
Bugfix (the bit order in the rbf file is revers)

------------------------ Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim filelength As Long Dim l As Long Dim ok As Boolean Dim rs As Byte Dim b As Byte Dim chipid As Byte Dim i As Integer Dim tb As Byte

For l = 0 To 524287 bytebuffer(l) = 255 Next l

chipid = ReadID If chipid = 16 Then MsgBox "ChipID: EPCS1" Else If chipid = 17 Then MsgBox "ChipID: EPCS4" Else MsgBox "no configuration device found" Exit Sub End If End If

CommonDialog1.CancelError = True On Error GoTo ErrHandler CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly CommonDialog1.Filter = "Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.*|" & "AS File (*.rbf)|*.rbf" CommonDialog1.FilterIndex = 2 CommonDialog1.ShowOpen

Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Binary Access Read As #1 Seek #1, 1 filelength = LOF(1) For l = 0 To (filelength - 1)

Get #1, l + 1, b

tb = 0

For i = 1 To 8 tb = tb \ 2 If b > 127 Then tb = tb + 128 b = b - 128 End If b = b * 2 Next i bytebuffer(l) = tb Next l

Close #1

WriteEnable EraseBulk Do rs = ReadStatus Loop Until (rs Mod 2) = 0

For l = 0 To (filelength - 1) WriteEnable b = bytebuffer(l) WriteB l, b Do rs = ReadStatus Loop Until (rs Mod 2) = 0

If (l Mod 100) = 0 Then Form1.Caption = "programming: " + Str(1 + l * 100 \ filelength) + "%" DoEvents End If

Next l

ok = True For l = 0 To (filelength - 1) If bytebuffer(l) ReadB(l) Then ok = False End If

If (l Mod 100) = 0 Then Form1.Caption = "verifing: " + Str(1 + l * 100 \ filelength) + "%" DoEvents End If

Next l

If ok Then MsgBox "OK" Else MsgBox "NOT OK" End If

Exit Sub

ErrHandler: MsgBox "File Open Error" Close #1 End Sub

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