OT: Sunday Morning Food for Thought

One of them tried to steal the glasses from the bar, like saying "Hey these are nice glasses, I'm gonna put them in my purse and take them home" was just something you could do just cuz.

I said something like "No way are you doing that while I'm here", she didn't like that very much and it was a pretty short date after that ;-)

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Tangentially related, I do believe America has an anti-male culture. And both liberal men and conservative men have accommodated it in their own ways. I don't view conservatism as being pro-male and liberalism as being anti-male however; I can certainly imagine a culture which has liberal values but also supports men. To not be able to do so seems more a failure of imagination rather than politics.

The difference in philosophy is that I think it's futile to attempt to "change it back" by fiat. If someone is behaving in a way that I feel is obnoxious, disparaging, or annoying regarding something I feel falls under behavior that is well within the boundaries of "normal man behavior" (like yeah, it is completely normal for straight men to want to have sex with women and try to obtain it) then I ignore them or give them the boot, even if they're a friend, girlfriend, or family member.

If everyone did that then the culture would be pro-male by default, but men are often their own worst enemies. Life is too short to waste on the many people out there who demand respect, love, and accommodation but offer none in return. Out they go. I don't feel "disloyal" or like I'm a "bad person" for a minute.

I'd much rather pay taxes that are spent on "entitlement programs" for the poor and charity for someone who possibly might be trying to get something a little better then spend it on some female lawyer who treats me like dirt. In most cases I at least get the sense that the former is appreciated.

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The Clinton woman in all probability.

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Cursitor Doom

Cops can lie to you but if you even think of lying to them, you're at risk of being some big dude's wife. Say nothing.

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Assange did say that his source was not the Russians, rather a Dem operative. Rich was a Bernie-ite, perhaps really pissed at the way the primary was thrown.

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Historically, it's been unlucky to annoy the Clintons.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 

lunatic fringe electronics
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John Larkin

t no fire.

Not true. Trump's not even accused of a crime.

But Hillary's own admissions on her e-mails were enough to send her away. You or I would be rotting in prison (see below).

Then there was her selling influence while Secretary of State. Corruption. Which is why she re-directed State Dept. business through her private serve r, to hide her dealings.

As a side effect, Hillary caused national security materials to be "removed from [their] proper place of custody" (a felony for each count).

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"Whoever, ... through gross negligence permits [sensitive material] to be r emoved from its proper place of custody..."

Then deleting the e-mails, to destroy the evidence (that's a felony, too).

The root was the Clinton Foundation itself, shake-down center. But Barack had no appetite for chasing an ally.

Cheers, James Arthur

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This is a fun book:

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How an army of backstabbing toadies and computer experts spent a billion dollars losing an election.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 

lunatic fringe electronics
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John Larkin

Not officially, no. The unofficial opinion is that his actions as reported via the Comey memos constitute obstruction of justice.

That was either extremely brave, or extremely stupid. We'll see which, I guess.

At the end of the day, whatever Clinton or Obama did or did not do, they were smart enough to maintain some level of plausible deniability. That is to say, they mostly kept their mouths shut. I disagree that her "own admissions" were enough to do much of anything. Even an asshole like Comey essentially said as much. I don't believe for a second that if the Comey FBI had had something they could've moved on that they wouldn't have.

If these are the standards of "selling influence" well then shit, might as well lock up every member of Congress while you're at it.

Zero confidence in the ability of Trump not to talk his way right into things. If not this it'll be something else. Eventually.

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Absurd conspiracy-theory fantasies, borne out of reading too many Tom Clancy novels. If that theory is considered remotely plausible then certainly the theory that Trump is a Russian plant and Putin gives him a goodnight kiss every evening over a secure videophone is every bit as plausible as well

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I hear they actually hired a crack squad of 15 SJW inter-sectional feminists from Vassar College to carry out the "hit"! They were clearly given secret financial assistance using the Vermont artesianal cheese industry as a front organization.


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You really are a moron, shortrex.

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How many gunmen shot JFK, was it 4 or was it 5?

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She can't pull a draft beer correctly, but masterminds assassinations in her spare time.

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You don't have to prove that you're insane, shortrex. Every prog is, though you even beat Slowman.

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(non-responsive material snipped)

You claimed there was a "mountain of evidence".

Where is it?

Mark L. Fergerson

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John Robertson

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John Robertson

So that's what Jim Thompson feeds his thinking on. No wonder his thinking is so puny and inadequate.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Obviously not. The name changes meaning as you move from country to country and from century to century.

I hadn't realised that there were any Slomanites. No doubt Cursitor Doom wi ll be able to point to a substantial number of Cursitor Doomist's, though t hey probably prefer to call themselves Daily Mail readers, while the rest o f the world calls them half-wits. After all they spend real money to buy fa ke news in the Daily Mail.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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It's being kept in a mayonnaise jar on the New York Times back porch since noon today.

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