Lawnmower idle question

Which it could barely get out of it's own way .


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Just a thought but if you want to make that scooter fly try finding a Honda or Toyo horizontal shaft motor. You can usually get them off pressure washers with bad pumps as those motors can't be killed short of running them with NO oil and they are usually high horse powered, 7 to 12. These motors have high spin and good torque and can get that bike up to 50mph.( I'd done that for so local yahoo a couple years back for his camp mini-bike. Saw him last month and he had a pronounced limp so I guess he got all the speed he wanted.)

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You must've missed the part about the sixties. That kart is long gone, now. I think it crashed when we were pulling it with a horse. Riders (both the one on the horse, and--thankfully--the one on the cart as well) got off for refreshments, and the horse decided to make an unscheduled run. I believe a fence post did it in...stopped the horse, though.

Kids. Somehow I wonder how we survived.....


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Hey you think that's crazy. When we were youngsters we hijacked my older sister's roller skates cut off the boots and used them to "body skate". Simply sit on the skate, then lie flat out with your feet supsended straight out in front of you (inches above the ground) and head off down that big hill. What made it dangerous for us was that big hill was a street with several stop signs along the way. Sure made alot of cross traffic stop and do a double take, to see a kid sailing down the hill on his ass at about 30 miles an hour. Of course the bottom of the hill took a sharp right turn AND had a telephone pole on the corner.(made for lots of scrapes and bruises)

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