President 'has four years to save Earth'

p it.


Dream on.

Provided that you develop some electric trucks, and some solar power plants to recharge them

John Larkin gets his economics data from a U.K. web-site aimed at helping British high school students with their final year homework - offering 40 A-level "model essays" for eight English ponds and thirty AS-level essays for six English pounds each. The web-page he points to presents an ordered list of public debts as a proportion of gross domestic product for fifty selected countries, which places the US half-way down the list.

The commentary on the web-page does identify the US as being unusual in that 25% of its public debt is owed outside the country, but doesn't go on to mention that the US has had a large balance of payments deficit for some twenty-odd years now. John's idea of "good" data leaves something to be desired.

He then proceeds to tell me that I don't know much about electronics - which isn't entirely correct, and in any event irrelevant in this context - and claims that I'm posting just to insult Americans, and using bad data to do it. He hasn't bothered to identify my "insult" or to show that my data is - in fact - bad, and his own reaction isn't entirely courteous, which makes this a representative sample of his off-topic postings.

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

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Maybe the runaway global warming in the past was caused by cavemen burning too much fossil fuel? Those dang cavemen!

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Too bad Slowman survived :-(

...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
| Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
| Phoenix, Arizona  85048    Skype: Contacts Only  |             |
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  |
| E-mail Icon at |    1962     |
 The difference between a horse\'s asshole & Bill Sloman\'s mouth?
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Jim Thompson

You must be meeting only the top few percent. Go back to school and learn about the average college student. Hell, there are professors that i would take everything through high school diploma from.

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Cavemen didn't show up until a long time after the most recent global extinction. At least one global extinction does seems to have followed a substantial increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, but that was produced by the very vigorous and sustained volcanic activity which produced the Siberian Traps where some of the volcanoes erupting through coal beds - still not as effective a modern industry running at full tilt, but the volcanic activity does seem to have lasted long enough to push the climate over the edge.

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-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

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The full list is here:

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Hey, we have less debt than Norway, Germany, France, or Canada.

Norway and Canada--that surprises me. They both have massive mineral wealth and matching oil exports.

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"Only Saudi Arabia and Russia export more oil than Norway."

Cheers, James Arthur

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James Arthur

The drop in American consumption has cut our CO2 emissions drastically. But the people concerned about AGW are frantic about the drop in consumption. They want to reverse it. ASAP.

Go figure.

James Arthur

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James Arthur

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Clues from genetics, archaeology and geology suggest our ancestors were nearly wiped out by one or more environmental catastrophes in the Late Pleistocene period. At one point, the numbers of modern humans living in the world may have dwindled to as few as 10,000 people.

/end quote

It is reasonable to claim that cavemen were almost made extinct. But this was probably due to global cooling caused by volcano Toba.

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We'll be made extinct by volcano-mouth Gore :-(

...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
| Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
| Phoenix, Arizona  85048    Skype: Contacts Only  |             |
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  |
| E-mail Icon at |    1962     |
 I love to cook with wine     Sometimes I even put it in the food
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Jim Thompson

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and James' link

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Don't like those sources either?

Cool. When we print all that money, a lot of Chinese and Arabs will be absorbing it.


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John Larkin

Makes you wonder what they actually care about.


Reply to
John Larkin

Easy. Control.

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Looks pretty bad over there, too...

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Reply to
John Larkin

And this, too:

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Remember when the pound was almost $2, and you and donkeyface were crowing? It's $1.39 now.


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John Larkin

Copy from an investment newsletter..

"How do I feel about our new commander in chief? I believe he will only hasten the inevitable. The inevitable being the downfall of the good old U.S. of A. No one else is prepared to do so much damage to the intent and principles of our Constitution, and to the Constitution itself. Four years from now, writing a message such as this on the internet could well be a felony. Hope they don't make the law retroactive." ? Paid-up subscriber Andy Collier

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Robert Baer

And we know that CO2 does not come close to accounting for the level of warming shown in UAH figures let alone by Hansen. For this you need climate models based on unproven positive feedback mechanisms. Models that failed to predict this period of reduced warming/no warming/cooling (select based on your prefered polynomial curve fit).

We also know the increase in CO2 is much less than the amount released due to man. Nature is involved.

You seem happy to ignore the areas where the science is cutting edge/unproven/wrong (select depending on if you are a believer/sceptic/denier).

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No the science is pretty clear now. Even well known sceptical scientists do not deny that AGW components cannot be ignored after about 1970 if we are to match the observed global data. See for example:

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(a few "1" characters have become "t" in the scanned OCR)

Baliunas is a well known mouthpiece for the Marshall Institute, but her astrophysics is OK. There is nothing much wrong with this scientific paper.

Not at all. You cannot hand wave away the AGW component. The sceptics have tried their best and failed.

The observations are unambiguous. The only question now is how much of effect are we having and how bad will the continuing exponential increase of CO2 will get.

No. Some of them are Stalinists and Trotskyites too. In the UK at least there is a broad political concensus on AGW. It was after all a Tory (right wing) Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher that first put it on the agenda.


It will be interesting to see if Obama can do anything to prevent Senators for sale.

A fully paid up member of "Fat Ugly Americans for a Dead Planet".

Oil and coal are also useful as petrochemical feedstocks. It is a shame to burn them when they can be so useful in other ways.


Oh yes. The Bush America that has given us the worlds greatest financial meltdown since the Great Depression aided and abetted by the wonderful Kenny Law of Enron, Lehman Brothers, Bear Sterns and now the Madoff pyramid scam. When you discover that the former head of NASDAQ is a crook. Yes you can say American capitalism is in really great shape. No need to apologise for that! Trouble is this financial meltdown is global.

Regards, Martin Brown

Reply to
Martin Brown

The science is not settled.

How much warming does 100ppmv of CO2 cause directly without positive feedback?

How much warming will another 100ppmv cause?

How were the positive feedback mechanisms proven?

Why do they relate to CO2 rather than temperature?

Why does CO2 suddenly lead temperature when it has always lagged temperature?

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stop it.








They have done so in the past, back when the Unites States had assets left to sell. You may not have noticed, but in recent years the U.S.A. has been reduced to selling non-existing assets to overseas investors

- sub-prime mortgages and shares in Bernard Madoff's "hedge fund" - and there's a growing tendency for Arabs and Chinese to buy euro- denominated assets instead.

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

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p it.


The Telegraph is a right-wing paper and can be relied to publish doubts about the actions of Britain's Labour government. They can also be relied on to claim that the Tory shadow cabinet could do a better job.

They will publish all the news that can be reconciled with this point of view. Other British "quality" newspapers report more of the news and have been known to notice when the La.bour government is doing a good job. I read the "Guardian" when I lived in the U.K. so it's obviously too left wing for you. Murdoch owns "The Times", but the "Independent" more or less lives up to its name

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even if it is deadly boring.

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

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