap to window was invented in the 80s.

Continue being herded if you wish.

http://www.petersparrots.com    http://www.insanevideoclips.com   

If our service isn\'t up to your standards, please lower your standards.
Reply to
Peter Hucker
Loading thread data ...

It's already ok. The only "drawback" is people moan. But then they can be made fun of.


Go grasp youself you freak of nature.

http://www.petersparrots.com    http://www.insanevideoclips.com   

What happens if you install windows 98 on a system with 2 processors?
It crashes twice.
Reply to
Peter Hucker

out, does it really matter?

I put it to you that you are an English teacher.

"Stupid europeans" ain't anything like the insults you post.

Who cares if I answer with a question?

"Surround myself"? Who do you think I'm referring to?

Post 3 examples, I challenge you.

Then I will assume you are making it up.

No, just wondering why you're being so childish.

subset of authority.


ruling the world".

YOU said it wasn't in this thread, not me. You said you had never said anything in the thread about ruling the world, and I said it ws somewhere else. Keep up.

Lawyers are extremely precise. Completely the opposite of me.

They love arguing about nothing over there.

Another feeble insult with a pathetic attempt at humoUr.

don't even have to look outside this post.

Why did you assume when I said 5 I meant precisely 5?

Maybe it's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.....

YOU said it indicated it was illegal.

Does it?

It was there before it existed, wonderful.

bother being precise all the time.

I could if I wanted to be, but it's pointless and robotic. I am not a software construct like you.

is vague.

I have written something which hurt me? What?

No, you descended from people that ran away. At least you're not descended from those that were locked away like te Aussies.

I don't do the sort of things you do when noone is looking.

very low indeed.

Why not go target something that really wastes?

but I'm too far away from the exchange. I need to move house.

I do. Not for me, but for everyone who is too far away. I'm not exactly in the middle of nowhere. Our telephopne company is a pile of arseholes.

http://www.petersparrots.com    http://www.insanevideoclips.com   

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Mr. Common Sense. Mr. Sense
had been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his
birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when
to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn\'t
always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don\'t spend
more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in

His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing
regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual
harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using
mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student,
only worsened his condition.

Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get parental
consent to administer aspirin to a student; but, could not inform the parents
when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became
contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment
than their victims.

Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a
steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a
huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife,
Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by
two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner. Not many attended his funeral
because so few realized he was gone.
Reply to
Peter Hucker

made fun of.

Did I say I wasn't?

I don't "go down" on dudes like you do.

http://www.petersparrots.com    http://www.insanevideoclips.com   

Definition of Necrophillia:  That Uncontrollable Urge To Crack Open A Cold One.
Reply to
Peter Hucker

I was stooping to your level to see if you could understand me better.


formatting link
formatting link
formatting link

15 Easy Steps to Poo like a Woman:
  1. Under no circumstances use any other toilet than your own, regardless of any stomach pain may be caused whilst waiting to get home.
  2. With the toilet-brush, clean any residue left on the pan by your boyfriend / husband. Also wipe his pubic hair off the seat with some toilet paper.
  3. Flush the toilet before starting. Then wash your hands.
  4. Line the toilet seat with toilet  paper (as other people may have sat on the toilet since it was last bleached).
  5. Stuff toilet paper inside the pan to prevent splash-back.
  6. Pull panties down and sit. Some women may still prefer to squat over the seat as opposed to taking the risk of touching it with bare flesh.
  7. Release solids, but strain to avoid  making any sounds.
  8. Rise and quickly flush before direct  eye-contact is  made with any faeces.
  9. Take a length of toilet paper and  fold it several times to positively guarantee that no residue will touch bare skin (about five or six applications per roll).
  10. Wipe once and throw paper into the pan. Do not look at the paper.
  11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 at least thirty times. It may be necessary to yell for your boyfriend/husband to find some more rolls to pass through the door while promising not to open his eyes or pass any comments. It is traditional to do this while he is trying to watch sport.
  12. Flush the toilet and replace the lid.
  13. Wash hands at least three times with disinfectant soap.
  14. Open all windows and spray approximately half-a-can of air freshener.
  15. Pick up all reading material left behind by your boyfriend/husband and leave bathroom, closing the door firmly behind you.
Reply to
Peter Hucker

out, does it really matter?

Wrong. Read my sig.
Reply to
John Fields

made fun of.

Didn\'t you?
Reply to
John Fields

Sorry, loser.  I used that one earlier.  Get your own material or
get out of Dodge.

Besides, if you tried to "stoop" to my level from where you are
you\'d get a nosebleed from the sudden drop in pressure.
Reply to
John Fields

Thank you.  I consider that a compliment.
Reply to
John Fields

out, does it really matter?

