8051 disassembler for Linux?

Hello out there,

can anyone recommend a working disassembler for 8051 mcus that will work properly under Linux (without Wine or any other emulation)? I did only find dis51 sofar and it does not work for my files. It disassembles everything into DB statements, which is, well, useless. I'd consider anything that will take an Intel HEX or Motorola SREC2 file as input and will do readable disassembly with addresses and perhaps label names.

thanks in advance, Matthias

Matthias Arndt  
PGP-Key: http://www.asmsoftware.de/marndt.pgp   ICQ: 40358321
 >>> Jabber: simonsunnyboy@jabber.ccc.de
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Matthias Arndt
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I wouldn't say that a program that converts binary files into db statements is a disassembler. more like a data dumper.

Are you sure you don't need an argument file of some sort to specify program and data sections or something like that? Or a start address?

A decent disassembler should be able to trace out valid code bytes in the binary by following jumps/branches and perhaps even jump tables.

It sounds like that program is considering your program as all data space.

A simple Google search for: Intel 8051 disassembler came up with many hits, some with C-source. Like this one:

formatting link

on further analysis, that link ended up at:

formatting link

Which should have been about the first place you looked.


Reply to
Rufus V. Smith

According to its sourcecode, it is a full disassembler.

It didn't offer much command line options but yes, it really seemed to threat all my HEX files as data. However I could'n manage to convince it to take it as code. Althoguh it even said: CSEG AT 100h. Well, never mind!

For sure, that is exactly what I was looking for when searching for a disassembler.

Exactly what I was looking for. Seems I missed that out when looking for it via Google. I knew about 8052.com for long but seems I forgot to look there for specific stuff. This disassembler and gui works pretty good for me!

Thanks for your fast and useful help, next time I hopefully will not forget about 8052.com ;)

cheers, Matthias

Matthias Arndt  
PGP-Key: http://www.asmsoftware.de/marndt.pgp   ICQ: 40358321
 >>> Jabber: simonsunnyboy@jabber.ccc.de
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Matthias Arndt

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