Changes to the DatasheetArchive


Most datasheet search engines now add advertisements or watermarks to the datasheets in their collection. This is to prevent mass downloading.

We know most users hate our first page advertisement so we have made ad free copies available. The limitation is that you can only download 10 Ad free datasheets per day per IP Address. This is to prevent mass downloading.


We've now added parts from over 400 old data books. Still working on this project.


We've added several thousand photos. Browsable from our mail page

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Regards, Admin

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I know you hate to be second-guessed, but maybe there would be fewer objections if you added your ad page to the end of the datasheet rather than in the beginning... that way, you could still keep the ad in place and allow for more downloads. Just an idea.....


Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net  (Just substitute the appropriate characters in the 

Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time!!
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If you would stop MULTI-POSTING,

**everyone** could see ALL the comments to your posts.
formatting link
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You are not out of the user-unfriendly woods yet. For example, I'm interested in old uA741 datasheets. You have precious few of them,* mostly newer 2nd sources available from manufacturer's websites, but I checked your older "databook" version. This one is only four pages long, but each page is a separate download(!) requiring the hand entry of an imaged numerical unlock code, afterwhich we get two pages, the first of which is your ugly announcement, and the second is one of the catalog pages. These are locked, so we can't extract and extract and put together the four pages to make a datasheet. Sorry, no thanks, that's still a *serious* non-starter.

Congrats for your progress so far, but it appears much in your website is still badly broken and massively user antagonistic. As it stands I won't be spending much time there looking for my old favorites. I'll go to my own databooks instead. But keep up the good work and report back whenever we should check again to see your progress.

  • I could contribute a few, but you'd have to promise not to lock or deface them.
    - Win
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Winfield Hill

Thanks for the replies.

The data books we have scanned will be joined up by part number with the first page ad removed. Just waiting for our technies to write a command line PDF joiner.

We have a mini list of improvements like this. We are working on them one by one. We do listen to the comments posted here even if it takes us a while to make the changes

Thank you

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