Well you act like one.

You haven't grasped the fact I am vague yet have you?

There is a difference between being polite and being over the top.

Americans don't upset me, they amuse me.

Thought so, you haven't got any.

And none of that either. You look really silly when you talk about things you don't have.

So what if it's flawed? I'm a person, not a character in a novel.

I haven't dodged yet, you just think I have.

ruling the world".

anything in the thread about ruling the world, and I said it ws somewhere else. Keep up.

Only for people who can't understand context.

Whatever. Do you spot trains in your spare time?

I was right about your ego then.

And if America is so great, why is Iraq still there? That was a pretty pathetic attack.

They love arguing about nothing over there.

Got me what?

0 and 100 are nowhere near 5. 3 and 7 are. Go redo your maths, I mean math.

You're acting like it.

I showed you it to you so you could see what our signs were. I didn't say what it represented. As I've never actually read the highway code, I have no idea what the official wording is.

I could, but it would be very boring. I have better things to do with my time.

Your quoting is terrible for someone who claims to be precise. Yer missing a >


And create your own laws and screw things up.

Just stating a fact.

Well you will keep using ridiculous phrases.

How did you know that?

very low indeed.

I'm not targeting any waste. It is you that is targeting, and targeting the wrong thing.

but I'm too far away from the exchange. I need to move house.

the middle of nowhere. Our telephopne company is a pile of arseholes.

I've heard many nasty comments from Americans about them. Bell isn't it?

http://www.petersparrots.com    http://www.insanevideoclips.com   

A baby polar bear goes up to his mother and says, "Mom, am I a polar bear?"
His mother says, "Of course you\'re a polar bear. I\'m a polar bear and your
father\'s a polar bear."
The cub says, "But am I one-hundred per cent pure polar bear?"
She says, "Go ask your old man."
The baby polar bear goes up to his father and says, "Pop, am I a polar bear? I
mean, one-hundred percent pure polar bear?"
His father says, "Of course you\'re a polar bear. I\'m a polar bear, your mother\'s
a polar bear, both my parents were polar bears, both of your mother\'s parents
were polar bears, all of our grandparents, both sides, were polar bears...yes,
one-hundred percent pure polar bear. Why do you ask?"
The cub says, "Because I\'m fucking freezing."
Reply to
Peter Hucker

made fun of.


You're getting very weird.

http://www.petersparrots.com    http://www.insanevideoclips.com   

A guy bought his wife a beautiful diamond ring for Christmas.
A friend of his said, "I thought she wanted one of those sporty 4-Wheel drive
"She did," he replied. "But where in the hell was I gonna find a fake Jeep?"
Reply to
Peter Hucker

I don't remember you using that one. Therefore it's my own.

There is no point in you making up new maerial if it's that awful.

http://www.petersparrots.com    http://www.insanevideoclips.com   

Why do tourists go to the top of tall buildings and then put money in telescopes
so they can see things on the ground in close-up?
Reply to
Peter Hucker


How do you know it's intentional?




Of what?





It seems that way.


If they were great they would have blown the bastards off the face of the planet. Instead you give that evil dictator a "fair trial" - how stupid is that?


You snipped it.

They were assumed. As were 4.5 and 5.5.


what it represented. As I've never actually read the highway code, I have no idea what the official wording is.

Why thankyou.



a >

No reply I see.

No reply I see.

You have the unfair advanatage of a considerably bigger piece of land.

What about all the little wars for countries which have the oil you want?

And if you had left alone perhaps there wouldn't be so many seperate countries over here. I wouldn't mind being German.

You are guessing. The chances of an Australian reading this thread is quite low.

It was not a prediction of the future, it was a statement of what you are currently doing.

I assume you mean the thing in a church? Well I don't go to church, and our boxes are to raise funds to waste money on building churches.

Then you are making more waste appear by continuing this thread.

That's like targeting someone leaving their TV on standby at night and wasting 1 watt of electricity, when you could be getting them to use compact fluorescent lighting and save 100s of watts.

in the middle of nowhere. Our telephopne company is a pile of arseholes.

Same. Sort of. Margaret Thatcher (evil ex-prime minister) f***ed up our telephone system when she privatised it. Most of it is owned by British Telecom (a shower of charletons).

http://www.petersparrots.com    http://www.insanevideoclips.com   

"Last night I played a blank tape at full blast.  The mime next door went nuts."
Reply to
Peter Hucker

Peter, stop emulating The Magnificent Mr Pounder.

Mr Pounder

Reply to
Mr Pounder

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