Is Information an Important Science?

- Because software is a descriptive model, as well as a testable prediction, you can test your theories straight away, as soon as you've written them properly.

- You can see the direct relationship between real-world problems and abstract logic.

- You can do science all day for decent money (eg programming).

- The metaphysical problems of the mind/brain relationship don't seem that mysterious.

- Everyone knows that they benefit daily, if not every minute of the day, from the area of science that you have chosen.

- Every other science uses computer modelling and programming to advance it.

This is because the true science is algorithms, not adding-machines, and computers have allowed us to explore this field more extensively, more easily and more economically.

"The Development of Useful Algorithms", or what might be described as the science of information-systems, is the overlap of theory and practice. At its core electronics, it is the practical superset of logic, maths and physics (and indeed it is what these different fields get used for a lot these days). It is also, one might consider, an interesting approach to psychology.

We all need to learn about these funny abstract entities - algorithms - which are the core of all information systems. They might seem magical when you use a complex computer game, but that is just because you don't need to think about the core api or chipset when you're writing or using the high-level scripts and you don't need to think about the brain when you thinking about your strategies or sensory data. Thoughts have properties and can be manipulated as informational entities, and the application of this abstract logic to real world problems is the core of science. It is this world that computer science gives us various windows (no pun intended) into.

If human self-awareness and the different mental faculties that it's aware *of*, are themselves a collection of algorithms developed by evolution, then it's more important still.

In short, the science of algorithms, whatever you want to call it, is the core of all science, and possibly technology and philosophy. Let us all benefit. To contribute is as easy as mentioning an idea that you have found useful to apply in the real world.

I have found this model I've been describing useful in a lot of cases, simply by framing any problem in terms of the information coming in, and what procedures from my mind can be applied profitably to it, from a strategic/evolutionary context. In fact I can't find a place where it fails, so far.

It seems that specific, apparently background information is remarkably well picked to be in your mind at that point, in that situation. The software that runs the human has been a long time in development, it does not waste resources and its self-awareness is state of the art. This is the real reason that algorithm science is important, it describes living.

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Software has theories?

Programming is science?

Every other science uses coffee, too.


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John Larkin

For some values of "properly".

In actual "science" that value = "to be congruent with real-world experience".

Mark L. Fergerson

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Mark L. Fergerson

And, what is this question attempting to determine or contribute to the discussion?

OK, maybe, for you, programming is religion? or music?

Brilliant comment, just brilliant.

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I want in on the science that does beer.*


*(which is not exactly as silly a comment as it appears on its face)
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How about sex?

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Programming (Computer Science) is a mixture of mathematics, science, and engineering.

It is mathematics in the development of computational algorithms.

It is science when involving human factors.

And, it is engineering when building a large software project.

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Ron Peterson

Programming is programming, nothing else.

Its all logic, not computational algoriths.

And, what is it when it doesn't involve human factors? Witchcraft?

People management, not engineering.

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Well, the average programmer in fact uses a lot more coffee than he/she uses either math or science. Programming these days is almost entirely qualitative/ad-hoc/hacked/empirically twiddled until it doesn't crash too very often.

That's why so many people study "Computer Science" (what an oxymoron!) these days; it's a lot easier than engineering.


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John Larkin

If it involved any serious amount of any of those, it wouldn't crash so much.


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John Larkin

Are you going to tell us that there is perfection in mathematics, no false hypotheses/data in science, and all engineering is 100% failsafe/foolproof?

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Your computer crashes? There must be something wrong with it.

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Tell me about a computer that does not crash, at least once in a while.

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Consider: it has roughly 1e10 transistors and runs about 1e8 lines of code, but the software fails regularly (or irregularly) and needs constant maintenance, and the hardware runs perfectly, without even any patches.


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John Larkin

Anybody can write software, even if they have no ability in math, science, or engineering. Perhaps your software came from someone who didn't know what they were doing. I assume you are running Linux, which has no financial incentive for having bug free software.

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Ron Peterson

--- OK.

I recently designed a system which dispenses medication three times a day at prescribed times for a period of 7 days, and it never crashes.

If the mains go down and it isn't hooked up to a UPS, it remembers where it was when the mains went down, figures out where it is when the mains come back up, and delivers the next dose at the appropriate time.

-- John Fields Professional Circuit Designer

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John Fields

I like to liken hardware to a piano and software to what\'s done with
the keys.

Pretty much explains that the sour notes aren\'t the piano\'s fault.
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John Fields

good post.

it is indeed the algoritm that defines the function...the ensuing fractal though is not predictable as it interacts with other fractals born of other algorithms unknown and often unrecognisable to the first.... and as these colide with each other... the collisions, unknowns, timing and a limitless range of other forces we do not even realize exist yet affect the fractals... .these then feed back into the base algorithms, that we were counting on.... as wild cards.

Phil Scott

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Phil Scott

its the NSA back doors, feed back, masking and reporting functions that create much of the complexity and crashes

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Phil Scott

My computers and drives used to crash regularly...until I bought a chinese computer for 198 dollars complete with linux software (changed to run MS now)... 7 years ago... it hasnt had a single misfire yet... MS has its problems though but not the computer, memory or runs at 1ghz... the CPU is half the size of a dime, with a very small fan on it, about a fifth the size of intels.

a GQC machine...'great quality computer'.... many are made in china now as we know. this one though has been unbelievably reliable...I hear they sell junk to american companies who try to chizzel their prices even lower.

Phil Scott

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Phil Scott

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