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...Jim Thompson

-- | James E.Thompson | mens | | Analog Innovations | et | | Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus | | STV, Queen Creek, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | | | Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat | | E-mail Icon at

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Thinking outside the box... producing elegant solutions.

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Jim Thompson
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Reply to
John Robertson

Seems coherent to me. T has forced a public alliance of the left with Putin as apologists for gassing children to death. That's not a good public position for them to be in.

The lefty press keeps explaining the missile strike as an irrational and incoherent burst of passion. It wasn't.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
picosecond timing   precision measurement  

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com 
Reply to
John Larkin

It's complete nonsense, nobody has "forced" anything in this fallacy-of-the-excluded-middle situation.

The only time the Right seems to give a single damn about "think of the children!" when those children are in the Middle East is when it's a pretext to throw bombs at someone.

Are you saying it's a coldly calculated act designed to discredit his "enemies" at home, then? That does seem to be what you're saying.

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Trump definitely deserved an Academy Award nomination at least for those crocodile tears he shed over gassed children. What a hoot.

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So, what's your position on killing children with nerve gas?


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
picosecond timing   precision measurement  

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com 
Reply to
John Larkin

Mine is the same as killing them with

- high explosives in too many locations to think about,

- napalm e.g. Phan Thi Kim Phuc / Trang Bang,

- IEDs e.g. Johnathan Ball, Tim Parry / Warrington

Or American citizens paying for a bomb that was 3 yards from my mother, but which didn't get much attention because the Houses of Parliament were bombed on the same day.

People should be knocked off their high horses.

Reply to
Tom Gardner

OK, you don't mind so much.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
picosecond timing   precision measurement  

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com 
Reply to
John Larkin

No, his point is it is abhorrent to kill anyone, children or adults. Gas is certainly one of the worst war crimes.

How is Trump's new position good when everyone on the right was supporting his previous position (against bombing or getting involved) during the election campaign?

Are you such mind puppets of Trump that as soon as he says something it now becomes your idea and thus it is good?


Reply to
John Robertson

An alliance is a voluntary association - you can't be forced into one. I somehow doubt that John Larkin can actually find a left-wing political figure who will defend Assad's right to use gas on civilians (or anybody else).

How would John Larkin know that?

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Reply to

Smart people sometimes change their minds. Like, when kids are gassed.

When he does something good, I approve.

The mainstream media (NYT, CNN, Time, all the rest) trash him for everything that he does. That's really stupid.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 

lunatic fringe electronics
Reply to
John Larkin

Why do you always answer twice, often answering yourself. You can't make sense with one post, two aren't going to help.

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Trump doesn't give the impression that he holds actual beliefs about anything. The only things he "believes" in are the things which are judged to be expedient in furthering the execution of his primary algorithm: fuel his grandiosity and punish enemies.

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All right, we know he has fun playing with toys. It would be unfortunate if the only reason for this was the statement made by a previous administration........the meaning or reason for which the current administration is (likely) ignorant.

Local hospitals ran out of atropine and pralidoxime antidotes almost immediately. A US infantryman in the field is issued with a one-shot dose. Perhaps providing the same to affected health care providers could be considered a more constructive measure?


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Trump may be smart, but he changes his mind very frequently. This isn't a f eature that plays well in somebody who is supposed to be statesman.

When he does something John Larkin thinks is good, John Larkin approves. As an arbiter, John Larkin isn't highly ranked. The main stream media is bett er informed, not to mention most parking meters.

They don't trash him for everything he does - just the stupid things he doe s, which do happen to be numerous. Ill-informed smart people do have a habi t of doing stupid things - which do look stupid to the better-informed. Nob ody would call John Larkin "well-informed". He just about makes it to "opin ionated".

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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That interpretation is simply perverse.

But I'm sure you are aware of that given that you snipped the two paragraphs that made it clear.

Reply to
Tom Gardner


somehow doubt that John Larkin can actually find a left-wing political figu re who will defend Assad's right to use gas on civilians (or anybody else).

All the evidence is pointing to the sarin as belonging to the rebels. It wa s released when Assad's AF bombed a warehouse where it was hidden. This was sarin stolen from Libya and smuggled into Syria under the direction of Hil lary Clinton in conspiracy with the CIA. It's also connected to the Benghaz i attack which was a retaliation for stealing and smuggling all sorts of ar ms into Syria from Libya. Trump accomplished nothing and flushed $100M down the drain with that so-called missile attack. The idiots didn't even effec tively shut down a runway, the same airbase was used to launch new airstrik es 12 hours later. The U.S. of course lies about the damage done, all they know how to do is lie.

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Providing effective humanitarian aid doesn't make exciting television footage of cruise missiles being launched for the pack of slobby chickenhawk never-served Internet tough guys on the Right to whack off to.

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I somehow doubt that John Larkin can actually find a left-wing political fi gure who will defend Assad's right to use gas on civilians (or anybody else ).

What evidence? The story is sort of plausible, but not as plausible as Assa d dropping some of his own stocks.

That is an explanation, but not a particularly convincing one. The rebels d on't have the gear to deliver sarin effectively, so why would they hang ont o stocks of it? It's nasty stuff to have around if you are being bombarded on a regular basis.

ion of Hillary Clinton in conspiracy with the CIA.

Great conspiracy theory, at about the Alex Jones level. Why would the CIA w ant to smuggle sarin into Syria? Assad had enough of his own chemical warfa re agents already there, most of which got cleaned out in 2014 under UN sup ervision.

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ealing and smuggling all sorts of arms into Syria from Libya.

In the great conspiracy theory fantasy world. Real world connections may be harder to demonstrate.

alled missile attack. The idiots didn't even effectively shut down a runway , the same airbase was used to launch new airstrikes 12 hours later. The U. S. of course lies about the damage done, all they know how to do is lie.

It's kind of difficult to shut down a runway. You can make holes in it, but they can be filled up remarkably quickly, as people have been demonstratin g ever since bulldozers were developed.

Trump didn't do anything all that constructive with his attack, except gene rate a lot of publicity, which seems to be what he's most interested in.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Reply to

With enough precision ordinance you could probably crater a runway deeply and badly enough that it would make more sense to just build a new one than try to patch up the old well enough for fast jets to take off from. Put the airfield out of action for at least a month or two.

They didn't seem to feel putting it out for even a day was worth the trouble.

One of the first rules of "asymmetric warfare" is not to leave anything that's not easily replaceable sitting around in the open.

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