Sarah Palin - hot or not?

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John Larkin
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FWIW, as I recall, the bridge would have joined Ketchikan and Pengra island, where there is a growing population. That's hardly "nowhere."

Reply to
Don Bowey

Excel does hideous graphing. I use a real graphing program for presentation stuff, or a pencil and graph paper for private stuff. Why read the numbers, write them down, type them in, and set up plots, when you can make dots directly on paper?

Kids these days! Never learned how to draw.

My "front ends"? Where?

I don't do job or time tracking. Never have, never will.


Reply to
John Larkin

Re-open the WPA, then put them to work filling potholes and repairing rusty bridges for $5 a week?

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There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you\'re crazy.
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

"Alaska's Gravina Island is home to 50 people and more than 350 Sitka black-tailed deer."

Wrong Island, and 50 people is hardly worth 223 million when there is an existing ferry. That is $4.46 million per person.


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There are two kinds of people on this earth: The crazy, and the insane. The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.

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Michael A. Terrell




=A0 =A0 ...Jim Thompson

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You really should read up on the situation before you make an ass out of yourself.

formatting link
I'm amazed you know which end of the soldering iron to hold.

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Last plots I made I did in Octave (a free Matlab equivalent), a few thousand points on the complex plane through a polynomial equiation. It does plots in postscript, or you can just take a [bitmap] screenshot of the thing. Embed that into a LaTeX-typeset document along with equations and you've got something that looks pretty darn good (at least when the images aren't struck to the end....%#*@!).


Deep Friar: a very philosophical monk.
Reply to
Tim Williams

t the milf






The rubes I was referring to are the small-twon politicians whose selection as delegates to RNC is the climax of their careers.

And there's nothing wrong with my guns.

Reply to
Richard Henry





Lucky you. Actually, the days I wsa constrained to using Excel for the job were much happier than the MS Project days.

Reply to
Richard Henry

So I recalled wrong. It's been over 50 years since I lived in Ketchikan, and there were a couple hundred people on Gravina island at that time.

The airport is not private, by the way. I don't recall who raised the question.

Reply to
Don Bowey

Don't be so fussy. Jim NEVER studies a social/political situation before making an ass of hisself.

Reply to
Don Bowey

Excel is perfect for printing out blank, grid marked plots with numbered ranges, such that one can hand fill data. What are you, nuts?

Again, you fail to know and utilize the utility of applications you do not use often enough to understand the scope of their capabilities to claim to be "experienced" with them.

The STANDARD, selected template plots are pretty bad. What one has to do is get the plot started, and then massage the set-up so that the finished product appears the way you want it, because after all, the plot is a report function. It requires massaging before the final "report" is set in stone. I will post an example of a good plot up in a.b.s.e to show you soon.

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You want to trust the repair of our major thoroughfare's bridges to camp convicts?

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I'm amazed that you ranted without reading what I said. Did I say anything about "she was for it before she was against it"? No I didn't. I said why shouldn't the state keep the money.

Of course MediaMatters is _such_ a reliable source, NOT.

BTW, Where did those burns on your lip come from? Did you stick a soldering iron in your mouth instead of your thumb? Careful you don't next stick the iron up your leftist weenie ass ;-)

...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
| Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
| Phoenix, Arizona  85048    Skype: Contacts Only  |             |
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  |
| E-mail Icon at |    1962     |

                   Liberals are so ignorant...
         They don\'t even know the definition of ignorant
Reply to
Jim Thompson

JeffM wrote in news:

I wathced Saddleback also - twice.

I don't have any party affiliation, and listened to both with an open mind (actually, I'd started of feeling absolutely certain that I would go with McCain, nto only becasue i'm closer in age to him and remember the Vietnam conflict, but also, our household income isn't 'average').

In a very tiny nutshell, what I saw:

McCain tended to give minimal answers followed by very long personal anecdotes. I found myself very frustrated, and very often saying "Answer the damn question already!" He was IMO long on stories and very short on details.

Obama did not look into the camera as much as McCain, and yes, like may of us, he sometimes loses eye contact when he's thinking. But as I listened, I was very surprised to find him articulate, *highly* intelligent, very well- informed, thoughtful, and concerned about all people regardless of their party affiliation, religion, and so on.

As for who is "like" me - neither. Not relevant to me, I've never based either respect or 'liking" on how much someone is similar to me - but most people like people who are similar to themselves; most prefer geniality to intelligence. It's not a "denegration", it's just a matter of statistical psychological norms.

So, McCain and Palin will probably win in November.

Reply to
Kris Krieger

mpm wrote in news:73d326c0-51f4-4867-a544-426058827691

*Wanted* to hear. Need is not necessarily the sam, heh ;)

More than 40 years. Hell, even when my mother was pregnant with me, and had preeclampsia, she could have gotten an abortion, and that was back in the 1950's.

Up through the late 1800's, and I think into the early 1900's (but check as I'm not sure I recall that correctly), teh Catholic church didn't consider a fetus to be alive until what was called the "quickening" (i.e., when it started tokick). In the Bible, it's said that "life is in the blood", and there is no blood flow for something like the first 8 days or so (but again, check to be sure).

More to the point, merely making something illegal is mainly a system that establishes punishment after-the-fact. Palin is also against sex education, and *only* believes in telling kids "don't you do that!". IOW, from what I've read, she opposes anything that could actually help reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies.

I wrote elsewhere re: my thoughts re: giving scumbags the right to use our sisters, wives, daughters, and mothers to reproduce by rape. And I similarly do not recognize that the state has a right to kill a person so that a problem pregnancy *MIGHT* be made deliverable.

*Exactly!* There is a *huge* differnce between being pro-choice, and being "a baby killer" - just as there is a huge (but almsot never discussed) difference between being anti-abortion, and pro-life. If people were *treuly* pro LIFE, they would see to it that *all* children were protected and nurtured *after* birth - *including* crack-addicted, and otherwise sick or malformed, babies that 99.9999% of the time don't get adopted.

Additionally, merely making actions illegal is not, and never has been, a complete solution. It hasn't solved the problems that lead to prostitution, murder and other forms of violence, robbery, rape, drug use, influence peddling, vote-buying, or anything else. It deters some people, sure, but obvioulsy, many are not deterred.

And prohibition not only didn't stop people from drinkinig - it led directly to the development and strength of organized crime, which in turn is what established teh illegal drug trade ona mass basis. So one can also argue that merely illegalizing things leads to even worse situations. After all, in countries where prostitution is legal, do you have pimps and all the problems that they cuase? Nope. Where drugs are legal, do you see drug-dealers shooting it out in the streets? Nope.

Similarly, when abortion was illegal, it did not stop abortion, and it did not stop people from throwing newborns into trash bins. At least some places now have Safe Haven laws, which is a vast improvement, but anyone who thinks that simply outlawing abortion across the board is going to eliminate either abortion or infanticide is at best completely mistaken. OTOH, many anti-abortionists see an unwanted pregnancy, or in the old days, death from back-alley abortions, as "God's justice" and really don't give a crap about the woman/girl.

Reply to
Kris Krieger

he milf









=A0 =A0 =A0 ...Jim Thompson

=A0 =A0 ...Jim Thompson

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I don;t know what games you play with a soldering iron, but all I do with mine is solder wires, components, etc. Are you flashing back to your prison branding?

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