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Above url is a great resource for learning the basics of electronics, and many other sciences.

I note, however, that mnemonics are used, even when the value of the mnemonics is very doubtful.

Eli the Ice man, is obviously such a mnemonic, at the url quoted above.

Here the practical value seems to be zero or less than zero. It is a lot easier to learn how inductors and capacitors work, and from that knowledge understand when the current lags the voltage and vice versa, than to learn some complex mnemonic phrase.

Using mnemonics is a remnant of religious teachings. In religion you only have to learn to repeat stuff. There is no need to understand anything. You learn the holy texts like a parrot, and that was the most advanced form of learning for thousands of years, as long as the church had control over the education.

In lately secularized countries, like USA, the religious views on learning is still strong, and has its influence even on scientific and technical education. That is why mnemonics and acronyms are used and loved so much by US-americans.

It is a way to tell the world: See how good I am, I have "learned" this, I can repeat it over and over again.

 Roger J.
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Roger Johansson
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Back when reisitors had color codes...

non sequitur

Reply to
Richard Henry

There is a tendency from programmers and industrial designers to use icons instead of text. I prefer text, just like you. I often change icons to text if that is an option in a program.

You are talking about a very momentary situation. Using rational thinking and discussing and understanding religious texts only happens in the historical stage when rational thought is taking over from religious thinking. You are describing the era of secularization, not the era dominated by religious thinking.

Secularization is what happens in USA today, it happened a hundred years ago in Europe.

You have _two_ books to learn to live by. One was written by stone age people and has caused incredible amounts of violence and suffering during the last 4000 years of human history. The other one is the modern law and civilized rules, often created through a hard struggle against the old system of gender roles and mobbing, social domination, lies, symbolism and secrets.

Issues to ponder: Dictatorship or democracy? Individual freedom or a totalitarian system? Gender roles or fantasy? The holy matrimony or love of all? The holy spirit or rational thinking? Rule of the rich or democracy? Is violence okay to use as a problem solving method? Are threats okay methods? Torture? More speed, or less?

How has the creationist religion influenced the human mind during all these thousands of years? What can we do to counter that influence and find real peace of mind? How can we change the religious lifestyle which causes so much suffering?

If we all tell the truth we can solve all problems. ..the whole truth, and nothing but the truth..

May the best arguments win.

 Roger J.
Reply to
Roger Johansson

Seems you\'ve forgotten that "Thou shalt not lie."  was in that four
thousand year old book...
Reply to
John Fields

Perhaps transistor woman to explain P-type material?

Reply to
Keith Williams

Hello Roger,

Remember the transistor man from school? I always wondered why there wasn't a transistor woman ;-)

Anyway, it can get worse. Maybe we like mnemonics more here in the US than Europeans do. But when it comes to icons the Europeans can really bring it "ad absurdum". Once I stopped at a traffic light in a European car and a yellow light appeared on the dash. It had some kind of bone or so on it. Called the dealer, described it. "Not the foggiest idea but if it's yellow it is usually just a warning. Red would be bad. Have to bring it in." he said.

It was a lamp indicating that the front brake pads are starting to wear thin. On my car over here it simply says "Brake". Then everybody knows. If someone doesn't understand English a simple dictionary will tell them.

That's not so. Only if you study scripture together with others, and preferably together with someone with a theological background to answer tougher question can you truly understand. Just think about a small sentence in The Lord's prayer: " we forgive those who trespass against us". The more we study examples from scripture and daily life and think about it the more we learn that living by this rules is not easy at all. But studies help us strive to live by it.

Regards, Joerg

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Hello Roger,

I find real peace of mind in it.

Well, I don't want to change it. It helps me in easing the suffering of others through ministry.

Injustice and suffering has often been inflincted (wrongly) in the name of religion. By people that never understood what scripture really says or who didn't want to understand.

The same is true for laws and regulations. Laws are a good tool in keeping a society honest and respectful. However, sometimes their interpretation by judges doesn't. The latest example: A high court found it ok that local authorities can take away a house if someone else builds something there that generates more in taxes. Obviously it is ok to kick grandma out of her home. So far for the peace of mind.

Anyway, I guess we won't reach a common denominator here and it would also veer off topic.

Regards, Joerg

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Could you define in more concrete terms what it is you find "real peace of mind" in? Is it the creationist ideology, or the speeded mind which is the result of the creationist system? Is it the social processes, mobbing and strong convictions? Gender roles which takes care of the foreplay, so you don't have to use your own fantasy to have sex? Or is it the power structure of the social field which creationism creates?

What part(s) of the creationist tradition is most valuable to you?

