happy New Year!

It's astonishing how good things are for the average citizen of a developed country. We have food, transport, medical care, entertainment, information, and physical comfort beyond anything the kings and queens of the past ever experienced.

A car, even a cheap car, is an amazing thing. We move at 75 MPH, in comfort in most any weather, day or night, with the radio playing whatever we like.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
picosecond timing   precision measurement  

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com 
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John Larkin
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A car probably isn't the most noteworthy luxury. Reliable food, the whole y ear round, trumps that. Until recently most adults had "starvation lines" o n their teeth, from winters when they hadn't had enough food.

The only friend of mine who had that got it from a winter in a refugee camp in Wales, en route from Czechoslovakia - which he walked out of, with his parents in 1948 when he was eight - to Australia, where he got his Ph.D. in Chemistry in the same lab that I did. Interesting guy - now dead of stomac h cancer, to everybody's considerable surprise, since his risk-taking natur e had made it seem unlikely that he'd die in his own bed.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

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