How can i convert char* / string to sc_lv<16> ?


i am beginner in SystemC and have to programm a lawa simulation. My Problem is, i have to read the commands from a file in the following form :

8 * 16 Bits:

1111111111111111 0000000000000000 ...1111111111111111 .. ..

I read the bits in string, copy this in char*, then convert in sc_lv .But it's not what i read..

how can i convert it ?

I have this code:

void readCmd(){ sc_lv cmd; string str[8]; // the line string s[10]; // Count of Commands on a line size_t found; size_t pos ; int i, j; char z[170]; // Char on a line.. char tmp[16]; int waittime ; string st ; ifstream infile; ("test.txt", ifstream::in); infile.seekg(0, ifstream::beg) ; i = 0 ; pos = 0 ; if (infile.good()) while (!infile.eof()) { infile.getline(z, 170); // read a line str[i] += z ; found=str[i].find_first_of(" "); j = 0 ; waittime=1; while (found!=string::npos) { s[j] = str[i].substr(pos, found-pos); // save the 16 Bits in s[j] pos = found+1 ; s[j].copy(tmp, 16,0); // copy here the 16 Bits in tmp st = s[j].substr(0,4); // need for the waittime if (!"0101") || !"0110") || !"1100") || !"1011") || !"0100")) waittime = 3; else waittime = 2; cmd = tmp ; // char to sc_lv !!!! then here CMD[j].write(cmd); // and here : e.g.

000000000000000XZXZ j++; found = str[i].find_first_of(" ",found+1); } //wait(waittime); i++; } infile.close(); }

---------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT:

s[j]1111111111111111 tmp1111111111111111?? cmd0000000000010XXX CMD[J]0000000000010XXX

Best Regards, Taner

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