So you want to uphold the rule of violence so you can use that violence to do good? You want to keep the people in mental slavery so you can have power over them, so you can help them? Don't you realize that it is the power system, based on violence, which is the main problem? The strong people who rule do not realize that the power they have is based on fear instilled in the minds of the less fortunate. Fear and violence are fundamental parts of the creationist system. You would not get that speeded state of mind, the holy spirit, without fear and anger as the basis for the male personality.

Social life is not based on peace and rational thinking, it is based on the same system we see in flocks of apes, where the young men are running around screaming and throwing sticks and stones, to impress the females and to scare each other. The creationist tradition conserves and justifies a continuation of the stone age power system into a modern time when we could have a much simpler and easier life style. It would allow us to think clearer if we got rid of all this creationism, all determined and grim male faces, all use of threats and violence as methods to treat people.

We could let young girls grow up in peace, instead of throwing them out to become very strong-minded love machines. We could let boys learn about electronics and science instead of forcing them to learn to fight and learn to be tough.

Suffering is not a small side effect to religion, it is a central part of religion.

What the scriptures from ancient history actually say is of less importance to most believers. They like the lifestyle, the gender roles, the creation of the eternal love, the creation of male minds, the creation of female minds, the creation of the holy matrimony (controlled by society), the creation of a dualistic society, divided into "heaven" and "hell" (heaven and earth).

The difference is that laws and modern civilized rules are not based in a stone age lifestyle and ideology. The rules we can agree on in democratic order are better than a stone age ideology based on violence, and we can change them until we are happy with them.

That is not the purpose of the law. The purpose of the law is to establish rules we all have to follow, so we get a society we can live in. Controlling people's minds is a religious idea, which is not supported by modern law.

"Living in the fear of God" is not a good idea in a modern world. Fear causes violence, and that is the basis for creationism.

The difference between law and religion is that we can always make the law better, but religion cannot change, it uses the same rules as people did in the stone age. The actual content of the old scriptures, which very few people understand and are interested in, is a long discussion about creationism. Jesus and Moses were both big reformers of the system. But they did not think far enough to abolish the system completely. Moses invented the law, which applies equally to everybody, before him the initiated could do whatever they liked to the non-initiated.

Jesus put forward strong criticism of the basis of creationism, but he was assimilated by the church. They invented a story around Jesus, creating a creationist story about him instead of what he actually said.

For example what happened after he had died, resurrection on the third day, etc.. that is the creationist story they used to encapsulate his own words which were so dangerous for the church.

Exactly the same happened in China. A great thinker, Lao-Tzu, wrote a very good book against creationism. The creationists created a story around Lao-Tzu, that he walked away and disappeared after writing the book, etc.. which encapsulated his own words in a creationist container.

When he died his teachings were immediately transformed into a worshipping religion, full of mysticism and creationism. It has also made it difficult to find a translation of Tao-te-Ching which is not bent beyond recognition by creationists who tried all they could to change the book into a creationist message.

 Roger J.
Reply to
Roger Johansson

I've spoken with Joerg on this issue, and while I don't pretend to speak for him he has echoed what most Xtians (and a few Christians) say; it's the structure.

You forget that much of religion and philosophy (and science, for that matter) are merely codifications of our hardwired behavior patterns. Paternalism and the Nuclear Family are _not_ arbitrary social constructs but rather biological imperatives.

We _have_ those patterns and imperatives, including gender roles, whether or not you or anyone else likes it. Any religion or philosophy (frinst Radical Feminism) that fails to take them into account has negative worth as it tries to force us to behave in ways we simply cannot.

Those that Evangelism is most successfully used on are those with no structure or a flawed structure to their lives. Give them a less-flawed structure and things start going right in their lives. If it didn't work, it wouldn't have lasted so long.

What a lovely fantasy.

Yep, a fantasy. We are hardwired to do these latter things.

That's because suffering is a _real_ part of life. Finding that out has obviously caused you to suffer.

Male and female minds are not "created", by man or deity; they simply are. Get over it.

No, it isn't a religious idea. Go back to yout troupe of apes; everybody obeys the alpha male for two good reasons. Short-term, he'll whip your ass if you don't; long term, he knows how to survive and so will you if you copy his behaviors.

Nope. You're close though; fear causes caution and caution increases the odds of survival.

Our brains and emotional hardware (adrenals etc) have not changed over that short period.

And after him, slavery was codified but still legal.

Sigh. You might look into Buddhism about the remediation of suffering.

To sneak back to the topic, mnemonics are a very useful shorthand, but it's a good idea to occasionally re-examine the longhand version for validity.

Mark L. Fergerson

Reply to
Mark Fergerson

It looks like you are just as interested in truth as I am.

So tell me, what main events in your life have shaped your mind and way of thinking?

What do you mean when you tell a less concentrated and controlled man that you "own" him? Please explain that.

What connections do you see between your real world and the creationist ideology?

Do you see advantages of creationism, do you defend creationism?

