Global Warming and thermometers

In a couple of decades or so it will become perfectly clear that the climatologists *were* telling the truth and paranoid lying dittoheads were spreading deliberate disinformation. Think of that next time Florida Keys, New Orleans or New York next suffer horrendous flooding from a storm surges combined with accelerating rising sea levels.

The reason you only find contrary research in paranoid rightwing rags is that none of it would pass basic peer review for the science!

AGW research will eventually prove more or less correct and the lying rabid right wing dittoheads will be shown for exactly what they are.

Cold fusion was a genuine mistake by two reputable electrochemists who rushed into print with what turned out to be dodgy calorimetry. For a while at least it looked like it might be genuine and the setup so trivial that you could not buy Pd or heavy water for months afterwards!

Unfortunately the only cold fusion that actually works is the muon catalysed version (first catch your muon). It was this work that "forced" Pons & Fleischmann into premature publication.

LENR & eCat are more walks like a duck quacks like a duck conmen. When he demonstrates something that actually works in front of independent scientific researchers instead of lame sycophants and cronies I will take it seriously. Until then it is just more expensive snake oil.

Martin Brown
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Martin Brown
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Do you have something against Abbey Light Railways? Or Automated Lip Reading?

DDT was an incredibly double edged sword right from the outset.

It had been synthesised many decades before Muller spotted its potency as an insecticide. In WWII the secrecy surrounding its manufacture convinced Nazi intelligence that the allies also had also discovered nerve agents. This made them think twice about loading their V weapons with anything other than HE. They had Sarin and Tabun in quantity.

DDT is incredibly well tolerated in mammals but extremely bad for fish, birds and their eggs particularly the top predators like raptors. It was a good insecticide that was relatively safe to humans and as a result massively and irresponsibly overused worldwide.

The benefits of killing malaria and typhus vectors was ultimately squandered by overuse and population selection by the time a ban was imposed. The buildup of DDT in the environment and storage in fatty tissue means that humans from a particular heavily exposed era are technically on a ppb w/w basis "not fit for human consumption" (using modern ultratrace analytical techniques it is easily detected)

Martin Brown
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Martin Brown

e climate >wars. The Arctic ice cap grew by 920,000 square miles since last year. That's a >60% increase in just one year. So, with this development, can we say that Earth >is undergoing a period of global cooling? It's iron ic."

it's pretty hard to lie about almost a million square miles. Of ocurse they didn't mention the thickness of the ice.......

Hi Mike, I know nothing I say will convince you. But cold fusion is bunk. Unfortunately there are still people trying to make it fly.

We received a letter the other day from someone trying to put cold fusion (now called "condensed matter nuclear science") into the physics teaching l abs. There was a long 23 page letter. But I was hard pressed to find any physics in it. It was all "huff and puff". "We are working with X and Y universities, we have Z number of peer reviewe d papers, and W number of patents..." I don't know how he went on for 23 p ages without saying anything. If there had been one nice graph that showed some effect, and that students could reproduce... Well physics lab 'guys' would be all over it. New science is fun, lotsa people would like to do it . (I'd like to do it.) But I'm not going to waste my time on cold fusion. There's just nothing there.

George H.

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George Herold

New Orleans flooded because two artificial structures - the Industrial Canal and the 17th St canal- were built and improperly maintained. Hurricanes have happened for millions of years. NY was damaged for similar reasons, improper preparation for the kind of storms that have happened forever.

The deadliest hurricane in US history was the Galveston storm of 1900. The great east coast storm was in 1938.

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Stop blaming AGW for storms. And stop blaming 20 feet of flooding on an inch or so sea level rise.


John Larkin                  Highland Technology Inc   jlarkin at highlandtechnology dot com    

Precision electronic instrumentation 
Picosecond-resolution Digital Delay and Pulse generators 
Custom timing and laser controllers 
Photonics and fiberoptic TTL data links 
VME  analog, thermocouple, LVDT, synchro, tachometer 
Multichannel arbitrary waveform generators
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John Larkin




But anthropogenic global warming is apparently making "extreme weather" mor e frequent. Higher global temperatures means more water vapour in the air, which means more stored latent energy of vapourisation to drive hurricanes and the like. It's a statistically significant effect.

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nch > or so sea level rise.

AGW is making more extreme storms more likely. Martin Brown didn't blame th e current flooding event on sea level rise, but was pointing out that futur e sea level rise is likely to make it worse.

We don't really know how the Greenland ice cap is going to behave as the cl imate gets warmer. It's easy enough to predict how long it would take to me lt if it stayed stuck on top of Greenland, but the Laurentian ice cap on to p of Northern Canada didn't melt in place at the end of the last ice age, b ut slid off into the Atlantic, dumping boulders - erratics and drop-stones

- on the bottom of the Atlantic ocean a long way south of the then ice cap.

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Life could get interesting if that happened to the Greenland ice cap. Some blame the Younger Dryas on that kind if large-scale ice movement. Somebody made a film about an imagined modern re-run of the Younger Dryas recently . ..

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman


Except, like AGW, there was no science behind it and people die.



More BS.

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DDT value was determined by systematic observation - which is scientific - so we have just been reminded = once again, that krw is the sort of nitwit who gives ignorance a bad name.

True, but interesting none-the-less.

It's certainly not BS - in fact it is a pretty good precis of Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring", which was the very antithesis of BS.

Granting krw's well-known ignorance and stupidity, it may well be BS to him. Better-informed readers - 99.9% of the population - will recognise it as a brief, accurate and focused exposition.

Krw is diligent in characterising himself as ill-informed character with very limited intellectual powers. I - for one - would be happier if he were less diligent.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

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