Scripts to maintain list of addresses in VHDL core communicating with SW via a set of control and status registers

Last time I had to prepare a firmware for FPGA, that contained a complex hierarchy of blocks and subbblocks, containing registers and arrays of registers on different levels of hierarchy. Those registers were connected to simple block driven by IPbus (

formatting link
) or AXI-Lite slave (e.g., generated with Tools/Create and Package New IP/Ctreate AXI4 Peripheral), that provides certain number of R/W - "Control" and RO - "Status" registers. Until the design was small, it was easy to allocate the register addresses by hand and to connect them with manually written HDL. However, as the design grew up, this task became more tiring and error prone. Therefore, I have decided to prepare something to automate this task. Initially I tried to prepare my own metalanguage to describe the structure, and parse it with "pyparsing". However, finally I have found a simpler solution, where the structure of design is described in pure Python. Lets assume, that our design contains the top entity "Top", that contains 3 registers, N_OF_A blocks "ABlock" and, N_OF_B blocks "BBlock". The nested blocks also have a complex structure, as shown below:


+-SREG: top_status +-CREG: sys_control +-CREG: resets | +-N_OF_A x ABlocks | | | +-SREG: A_status | +-CREG: A_control | +-N_OF_I2C_SLAVES x I2CBlock | | | | | +-CREG: I2C_Config | | +-SREG: I2C_Status | | +-CREG: I2C_Command | | | +-N_OF_SPI_SLAVES x SPIBlock | | | +-CREG: SPI_Config | +-SREG: SPI_Status | +-CREG: SPI_Tx | +-SREG: SPI_Rx | +-N_OF_B x BBlocks | +- N_OF_CELLS x CREG: Out_data +- N_OF_CELLS x SREG: In_data +- SREG: B_status +- CREG: B_config

Maintaining of addresses in the above structure, especially when the constants "N_OF..." are changing, is really a nightmare. In my proposed solution, the abover structure may be described in a simple Python file:

#!/usr/bin/python3 from addr_gen import *

#Definitions of constants used in the package c.ADDR_VERSION=int(time.time()) c.N_OF_A = 13 c.N_OF_I2C_SLAVES = 6 c.N_OF_SPI_SLAVES = 8 c.N_OF_B = 5 c.N_OF_CELLS = 12

#Define registers in the BBlock bbl_def=aobj("BBLOCK",[ ("out_data",sreg_def,c.N_OF_CELLS), ("in_data",sreg_def,c.N_OF_CELLS), ])

#Define registers in SPI block spi_def=aobj("SPI",[ ("spi_config",creg_def), ("spi_status",sreg_def), ("spi_tx",creg_def), ("spi_rx",sreg_def), ])

#Define registers in I2C block i2c_def=aobj("I2C",[ ("i2c_config",creg_def), ("i2c_status",sreg_def), ("i2c_command",creg_def), ])

#Define registers and subblocks in the ABlock abl_def=aobj("ABLOCK",[ ("a_status",creg_def), ("a_control",creg_def,2), #Two registers, supporting up to 64 links ("spi",spi_def,c.N_OF_SPI_SLAVES), ("i2c",spi_def,c.N_OF_I2C_SLAVES), ])

#Define registers and subblocks in the TOP block top_def=aobj("TOP",[ ("addr_ver",sreg_def), ("top_st",sreg_def), ("sys_ctrl",sreg_def), ("resets",creg_def), ("ab",abl_def,c.N_OF_A), ("bb",bbl_def,c.N_OF_B), ])

#Generate package with constants gen_vhdl_const_package("top_const_pkg")

#Generate package with address related types and addresses gen_vhdl_addr_package("top_adr_pkg","",crob_def,0,0)

#Generate Python module with addresses gen_python_addr_module("top_adr",crob_def,0,0)

Running the above, generates the appropriate VHDL packages with constants and addresses, and python module with addresses. Connection of signals in the VHDL code may be done as follows: (I assume, that each blocks provides inputs from control registers and output to status registers in hierarchical records like below: type T_I2C_CTRL is record i2c_config : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); i2c_command : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); end record T_I2C_CTRL; type T_I2C_CTRL_ARR is array(natural range) of T_I2C_CTRL;

type T_SPI_CTRL is record spi_config : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); spi_command : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); end record T_SPI_CTRL; type T_SPI_CTRL_ARR is array(natural range) of T_SPI_CTRL;

type T_ABL_CTRL is record a_control: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); spi : T_SPI_CTRL_ARR(0 to N_OF_SPI_SLAVES-1); i2c : T_I2C_CTRL_ARR(0 to N_OF_I2C_SLAVES-1); end record T_ABL_CTRL; )

-- Process for connecting the signals process (all) is begin -- process stat_reg(tad_addr.addr_ver)

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Wojciech M. Zabołotny
Loading thread data ...

Of course the line: stat_reg(tad_addr.addr_ver)

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Benjamin Couillard

For maintenance of addresses, bus width and stuff I use a spreadsheet as th e code generator then simply copy/paste into the VHDL. While not as automa tic as using some other language as a code generator, the bar is much lower for someone else to pick up and run with starting from a spreadsheet than from a possibly new, foreign language.

For instantiation of the bus interface logic itself, I instantiate one inst ance inside a generate statement indexed by the enumeration that lists the components being connected for the 'write' data path. Very simple. For the 'read' data path, a single component that works with an array of data to m ux together to produce the final readback data.

Kevin Jennings

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