My Tea Party Starts at 3:00pm

As usual, the change is from bad to worse, and the result is that what's left out of your paycheck is pocket change.

Thanks, Rich

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Richard The Dreaded Libertaria
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Try googling on the term astroturf

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Naturally, only right-wing extremists could possibly be opposed to the greatest wastes of taxpayer money in the history of taxation, borrowed, and passed to future generations, to fund failure.

Cheers, James Arthur

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James Arthur

I already E-mailed my "suggestions" to CNN ;-)

...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
| Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
| Phoenix, Arizona  85048    Skype: Contacts Only  |             |
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  |
| E-mail Icon at |    1962     |
 I love to cook with wine     Sometimes I even put it in the food
Reply to
Jim Thompson

That the whole tea part thing was astroturf says nothing about how people feel about the taxes etc. The public is rightly outraged about the amount of money wasted by the Bush admin. The unfair taxes everyone is paying this April 15th are the ones for the last year of the Bush era.

The first tea party was as much a protest against a monopoly as a protest about unfair taxation.

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I can't defend Bush's outrageous spending. You've seen me here, complaining about it. His only saving grace was that his critics wanted to spend even more.

But the focus of the TEA parties was mostly the current bailouts of banks, AIG, and the car companies. These constitute the greatest single tax in the history of the earth--roughly $2T in a single year--and we are the ones who will have to repay it.

When Mr. Obama says he's cut taxes, it isn't true. He's presided over the greatest increase of all time, and he intends to borrow it.


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Cheers, James Arthur

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James Arthur

Absolutely clueless. The protest had *nothing* to do with what was paid on 4/15/08 (I wrote a $2500 check).

Your point?

Oh, wait for the Cap and Trade tax. How else do you think Obama is going to "balance" the budget, despite terabux in increased spending?

And that doesn't count cap and trade.

Amazing. I knew there was good reason to avoid Google.

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Yes but there was no "tea party" at that time.

You mean like "She isn't as ugly as her three uglier sisters" being a compliment.

There is a significant difference between the meanings of the words "spend" and "waste". If the money went to making new infrastructure it would have lasting value. If it goes to useless stuff and outright fraud it is quite a different matter.

They were really mostly a chance to meet various Fox news personalities. No two people seemed to agree on what exactly was the thing being protested. A lot wanted the US to pull out of NAFTA etc.

They aren't a tax yet. They are a spending or wasting event at this point. Unfortunately the economy is being held hostage by corporations that are "too big to fail". "Too big too fail" should mean "too big to remain not broken up" but it doesn't and with all the fire walls in the banking industry pulled down, right now we are stuck. We either pay up or the whole economy goes in the tank.

Actually it is still in the future that he says it The tax rate on about 95% of americans will go down. You and I may see an increase because lets face it we do far better than the average. In the future, things like the Iraq war and the bail out and the like will all have to be paid off. This means that there will have to be cuts in spending and increase in taxes. The DOD budget and things like NASA will have to take a hit. At some point in the next few years Bush's medicare part D will hit the fan too. That will be an ongoing cost.

Cutting the DOD budget will be a lot of trouble. Even though their budget is more than just about everyone else on the planet, they always need more to fight the new threat but can never get it from the stuff intended to take on the USSR. You can't sell a battleship for anything like what it cost to make.

He could have pulled a President Hoover instead. Each year from 1929 to 1934, things got worst and worse. Things improved from 1934 to

1937 with a dip in the 1937-1938 because FDR attempted to quickly withdraw the stimulus.
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----------------- For Immediate Release April 15, 2009


Room 350 Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building

12:02 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I decided not to bring Bo today -- because he stepped on my economic speech yesterday. (Laughter.)


And that's why my administration has taken far-reaching action to give tax cuts to the Americans who need them, while jump-starting growth and job creation in the process. We start from the simple premise that we should reduce the tax burden on working people, while helping Americans go to college, own a home, raise a family, start a business and save for retirement.

Those goals are the foundation of the American Dream, and they are the focus of my tax policy.

First, we've passed a broad and sweeping tax cut for 95 percent of American workers. This tax cut was a core focus of my campaign, it was a core component of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and it is the most progressive tax cut in American history. And starting April

1st, Americans saw this tax cut in the extra money that they took home with each paycheck.


Reply to
James Arthur

Thanks for the reference. I thought it was still in the future that the tax cuts hit.

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Never! It is spereated from being a State for a reason. Please do really think it through. .

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Been on welfare all that time? .

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Rich certainly makes a good case for euthanasia of miscreants ;-)

...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
| Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
| Phoenix, Arizona  85048    Skype: Contacts Only  |             |
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  |
| E-mail Icon at |    1962     |
"What would happen to [Obama\'s] vanity if he didn?t have us to 
throw alms to? What would become of his strength if he didn?t have
weaker people to dominate? What would he do with himself if he
didn?t keep us around as dependents? It?s quite alright, really, 
I?m not criticizing him, it?s just a law of human nature."

                       -Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"
Reply to
Jim Thompson

Well, Virginia's portion of the original grant was returned to that state in the mid 19th century and the world didn't come to an end. Perhaps a solution would be to release District residents from paying any Federal payroll or income taxes, given that they don't have congressional representation?

Rich Webb     Norfolk, VA
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Rich Webb

No, JosephKKK, I'm not eligible; I'm white.

Essentially, I've been working under the table, usually as a consultant, although I did spend about the last five years of my parents' lives doing home care for room and board and beer money.

Thanks anyway, Rich

Reply to
Rich Grise

To the contrary, D.C. is all too well represented--it's the city Congress built, rolling in federal dough. Fairness and subsidies and murders for everyone.

Cheers, James Arthur

Reply to
James Arthur

That's what you get with strict gun "controls" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
| Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
| Phoenix, Arizona  85048    Skype: Contacts Only  |             |
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  |
| E-mail Icon at |    1962     |
 I love to cook with wine     Sometimes I even put it in the food
Reply to
Jim Thompson

Gun control is good, when it helps score a direct hit at the center of your target.

You can\'t have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
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Michael A. Terrell

It sure helped Captain Phillips.

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It's a cesspool of poverty, drugs, misery and crime, just across town from their super-rich & powerful benefactors: Congress.

Limousine-liberals and their feel-good theories, laid bare on so many points of public policy.

James Arthur

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James Arthur

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