New England Journal Of Medicine Unusual and Scathing Editorial

"Dying in a Leadership Vacuum"

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Fred Bloggs
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When you have a totalitarian society it is a lot easier to control people - no testy Constitution or Bill of Rights to deal with:

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But the basic premise that the US has handled this pandemic "badly" is just flat-out wrong. In fact, we have done original research, developed new tests, created novel treatments and will soon have multiple vaccines in record breaking times.

The NEJM wants us to be more like the CHICOMs. To this, I say FUCK NO!!!

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YES!! "We should not abet them and enable the deaths of thousands more Americans by allowing them to keep their jobs."

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Robert Baer

You are simply out of it..

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Robert Baer

- no testy Constitution or Bill of Rights to deal with:


Taiwan, South Korea and New Zealand aren't in the least totalitarian.

st flat-out wrong.

The USA is right in middle of a bunch of about eighteen countries who have death rates from Covid19 from about 500ppm to about 1000 ppm.

It's made the same kinds of mistakes as all these countries. Lots of countr ies have done better - some as much as 100 times better.

The US has clearly handled the pandemic badly, and nobody has done dramatic ally worse.

el treatments and will soon have multiple vaccines in record breaking times .

None of which has stopped the US population dying in large numbers.

Try being more like Taiwan, which did even better than Communist China - wi th 0.3 ppm deaths. It was well prepared.

South Korea, Singapore and New Zealand have only done about one hundred tim es better than the US, and none of them are totalitarian enough to complain about. Australia is at 35 ppm deaths at the moment - it was at 5 ppm until we had a single dramatic screw up in the state of Victoria.

We'd need to have managed to have twenty screw ups on the same scale to cat ch up with the US.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

I was thinking the SAME thing about YOU!

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