quantitative easing

Everybody is greedy; get used to it. If we want economic stability, genuine economic growth, and jobs, we need sensible regulation... which we don't have.


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John Larkin
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How does borrowing and spending help an economy? Maxing out a bunch of new credit cards to buy Chinese and Korean products? Those are the things that got us into trouble.

And the idea of the Feds running a retail bank is terrifying.


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John Larkin


The best systems are those that regulate themselves, such as two or more competitors vying for customers. That regulates (and relentlessly improves) quality, price, products, features, service, and more.

Even better, such a system harnesses human nature (i.e., self- interest), and uses it to a constructive purpose.


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Anti-trust regulation is a good thing, to make sure we do have competition. There are positive feedbacks that, undamped, can give advantages to tne biggest player. The biggies can also use their mass to kill potential competitors.

Yes, but I think it takes sensible regulation to establish rules of the game.


Reply to
John Larkin

Not particularly.

The dollars don't care where they live.

The point of bonds is that GDP growth diminished their actual value over time - we borrowed about $220B in WWII, which was terrifying then, but not so much now. Some of that is inflation, but most of it is pure economic growth.

It's like buying shoes for kids - you gotta have enough money supply to accommodate growth. Right now, we're seeing sign of deflation, which means that money supply growth is the primary constraint on GDP growth.

They're running them now. Banking really doesn't work unless banks can go out of business.

-- Les Cargill

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Les Cargill









Of course. In the soccer-game of business, government's needed to mark the boundaries, write the rules, and resolve disputes. They're the referees.

They shouldn't bet on the game, take money from the players, or choose favorites. Right now they do all those things, and change the rules while the ball's in play.

-- Cheers, James Arthur

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Well, yes. The fans should demand good referees. But the referees are busy bribing the fans. With their own money.


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John Larkin

With their kid's money. ...and most don't see a problem with that.

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There were rumours years ago that Kennedy was killed because he wanted the Government to issue money again, not the Reserve. The Reserve is NOT a government agency.

JFK was weeks away from transferring the money making power. Check out who the board of directors for the Reserve are. The Bank of England has a huge share. They in turn have their own Bosses.


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m II

You're crazy.

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That's because the unions have taken over the schools and turned them into propaganda mills.

Thanks, Rich

Reply to
Rich Grise

I once saw a copy of the infamous Zapruder film. In it, you can clearly see the limo driver turning around and capping Kennedy. The only copy I've found on-line has that part censored out, in a way that looks like a defect in the film.

Cheers! Rich

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Rich Grise

formatting link

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m II

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