220V in a 110V power strip

Certainly not some pipsqueak scat fetishist.

That I make the occasional tupo? Is that supposed to be a revelation to anyone? Does anyone care, other than one asshole pedant, who's constantly trying to show how smart he is? You really are a moron.

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Reply to
John Fields

Then why are you preening like you are?

You're a liar.

You're always wrong, but we knew that.

No, when the one is an stupid asshole, I say so. ...and you're right at the top (bottom) of that heap.

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Something its increasingly obvious about which you just don't care.

Reply to
Ian Field

I wasn't aware that I was, but then I'll concede the point to you
since I'm sure you know much more about preening scat fetishists than
I do.
Reply to
John Fields

As far as concessions go, prove me wrong and I'll gladly own up to
being indebted for having the weight of error taken off my shoulders.

As for my "image", I don't try to hide what I am or am not, and people
are free to make their own judgments, so sullying my image isn't
something I'm concerned about.

Plus, I've been around here for a long time and I only draw flak from
a few of you, so I'm mostly surrounded by friendlies.
Reply to
John Fields

Perhaps because I don't have to look in the mirror to see one. You're in my face. (ick)

Easy. You do it for me.

You really should take your own advice some day.

Again, you lie.

You were and are wrong. ...and a pedantic fool, but everyone knows that, too.

top >(bottom) of that heap.

I did judge you. You're a stupid asshole. Proof.

Again the racist remarks. When you're forced to hold your tongue on scat and gay topics, the racist in you comes out. Amazing.

Reply to

Wishful thinking, I'd say. 

The face part, that is.
Reply to
John Fields

You really do think a lot of yourself.

You only wish you could get in my asshole, perv.

Doesn't require it, moron.

The fundamental flaw in your reasoning is that you are.

Wrong, again.

top >(bottom) of that heap.

All you see is racist, ergo...

You said it.

You speak of reality?

Reply to

You finally figured it out, huh?
Reply to
John Fields

It's undeserved.

You're a liar. All you think about is scat and male body parts.

You're certainly *not* my type.

Reply to

the top >(bottom) of that heap.

You're racist.

>>>When you're forced to hold your tongue on scat and
>>>gay topics, the racist in you comes out.  Amazing. 
>You said it.  
>>The power you think you wield is formidable, but in reality is
>You speak of reality?
Reply to
John Fields



the top >(bottom) of that heap.

Yes, you are. That's the whole point.

You may speak of it, but you sure don't live it. Alzheimer's has already set in, you've already replied to the post.

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You're keeping JF from his regular job; standing on a street corner shouting at the traffic.

Reply to
Ian Field

I fail to see how my: "Sounds to me like you're a little closer to
pointy hats and swastikas than you let on..." makes _me_ a racist.
Reply to
John Fields

It, and scat, are all you think about. Of course the racist, or perv, would never admit it.

You can't even read what *you* write.

Are you drunk?

Now you sound precisely like Slowman. Your style is quite similar; tedious and pompous.

You're dancing by yourself, perv.

Reply to

Are you a racist or perv?
Reply to
John Fields

More evidence that your're illiterate.


Obviously you don't know how stupid you really are.

Statements of fact.

I'm not leading. Just trying to see how long you'll continue to post with zero content. Your turn.

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--- You're not really very good at this, are you?

Looking at your posting history, you do a lot of name-calling, subject shifting, and dancing about in order to create confusion, but when it comes time to take a stand and make your position logically solid you always find yourself in a quagmire and grasp at whatever straws are around in order to extricate yourself.

You seem to be from Carl von Clausewitz's "The best defense is a good offense" school, but since your offense is always invective it's just offensive and carries little weight.

You would probably have made a better politician than a techie, but your general lack of wit would have made spin control more difficult with your foot always in your mouth.

-- JF

Reply to
John Fields

Compared to you, the master of zero content posts, no, I'm not.

You really should look in a mirror, Mr. Pedant.

You really *need* to look in a mirror, Mr. Pedant.

Of course, this just shows how incredibly stupid you are. You're just mad because I've pointed out that you're an empty shirt, as an engineer.

I still wonder how long you can keep up the content-free posts. I should have been counting.

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