OT 91%

I bought a candy bar that was 91% cocoa. Actually, they had one that was 100% but I chickened out on that.

The 91 is too bitter for us to eat. But gently melted with a little heavy cream, it becomes an excellent ice cream sauce.

All while my Spice sim is still running at 15 PPM of real time.

Reply to
John Larkin
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Wimp. I don't buy chocolate bars that are less than 85% cocoa solids, and normally buy 90% and 95%. I don't buy them often - I've had two kidney stones, and my urologists blames the chocolate in the chocolate, Still - no gain without some pain,

If you knew hat you were doing you might be able to get it to run faster by not simulating the predictable bits, not that I've ever had much success with that.

Reply to
Anthony William Sloman

Wimp. I don't buy chocolate bars that are less than 85% cocoa solids, and normally buy 90% and 95%. I don't buy them often - I've had two kidney stones, and my urologists blames the oxalate in the chocolate, Still - no gain without some pain,

If you knew hat you were doing you might be able to get it to run faster by not simulating the predictable bits, not that I've ever had much success with that.

Reply to
Anthony William Sloman

That is a lazy doctor. I've had nine kidney stones, most of which were analyzed and found to be a combination of calcium and oxalate deposits. When I finally found a urologist who was worth a damn, he said it was a possibility that the buildup was from excess calcium and/or oxalate in my diet, or... it could be a metabolic issue, which simply excretes too much through the kidneys.

I suppose your doctor did some additional testing to distinguish the two?

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Quite a lot. Lazy isn't isn't the adjective usually used to described him. Expert is more popular. One of my blood pressure medications went obsolete and my GP went after him to suggest an alternative, which surprised me a bit.

There were only two kidney , and quite a few years ago, so I'm happy with his diagnostic skills.

Reply to
Anthony William Sloman

Now you are starting to sound like the yokels that inhabit here.

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Your response - being rude about my urologist, who I quite like - was very much in the local yokel tradition. John Larkin bleating about chocolate was too.

This group is surprisingly active and has stayed that way for a long time. A certain amount of local yokelling seems to be a necessary part of the mix.

Reply to
Anthony William Sloman

When it comes to oxalates, there are many, many foods that contain them, I'm sure many that John likes.

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I look at those and say, just go on a carnivore diet, Beef, eggs, butter, and bacon. Also for anyone suffering indigestion or Gerd, I started Carnivore over 1 years ago and have not had a single episode of indigestion since. Btw, a little chicken, peanuts, almonds on occasion. Not as strict as when I started. I did lose 30lbs, without trying. Triglycerides dropped a lot, LDL not so much. Mikek

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Lamont Cranston

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