Re: DMA losing sync on ST ARM processor

I'm using an STM32F103VB, and one of the things that I'm doing is doing

> a set of ADC reads which are then being transferred via DMA to a buffer. > > For some reason, when I'm debugging the DMA transfer gets scrambled: > channel 0 ends up where channel 1 is supposed to go, channel 1 where > channel 2 should be, on up the line until finally the last channel gets > written to channel 0. > > I have the code set up for the ADC to run in "scan" mode, with the DMA > (theoretically!) sucking the data off and putting it into memory. > > Furthermore, I have the ADC ISR set up so that on an end of conversion > interrupt (which is only supposed to happen at the end of the scan in > scan mode) the DMA engine gets reinitialized to point to the base of the > memory array it's supposed to write to. > > Does anyone have any obvious clue to what I'm doing wrong? Does ST have > any good bits of sample code that I've missed? > > Thanks in advance.

Whoops -- I meant to cross-post this to sed, 'cause there may be folks over there with useful information, too.

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Tim Wescott, Communications, Control, Circuits & Software
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Tim Wescott
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a suggestion from a quick google

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That's way too simple -- my problem isn't getting the right numbers out of the ADC. My problem is getting the right numbers out of the ADC, at the right times, and into the right spots in memory fast.

The _only_ way that I can see to do multiple consecutive ADC conversions with that part is to use the ADC scan mode and DMA -- so I pretty much must get it working.

It is very frustrating to halt the processor, restart, and see all the right numbers in all the wrong places. Scary, too, considering that I'm controlling enough power to make things awfully toasty if I screw it up.

My liberal friends think I'm a conservative kook.
My conservative friends think I'm a liberal kook.
Why am I not happy that they have found common ground?

Tim Wescott, Communications, Control, Circuits & Software
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Tim Wescott


should have mentioned I was looking at the post by "tony" two thirds down the page, look like scan of two channels with dma


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I think the STM32 debug hardware has the option to stop the timer clocks when debugging. If you don't do that, perhaps your timer is triggering an ADC cycle while in the debug mode.

Mark Borgerson

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Mark Borgerson













generally when you are working on stuff that controls with motors and power stopping the cpu is not an option. You have to use some type of realtime debugger to look at variables and such

used to be that you had to make your own with uart or something like that, but now most also have to the option to do it over the jtag or what ever debug interface is used


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The manual for the STM32F2xx mentions that the option to keep the timer clocks running when the CPU is halted for debugging is useful when using the timers to generate PWM for motor control.

Mark Borgerson

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Mark Borgerson


depends on how intelligent the timer is of course, but imagine a robot controlled by that motor, stop the cpu at the wrong time at it might just keep going until it hits something HARD


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That kind of problem is always present when controlling motors and other mechanical systems. Real-Time debugging is difficult even with the best of hardware. That's one reason I've never been particularly interested in writing code for computer-controlled sawmills!

When I was working on autonomous aerial vehicle code, there were two kinds of debugging----offline PC sims to debug algorithms, and the "record everything and analyze after the crash" for the hardware- associated problems. (The 'crash' was usually not a computer reset type crash. It was an "I was flying and now I'm not" type of crash.)

Mark Borgerson

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Mark Borgerson


It looks like he's doing what I'm trying; maybe he didn't debug.

At any rate, I found a horrible kludge that seems to work. At the end of the ISR, I reset the DMA controller leaving room for the ADC channels _plus one_. I'm sure that when I die and I'm trying to convince St. Peter that I belong up instead of down, that this kludge will be raised as a topic of conversation:

DMA.CHAN_1.CCR.bits.EN = 0; // disable DMA DMA.CHAN_1.CMAR = raw_adc_readings; // set address DMA.CHAN_1.CNDTR.bits.NDT = ADC_CHANNELS + 1; // Number of ADC channels + kludge DMA.IFCR.bits.TCF1 = 1; // Clear the transfer complete interrupt DMA.CHAN_1.CCR.bits.EN = 1; // enable DMA

ADC1.SR.bits.EOC = 0; // clear interrupt

My liberal friends think I'm a conservative kook.
My conservative friends think I'm a liberal kook.
Why am I not happy that they have found common ground?

Tim Wescott, Communications, Control, Circuits & Software
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Tim Wescott



so it is only when you debug? what are you using for debug?


I've seen worse but, are you setting the dma up for circular mode? if you do that and have the plus one aren't you pretty sure it will go wrong if you are ever late with the interrupt?

guess you could put a magic number at that extra location and if it ever gets overwritten panic or what ever makes most sense :P


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JTAG, OpenOCD and gdb for debugging.

The DMA is _not_ in circular mode.

I may monitor the extra location -- but I suspect that I'll just find out that it stays zero until after I halt and restart.

Tim Wescott
Control system and signal processing consulting
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Tim Wescott








did you have that before?

it should tell you something about whether it is the dma or the adc that gets confused


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