Do You Need to Be a Genius in Electronics?

X-acto knife.


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John Larkin
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Ever seen APL?

Dirk - Transcendence UK - A UK political party - Occult Talk Show
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Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

Touche' ;-)

Cheers! Rich

Reply to
Rich Grise

All my best stuff is done on B-size vellum in 2H pencil. And I do all the math.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
ElectroOptical Innovations
55 Orchard Rd
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
hobbs at electrooptical dot net
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Phil Hobbs

Once you got the decals stuck on the keys, it wasn't so bad. :-)

Best language ever for complex number matrix manipulations!

Virg Wall, P.E.
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Naaaaw. What trashed the British electronic industry is that they couldn't figure out how to make them leak oil.



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RST Engineering

My first job out of the USAF was an "engineering tech." I loved the job, because there was some design involved. I told them I was a tech and fresh out of the service, and the personnel guy said, "bring in your 214," and that was about all it took. One day, the boss - a great boss BTW, quit, and the replacement was like the fourth stooge. One of my tasks was to spec. and order a transformer that had two secondaries, never used simultaneously; in fact here was a DPDT switch to select which secondary to use for one of the two secondaries, depending on which function the box was performing. So I spec'd a tranny to send out to the tranny guy, for just enough VA to run the larger secondary. Tom, the fourth stooge, overrode me, and added the two VA requirements, even though I tried patiently to explain it to him, but he ordered the big one. This was an ECO retrofit; when the tranny came in, it wouldn't even fit in the box!

Eventually, I managed to get myself fired, and soon after that (I skated on unemployment for awhile), I got an even better job!

This was in the mid-to-late 1970's.

Cheers! Rich

Reply to
Rich Grise

I use Dremel to do this sort of things from time to time. Using 2-3mm drill or endmil(if available) you can create relatively simple PCB like the one in your picture. You need to hold the Dremel just like you hold a pencil, and you just keep cutting as you draw the pattern on the copper. Needs high rotating speed and some practice, but once you get the feel you can create your circuit very quickly.

If I know that I need more than just one prototype I use QuickCircuit prototyping machine, though.


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Atsunori Tamagawa

"Sign saying: "Cashier does not know how to open safe" I'd add "Or speak English, or subtract" "

Larry The Cable Guy.

"Electricity is of two kinds, positive and negative. The difference
is, I presume, that one comes a little more expensive, but is more
durable; the other is a cheaper thing, but the moths get into it."
                                             (Stephen Leacock)
Reply to
Fred Abse

ISTR a Marx Brothers movie where Harpo hid inside it.

"Electricity is of two kinds, positive and negative. The difference
is, I presume, that one comes a little more expensive, but is more
durable; the other is a cheaper thing, but the moths get into it."
                                             (Stephen Leacock)
Reply to
Fred Abse

Barack Obama?

-- "Electricity is of two kinds, positive and negative. The difference is, I presume, that one comes a little more expensive, but is more durable; the other is a cheaper thing, but the moths get into it." (Stephen Leacock)

Reply to
Fred Abse


The trick about using either an x-acto or a dremel is that after you hack the cutouts, rub it hard under running water with a Scotchbrite pad. That polishes away burrs and shorts and cleans the copper for soldering.

We had one of those milling things but got rid of it. Too much trouble. If copper hacking is not adequate, I just lay out a real pc board.

These Bellin things are great:

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Reply to
John Larkin

Do you think he enjoys it? He seems awfully glum and restrained to me.

He is certainly bungling most everything he tries. W was a much warmer and cheerful person. I think that leftists tend to be gloomy, angry, and neurotic. That's why they are leftists.


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John Larkin

formatting link

And some polls have Sarah within 1% of Obama on popularity. Go girl!


Reply to
John Larkin

Yes, and like C++, it too is a write-only language. ;-)

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If for not other reason than to dive the lefties off the edge.

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Yes, my problem is more on the order of how to choose? I see so many=20 teachers, instructors, and even college professors that enjoy the=20 endeavor that they have chosen but are no good at it. I also know a=20 smattering of working engineers who have this problem.

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I am somewhat similar, but the theory and the math up to (but not always=20 including) La Place doesn't bother me much. Not too good on the=20 semiconductor physics. I would like to be better at RF as well. So much= =20 i want to know, so little time. And that is just EE.

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Ooooh. What does it mean when you get orange smoke instead?

Sorry about the blank.

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