On this date in 1953...

I have been very happy with the CFL lights I've installed. Other than the "make up" lights in my wife's bathroom, every bulb in the house is one. I did the swap about two years ago. Most of them were the cheapies I got for IIRC $6 for a pack of 3. There have been a total of two failures to date.

No, that would never work. There are some here that would deny the temperature was rising as the penguins were bursting into flames.

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It wouldn't take much oversshoot to be a very big problem. It also would be bad if it had too much "soft start".

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I don't like CFLs and only have them in storage closets and a ceiling fan. We have a few other fluorescents around, but I don't like them. They take too long to come up to full brightness and have crappy color for my tastes. I've replace a lot of other lights around the house with halogens because I like the light better.

Have you seen any penguins burst into flames? The only one I've seen flaming lately is Al Gore. ...but he's a flamer for way back.

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I wasn't initially because of too short lifetimes. The touted savings just would not materialize. But then there was a subsidized stash of them at Costco. Philips Marathon, the good stuff. So I gave it another shot and so far so good. However, they create lots of conducted EMI and made our X10 controls a lot less reliable :-(

Ok, then maybe we'll let Al do that. Since he said that he took the initiative to create the Internet he should be able to sketch some good PID settings onto the back of an envelope.

Regards, Joerg

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That's not from Global warming, its from all their hours under studio lights as they make those stupid movies! :(

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I\'ve got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
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Michael A. Terrell

It was Mother Earth desperately trying to forestall the infestation of neonazis.

Thanks, Rich

For more information, please feel free to visit http://www.godchannel.com
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Rich the Philosophizer

Nah. It's the Alzheimer's medication.

Cheers! Rich

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Richard The Dreaded Libertaria

Korean War started in 1953?

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Richard Henry

We should take Al Gore and Dubya, paint their faces half-black and half-white, put them in a spaceship, and send them to the sun where they can argue for all of eternity as to who gets to set the thermostat.

Cheers! Rich

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Rich Grise, Plainclothes Hippi

Well, that's what they say about pets - if you want to train them, you have to start while they're young.

Cheers! Rich

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Rich Grise, Plainclothes Hippi

The color is a bit bluer than with normal bulbs. After a few hours, I find I get used to it. The visual system recalibrates to what light there is fairly quickly. I wouldn't use them for judging colors of paint because of the holes in the spectrum however.


You haven't been watching the news. Heres a report on some flaming penguins:

formatting link

The germans have many of them:

formatting link

So don't try to tell me there aren't any flaming penguins.

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No wonder that they are endangered.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I\'ve got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
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Michael A. Terrell

They look sickly green to me.

Hmm. I've been painting the house preparing to put it on the market. Maybe... ;-)

I sit corrected! Is that what AlGore means? Has he been peeping penguins?

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That is very strange. The very early ones were way too blue. This was partly because the phosphor that makes blue is brigher than the others. Until they go the mix right, people looked grey or pale.

The ones they sell today come in different tones. You can get some that are obviously pinkish in color. They say that this light makes people look better. It doesn't look this way to me.

What color are you painting it?

A slightly funny story from when I was last house shopping:

We were being taken around by our agent. We walked into a house where the seller's agent was having an open house. The living room had panelling on the one wall. I heard the seller's agent say to our agent that she had tried to talk the seller into painting the panelling. She is supposed to be an expert in such stuff and yet here she was suggesting something that would have set the alarm bells in my head ringing. I would have assumed that the paneling was hiding something and was water stained if it had been painted over.


... not that there's anything wrong with that.

As far as I know, Al Gore has never actually said there were any flaming penguins. I guess it is a good thing that he invented the internet because with it I can check what he has said.

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They still make things look sickly, to me.

I was kidding. Most of the house is a very light grey. A couple of rooms are a cream color.

That's always a trade-off. People like light/neutral colors. Dark/saturated colors vary from one person to another. The idea is to offend noone. Paneling often makes rooms look dark and small.

They deserve some privacy when they're flaming.

I bet he didn't think of that before he did it. Politicians don't like people to remember what they've said. ;-)

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On Jun 12, 6:31 am, krw wrote: [.... CFLs ....]

I sure don't se it but oh well each to their own I guess.


So basically you are painting it the color of old dirty paint. ;) This is more proof that you are a silly person.

[... painting paneling ...]

It wouldn't have offended me. It would have worried me. If you want a light color, remove the paneling. If you have paneling it is silly to paint it.


Like most people they like to edit their story. In of Al Gore, however, you won't find an actual quote where he claims to have invented the internet.

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Well, sorta. Bright white looks a little sterile on the walls. I kinda like the light gray (it's called "Marilyn's Dress" ;-).

I agree with you. I'm not much one for painted brick either.

Invented, no. He implied that he was responsible for it. His father had a better claim.

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