What side are you on, and why?

If you ment to imply that I am lying, and it looks like that from the quote above, please explain more specifically what you are thinking of. I have no secrets or things I cannot afford to tell anybody about.

Do you?

 Roger J.
Reply to
Roger Johansson

He's heretical, even in his own religion:

(Matthew 10:34) - "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

Anyone who demands that the 'truth' should also settle the mind is just indulging in wishful thinking.

No doubt the various catechisms of apologetics will show a way to squirm out of that one, they've had 2000 years to work it out. No doubt it's a Mystery, like the Trinity of one god, predestination, and why god wanted to create in the first place.

Paul Burke

Reply to
Paul Burke

Yes. Creationism creates a state of mind which is constantly excited. If you lose speed you get into trouble with your own mind. The reason is that creationism is built upon will power.

That is the reason for all stimulantia people use. Alcohol, tobacco, coffee, amphetamine, chewing gum, spices, garlic, etc..

That speeded state of mind can also be painful, if you have painful social memories under the conviction. That is the reason why people consume so much pain killers.

This is also the reason for all the violence and threatening situations we see on tv. Every night you can see dozens of murders, hundreds of threatening talk and staring in each other faces with a grim look, thousands of raised voices and foul words.

There is a strong need for exciting factors in the creationist society.

What is so dangerous with slowing down, relaxing, resting, coming to peace?

They have transcended the human mind, but they cannot afford to slow down and relax. Because they cheated, they did not achieve peace of mind through making the society better, by solving problems, they achieved peace of mind by getting used to being constantly excited.

If somebody who really has peace of mind shows up, do they love him for sharing his mind with them? Nope. They call him "Jesus", "kid", and beat him up and crucify him.

The male honor must be defended. Boys must grow up, become more and more angry until they are dangerous and get some respect, and the girls start chasing them.

A lot of men actually grow up to men, learn to control a lot of anger, and then they are convinced by strong willed girls into believing that everything is perfect. A nice concussion. Wish I had one right now, actually.

But other men are less fortunate, and become alcoholics, criminals, murderers, wife beaters, insane, physically ill, etc..

The state of mind men walk around with is a good thing for governments. If they need to send the men to war they are already prepared mentally, they live with fear and anger no matter if it is peace or war. It also makes ruling so much easier, when the majority of the people are fully occupied with controlling their excited minds and controlling the social environment. The people keep each other occupied and under control.

Such strong minds, trained minds which have gotten used to violence, have a bad influence on others. Growing up in the mental shadow of a tough father results in a chronically excited mind, constantly dreaming to defend itself. Yet, they manage to see this influence as a positive factor, "you want your kids to have their fathers name, don't you?".

 Roger J.
Reply to
Roger Johansson

A lot of us non-Christians (aka atheists) aren't watching it either.

...Jim Thompson

|  James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
|  Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
|  Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
|  Phoenix, Arizona            Voice:(480)460-2350  |             |
|  E-mail Address at Website     Fax:(480)460-2142  |  Brass Rat  |
|           |    1962     |
I love to cook with wine.      Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Reply to
Jim Thompson

I think I've related here before the situation where a "Christian" neighbor said she couldn't understand why my four children were so well-behaved, since they didn't go to church. I threw her out of the house ;-)

...Jim Thompson

|  James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
|  Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
|  Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
|  Phoenix, Arizona            Voice:(480)460-2350  |             |
|  E-mail Address at Website     Fax:(480)460-2142  |  Brass Rat  |
|           |    1962     |
I love to cook with wine.      Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Reply to
Jim Thompson

Since when pray tell? (no pun intended)


Reply to
Bob Stephens

Gack! 97°F up in the hills? It's presently 109°F here, but dry as a bone. I've been running up and down a 12' ladder blowing out the junk in the mist system and replacing nozzles. Literally NO SWEAT ;-)

...Jim Thompson

|  James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
|  Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
|  Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
|  Phoenix, Arizona            Voice:(480)460-2350  |             |
|  E-mail Address at Website     Fax:(480)460-2142  |  Brass Rat  |
|           |    1962     |
I love to cook with wine.      Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Reply to
Jim Thompson

Since Jesus was running around preaching. There's an episode in at least one of the Gospels where Jesus talks about not praying in public just to let folks know how good you are. I'd quote chapter and verse at you but I'm not even familiar enough to say which Gospel(s) it's in.

------------------------------------------- Tim Wescott Wescott Design Services

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Tim Wescott

Hello Roger,

Let's not get too OT here, but I'll briefly answer since you asked.

In the fact that God is in charge of our life. I can talk to Him in times of grief and also in times of joy.

Strong convictions, yes. No mobbing. It's got nothing to do with gender roles even though Adam tried to pull that one off ("This woman here was the one who deceived me...").

