SPICE tarnsient analysis of oscillators - sampling time

Go to the LT Spice HELP and look for O. Lossy line

Try this:

Version 4 SHEET 1 904 680 WIRE -80 96 -128 96 WIRE -48 96 -80 96 WIRE 80 96 32 96 WIRE 160 96 80 96 WIRE 368 96 256 96 WIRE 432 96 368 96 WIRE -128 128 -128 96 WIRE 160 128 112 128 WIRE 288 128 256 128 WIRE 432 128 432 96 WIRE 112 160 112 128 WIRE 288 160 288 128 WIRE -128 240 -128 208 WIRE 432 240 432 208 FLAG 112 160 0 FLAG 288 160 0 FLAG -128 240 0 FLAG 432 240 0 FLAG -80 96 GEN FLAG 80 96 TDR FLAG 368 96 END SYMBOL ltline 208 112 R0 WINDOW 0 -4 -75 Bottom 2 WINDOW 3 -5 -68 Top 2 SYMATTR InstName O1 SYMATTR Value LTR50 SYMBOL voltage -128 112 R0 WINDOW 0 48 73 Left 2 WINDOW 3 33 116 Left 2 WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2 SYMATTR InstName V1 SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 1 1n) SYMBOL res 48 80 R90 WINDOW 0 -45 54 VBottom 2 WINDOW 3 -37 53 VTop 2 SYMATTR InstName R1 SYMATTR Value 50 SYMBOL res 416 112 R0 WINDOW 0 53 42 Left 2 WINDOW 3 52 75 Left 2 SYMATTR InstName R2 SYMATTR Value 100 TEXT -96 288 Left 2 !.model LTR50 LTRA(len=10 R=5 L=2.3u C=1n) TEXT 152 224 Left 2 !.tran 10u TEXT 576 128 Left 2 ;TDR of 50 ohm lossy line TEXT 624 168 Left 2 ;DCR = 50 ohms TEXT 640 216 Left 2 ;Td = 470 ns TEXT 616 264 Left 2 ;JL Mar 26, 2017


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 

lunatic fringe electronics
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John Larkin
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If i understand the fundamental problem correctly, y our having an issue simulating at realistic freq. with LTspice? Well let me say this first, your p rogram isn't the only front end with that issue. well - i'd recommend looking at either another program for that specific metric(might as well see if it's unanimous or not too) or adjusting your design. Have you reduced or eliminated anything s uperfluous to this signal path? or the other way can you encapsulate this and use a PLL to eit her maintain freq under load, OR and this still makes my head spacy - you can use a PLL to r un your sim as you were/had it - and clean up / or reduce proportionally the magnitude of your results.

i've seen a lot of strange things happening behind the scenes for a couple programs...I wrote one of them! hahahh...but i wrote it for me and my very specific use. LTspice is no lone wolf...Do you work with Labview? Cadence? Matlab? they're m ore or less the best options im aware of....

sorry i couldnt be more specific - precise operati ons have too many variables

Jasen Betts

Jasen Betts

Lark> >>>>>

Jasen Betts

ev> >>>>>>>>

the frequency error is unmeasurable

Let it run for 1,000 cycles. After

overlap exactly. The frequency

the time step down to get a useful

ulation times silly. There is

be set. When precision matters, I


e V source. Run that for 5 seconds

chunky line segments. Change the

lot better.

e using LTSpice with compression on.

Its a solution looking for a problem.

above, is that the LT Spice

sually works fine for things like

tants are nasty.

en I specify a pulse generator

driving a slow RC or something.

ckets inside a transmission

an unlimited amount of

d signal at the other end of the

. it doesn't need separate storage for

is only saved at time-step

ll along the line, so can't

wonder how many effective

whether the time step matters

nd poke a pulse into one

s of reflections, maybe of

forth. There's no "black

lot of internal nodes.

not conducted out of the

of that end node as an

replayed back to the source

lates circuits; it doesn't

appears at the second end

hat doesn't flow into the

the second end and


. It needs internal nodes.

hash of it.

Reply to

It may use an integral equation for that bit. Chopping the TL up into short sections isn't an efficient solving method.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs 
Principal Consultant 
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics 
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics 
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510 

Reply to
Phil Hobbs

I do that with real coax a fair amount. It's good for generating odd pulse trains and so on. with quite decent timing.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs 
Principal Consultant 
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics 
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics 
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510 

Reply to
Phil Hobbs

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