That God has created a wonderful world for us, then gave it to us to use at our free will. But we must be good stewards and not mess it up.

There is no rule of violence that I follow. Never have. What our group does is to be there for people in grief. Death of a loved one, terminal cancer and so on. We mostly listen, and pray together. If you haven't experienced that you won't know how much relief that brings to people. There is no coaxing, influencing or whatever involved. And no, we don't get paid a dime, not even for mileage.

I can assure you that none of the female members of our Lutheran congregation feel that way.

Fighting and be tough is not what the Bible teaches. It teaches us to be there for the weak. BTW, kids (and not just boys) learn electronics even at church. Guess who runs our computer and sound systems?

Not of the Christian religion. The central part is faith.

Regards, Joerg

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The social structure? Or the mental structure of the ideology which is used to justify the lifestyle and state of mind?

Structure is organisation. In modern times we have developed ways to organise the society which are built on individual freedom, human rights, ruled by democracy and rational arguments in an open discussion.

But old power structures are still alive, and especially creationism. They have no explicit formal power, but a lot of power in the social field. Mobbing is common in schools, workplaces and homes.

Man's nature is the final, and often the only argument for creationism.

There is a lot of training going on in the creationist society. Would we really need that much mental and social training if we lived naturally?

Creationism is a method for getting high. Love is made into a drug by social methods, controlled by traditions and religion. The training of both girls and boys is done for the ultimate goal that the man gets high on love and power.

It originated from nature, but it _is_ not nature, it has become a religion, a set of traditions, a lifestyle. The creationist system has been criticized for thousands of years, but the rulers, kings and emperors, generals and politicians, have found it useful for controlling the people, so the system has long ago left what is natural and has become a political power structure.

The girls get high from love too, but they are not trained to be constantly ready for exposure to violence, so they get shy if they go outside when they are newly married. Fear can take many forms before it is realized as fear.

Men love girls, because girls are more natural than men. Girls love children and pets, because children and pets are more natural than girls.

In the western countries we now see a project which wants to abolish the patriarchal society, abolish the "man's" society by making everybody into men. Women and children and all jesuses are going to be trained in constant readyness to fight. One of the first movies in this tendency was "Home alone", a young boy is home alone and has to defend the house against robbers.

This idea does not seem to work so well, the alcohol consumption is going up instead of down. Well, it was a stupid idea to begin with. It would be much better to abolish the male mind, the holy spirit, the violence, the need for speed.

We have actually been very successful in taking our society out of the hands of the church, during the last hundreds of years. We have removed all old religious crap from our official law in most countries in the world. We have beaten the theists intellectually and thrown them out of science and philosophy. Or they left voluntarily, they realized that they couldn't win the discussion. The more they talked the more they lost.

Well, it is lovely, compared to your usual references, obviously, and it sounds like a fantasy compared to your usual references. So, what are your usual references made up of?

Did you grow up with parents in love? I did. Did you go to school with other kids who were also brought up in fear of God (the father)? Did you learn social stuff from the schoolbooks or from your class mates?

By the way, what is fantasy and what is reality in the theoretical world is determined by who wins the argument. During the last hundreds of years the religious side has lost every debate against science and rational thought. And they will lose this one too.

If we really were hardwired for the creationist system there would be no opposition. We would have lived in a stable theocratic society for thousands of years. But we haven't. We have struggled for thousands of years to change the system and we have been very successful, officially the church has lost all power and very few go to the church.

In the secularized countries you typically come to church only twice in your life, when you marry and when you die. The church has the same position as the royalty, they are museum pieces, tourist attractions, a pretty background for a wedding, but they have no power in society whatsoever.

The problem is that the social traditions are still kept alive, and they invent new justifying ideologies when older ideas

Maybe you haven't heard about modern alternatives to creationism. Democracy instead of dictatorship, human rights for all instead of all rights to the initiated and no rights to non-initiated. Equality between man and woman. Solving problems with discussions instead of referring to human nature or whatever religious ideas originating from the creationists.

If the fear is too strong it can even lead to ulcers, heart problems, overeating, bulemia, the use of alcohol, tobacco, etc..

It looks like the fear is already too strong for the human body, not to speak about what it has done to our minds, but the media channels keep pouring out more excitement and fear every day. The media channels are controlled by creationists who are not thinking too clearly.

They typically attack one prejudice and amplify a thousand others. To make money the movies have to make millions of creationists happy, so they mix in 1 percent new material and 99 percent old stuff from the Old Testament.

 Roger J.
Reply to
Roger Johansson

Hello Roger,

Ok, even if it is off topic, I have to ask you this one: Why then is it that in our neighborhood all Christians I know (and that's quite a lot of people) resent this violent stuff on TV and never watch it? And why are a lot of non-Christians in our neighborhood watching it with great desire?

Regards, Joerg

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